Why are Asians such fucking atrociously bad drivers?

Why are Asians such fucking atrociously bad drivers?
See I can understand the excuse for Vietnamese or Chinese since they've gone from riding bikes to driving cars in a single generation and their countries don't have a developed driving culture (same with Eastern Europe/Russia) but what fucking excuse is there for Koreans and Japanese who have had cars and massive car industries and car cultures for decades?

Attached: lings-300x210.jpg (300x210, 20K)

They have shit peripheral and think that's just a myth because they have never seen properly.

I am Asian and been driving for 12 years, perfect record

You answered your own question. The ones that grew up with cars aren't the stereotypical bad drivers.

Asian-Americans have lower accident rates than all the other races. It's just a stereotype, at least in America. Maybe it's different in Australia since you're being flooded with FOBs

I'm an adopted korean-american and I fucking suck at driving, so maybe genetics?

If they're born in a western country they're completely fine

Honestly it's mostly just the Chinese, because they're so absorbed into themselves they never consider the possibility that they could fuckin die or kill someone

>Hurr durr ARR ROOK SAME

>perfect record
Having a perfect record doesn't necessarily mean you're a good driver. Asians are always extra caution and this makes it dangerous for drivers around them. You have no idea how many times i've seen an Asian merge onto the freeway at 20 mph or turn in my lane extra slow to the point that i have to slam my breaks, i fucken hate this.

Asians are the best drivers

Attached: asians best drivers.png (738x786, 148K)

you literally do all look the same, gooko

There's no point in trying to break stereotypes. Even when the actual statistics are on your side, they'll just make up some random anecdotal evidence to prove their point.

no, i am a good driver i just don't want to say it

>except it

since when does Australia have a large Japanese diaspora

fair enough, just like how you Amerimutts look the same to everyone

this map is bullshit, there's a reason why insurance is higher in cities with higher asian demographics.

Attached: close.jpg (480x360, 20K)

It's Sunday afternoon over there. Bruce is shitposting and having a hangover at the same time.

Poor eyesight and lots of them get their licenses overseas where requirements are less stringent

we're literally the best drivers, you retarded bogan scum kys right now

Attached: Traffic-Accidents-World-Map.png (1025x729, 150K)

t. Chang
t. Nguyen
ok, pongping.
whatever you say lingling
Hi Kobayashi

Europeans are the best drivers, of course


They can't see shit.