Attached: received_1853005918052085.jpg (720x1296, 110K)

Didn't know there were autists in Lithuania


Attached: ORKE4794.jpg (800x533, 121K)

These aren't skyderasts.
You mixed up the autists with regular people.

why the hell does my flag have to be next to this display of rampant autism?!?

Attached: 1493172853662.jpg (1092x816, 52K)

autism in human form
altho I'm not sure you can call Sup Forumsacks humans

This was thrown in the same gallery in the delfi website, so I found the Israeli flag curious.

>israel flag

those are completely normal people and the guy wearing israel flag is very well known anyway, he's just a funny troll and completely harmless
he's actually quite a reasonable guy imo, there were way worse jews in there lol

>there are actual grown men above the age of 30 who unironically browse Sup Forums

Lipshitz, right?

Anyway, was this the same rally with the slogan "Lithuania for Lithuanians?

Yeah that's him, he's quite active on social media I think but I don't think he ever complains about anything, he's just there to represent Jewish youth
>was this the same rally with the slogan "Lithuania for Lithuanians?

Attached: 29136224_1549207855176569_1894475456829194240_o.jpg (2048x1365, 230K)

lietuva lietuviams

Attached: lithuanian nationalist rally.webm (963x720, 2.91M)

Anglija irgi :))))

Gerai kad lietuviai nepasiduoda globalistinem propagandom ir dar turi tautiskumo jausma ne taip kaip vokieciai ar svedai

>it's an "emmigrant rat talks about patriotism" episode
oh boy, I sure do love re-runs

Parsidavėlis, iš vis tylėk.

As lietuvoj tik tele2 bokstai ar kazkoks s svedijoj

>nepasiduoda globalistinem propagandom

tai kaip pavadintum tą kekistano vėliavą?

ta kekistano veliava yra cringe apie ja nekalbam

A, soriukas tada.
Man irgi su Tele2 taip buvę.

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