Do they really hate each other now?

Do they really hate each other now?

Attached: Flag-Pins-Russia-Great-Britain.jpg (400x320, 76K)

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I think that the British had been silenced.

anglos hate everyone

That's a weird way to draw the French flag...

everyone hates russia


>tfw my goverment ruins my chances of getting a russian wife

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We have hated each other for a long time, though this is the worst it's been since the cold war.


I don't think we ever liked each other.

have brits and russians ever been friendly?

>implying they are capable of being genuinely friendly to anyone

Attached: truth about the anglos.jpg (1000x553, 90K)

>>tfw my goverment ruins my chances of getting a russian wife
You should he thanking them. You dodged a gold digging bullet.

>have brits and russians ever been friendly?
WW1 and the Napoleonic wars???


The Russian government has never really been friendly to anyone, save for maybe China.

Do they? If true BASED RUSSIA

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only white people from western countries hate russia

and I'm saying it unironically

No. At best we've been allied in a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" way.

britbonger here
I hate what this country has become, i'm moving to Poccия asap

Good riddance

catch ya on the flip side
* kick flips your mum *

good choice

Attached: great britain.png (1192x1670, 1.34M)


Is there any country outside of former Soviet backwaters that "likes" Russia?
China only sort of tolerates with them in a makeshift anti-American bloc.

india, iran, vietnam, china etc. basically any country that isn't white

Why we hate Britan? Mmmm... Ah, I remembered - the Crimean War!

>leaving comfy life in the uk for russia
nigga wut

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He must be attracted to misery. Though if you ask I'm sure he'll say Russia is the "last bastion of white culture" or something equally daft.

It's just banter.

Attached: the death of stalin.webm (1280x688, 1.8M)

Pretty much anyone that isn't Portugal, Malta or Anzac is or has been our enemy so we don't like any of you.

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that's pretty badass
why Russians banned this movie?

russia is more diverse than britain will ever be you stupid twat

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Why were Russians offended by his portrayal when he's one of the only genuinely likeable people in the film?


Don't forget Estonia. We like Eesti.

I want a television series with him tbqh.

Pretty sure we have had almost no interaction with them so in a pinch a bong would just dismiss them as irreverent.

We will liberate all these oppressed peoples soon, Ivan. Karelia will be returned to Finland, Crimea to Ukraine, and all indigenous peoples of Eastern Russia will be given independence. This is the future Putlet has brought upon you.

what a shame, britain's allied with a white supremacist nation against multicultural russia

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>when he's one of the only genuinely likeable people in the film
the problem is that rest of characters are Russians as well and making one of them look "cool" doesn't makes it much better

It's just political satire and black comedy. The film being set during the Soviet era is almost irrelevant.


lmao u basically invented oppression and slave trade gtfo
it's always the biggest criminals who try to moralfag

piss off vlad

We must liberate the Jews from their oppression. Free the Jewish Autonomous Oblast

when will britain pay for its crimes against humanity

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lmao are you the arseblasted russian in germany? stop fucking posting this

i love watching videos of pakis beating and humiliating anglos

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oh you are

>Karelia will be returned to Finland
And Finland to Sweden
>Crimea to Ukraine
And Ukraine to Russia

imma post this every day because the world needs to learn the truth about britain, and theres nothing you can do about it

maybe, but 2bh we don't really like when someone is making fun of our history no matter how shit it was, same goes with pretty much all Slavs

actually, the world already knows the truth about britain

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Здapoвa, пeндocы

russians enslaving other russians is not the same as anglos enslaving poor innocent african children

It's political satire, it's making fun of certain silly situations and exaggerating them for comedic effect. If you've lived in an oppressive authoritative regime for decades I can see why people wouldn't be exposed to political satire and wouldn't get it.

go back to ukraine you retarded diaspora shit

Better yet, we will go to Crimea and drive out the Russian occupiers, and while we're at it liberate Donbass from Russian terrorists.

crimeans wanted to be part of russia
>For their part, Crimeans seem content with their annexation by Russia. Overwhelming majorities say the March 16th referendum was free and fair (91%) and that the government in Kyiv ought to recognize the results of the vote (88%).

i think we should rather free scotland, wales and ni from english occupation
(in case ur a scot you should kys traitor)

Great Game 2.0?

truth. very truth.

>we will go to Crimea
Not this shit again...

It never ended

>Napoleonic wars

UK and Russia wanted to control Europe for a long time. So they are rivals, especially in the 19th and early 20th century.