What happens in Australia outside the capital cities? Anything of note?

What happens in Australia outside the capital cities? Anything of note?

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Depends which state/territory
WA: Mining and abos
SA: Wine, some mining and weird Christians
VIC: Wine and meth
Tas: Logging and incest
NSW: Mining with a little bit of Islam
QLD: Mining and right-wing extremism
NT: Abos and Ularu
ACT: Nothing

not a lot and mediocre jobs but its pretty comfy living in a smallish city in Queensland

>weird Christians
Like Evangelical Christians?

what's the most interesting inland city in Australia?

Are inland cities /comfy/?

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I live in suburbia 1km away from the centre of town which has multiple night clubs, pubs and a pretty big shopping centre and i can get around by bike ok

ballarat seems comfy

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Don't listen to what others say, Canberra is actually really comfy

I live in a small town, mostly its just old people, miners or tradie cunts that wont turn up no matter how much you pay them
most young people move away

are you from wagga wagga?

that place has a nice name

Yeah,a added it to my "visit someday" list

okay, usually people say that it's underrated or boring

That seems really /comfy/. Are they all colonial buildings?

Do you want to move away, too? Do you think small town Australia will eventually die?


no I moved out here from sydney, I work from home and as more services can be provided over the internet more people will work from home and move out to towns like this
I bought a 100 year old federation home with 4 metre high ceilings and heritage shit all over the place, would have been a mansion when it was first build
in Sydney I couldn't even afford a one bedroom unit

it'll probably grow for a bit if anything cities are gentrified as fuck
then again we'll see after the housing bubble pops that'll throw everything about

Are there a lot of minorities in small town Australia?

there are some refugees but its like one family per town at most, some filipinos as well since a few old guys go buy their wives over there, but thats it

why south Belize is ten times better,whiter and cooler

I thought you guys didn't take refugees

we take a fuck load of refugees, the objection is taking people that were brought by people smugglers (like boat people), it costs lives and funds trafficking
something bleeding hearts in europe cant understand

>we take a fuck load of refugees,
Well, rip, I guess

Are refugees in Australia re-settled all over the country? Also, how come non-Whites don't move by themselves to small cities/towns?

brb moving to qld

yeah i live in a small city and theres tons of Sudanese. Actually they integrate way better like this, they've all been nice and i don't think ive ever heard of any crime.

Pretty much

Don't they leave eventually for bigger capital cities where there are more people of their community?

I mean kinda like how refugees that are re-settled in Eastern Europe tend to leave for Western Europe pretty soon after.

Why no one lives in Darwin

>This entire country has LAs population.
Truly sounds like heaven

what the fuck is act anyways

Australian Capital Territory

I bet a lot of them are Koreans.

SA's weird. Adelaide's got the title "City of Churches" maybe that attracts them there. I saw some Westboro baptist church tier signs and preaching in the middle of Rundle Mall when I visited recently. I don't remember SA being that way when I lived there.

Is South Australia like your Bible Belt?

I don't recall SA being the Aussie bible belt.


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Our annual refugee quota is 20k. Boat people are not allowed in, no exceptions. Our refugee intake is quite low, 47th out of 198. However, our refugee resettlement (that is, actually properly integrating them) is 2nd in the world.

>Also, how come non-Whites don't move by themselves to small cities/towns?
I guess most are economic migrants or very wealthy, often both. So capital cities are the place to be.

Where are the refugees from?
>However, our refugee resettlement (that is, actually properly integrating them) is 2nd in the world.
Could you expand more on this? I don't quite get what you mean

I thought Sydney Anglicans were the ultimate low-church "Evangelical" plebes.

>Could you expand more on this? I don't quite get what you mean
Basically: they're not just dumped on welfare, social housing, and placed in capital cities.

Humanitarian intake and refugee intake are different things, to be clear. It varies from year to year, but non-refugee humanitarian often comprises the majority of humanitarian intake.

Unless they're Africans, in which case that's exactly what happens.

It's a terrible climate. Humid and hot all the time. It's also mostly a military town, in fact the whole NT is pretty much sustained by the Military and everyone else is either employed by the government or education. Most families that I've met who moved to the NT did so because they were military families or were government employees. Very few people are born and bred in the NT. In fact there's a sizeable American presence too. Marines in Darwin and CIA/NSA in Alice Springs.

Not really, SA's the only place I've seen these kinds of people but it's not something that defines SA. Christianity isn't as massive a force in politics like it is in the US.

Nope, most Koreans here are Uniting Church (extremely liberal Presbyterians).

Do they even have one?

And the Uniting Church absorbed all the Methodists, too, which would cover most of the rest of the Koreans, I guess.

emus eat any human in sight

Don't most Lebanese for example live in either Melbourne or Sydney, though?
What's the difference between humanitarian and refugee intake?

Sounds like an interesting sight to see when traveling to Australia

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god no its one of the furthest left and also poshest state
there isn't really a bible belt the closest is probably Queensland but even here going to church or acting on it is a very noticeable minority

>Offshore resettlement
>The offshore resettlement component comprises two categories of permanent visas. These are:

>Refugee-for people who are subject to persecution in their home country, who are typically outside their home country, and are in need of resettlement. The majority of applicants who are considered under this category are identified and referred by UNHCR to Australia for resettlement. The Refugee category includes the Refugee, In-country Special Humanitarian, Emergency Rescue and Woman at Risk visa subclasses.

>Special Humanitarian Programme (SHP)-for people outside their home country who are subject to substantial discrimination amounting to gross violation of human rights in their home country, and immediate family of persons who have been granted protection in Australia. Applications for entry under the SHP must be supported by a proposer who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, or an organisation that is based in Australia.

Refugee intake is that portion of humanitarian intake which is compelled by treaty commitments. It includes onshore and offshore processing. Other methods of intake allow more flexibility and independence of judgement from the UNHCR.

I was wrong when I said "majority"; I should have said "substantial minority".

>furthest left
Not really. State Labour has a pretty firm grip on power, but unlike Federal Labour, they are overwhelmingly Labour Right. Aside from political party control, South Australia is also well-known for institutional conservatism, i.e., for a preference to keep systems and policies broadly in-tact. This is especially true in law reform and social values, and is also apparent in state and local government approaches to development.

Perhaps your perception has been warped by the accent and the fine wine.

That's pretty interesting, what kind of groups are sponsored by Australians to be brought to the country?

The ACT is the government and corporate headquarters of the nation. A bit more than nothing and funny roads.

t. malcolm turnbull

Our govt has recently said that our model of multiculturalism works the best in the world as far as integration but that it can't be taken for granted that this will always be the case, that care needs to be taken so that it doesn't fail like the system in Europe.

"Our system of getting lung cancer works the best in the world as far as palliative care."

I used to live in Goulburn. It was established as the main stop between Sydney and Canberra, being roughly smack bang in the middle. There isn't really a whole lot going on there but the region itself is actually quite pretty and the suburban aspect is a lot quieter than a few hours away on the coast.

It is a rather charming hub with tucked away rural townships a short drive away.
I just found out that the old abandoned orphanage burned down in 2016. That's kind of sad, it was a great old building on a hill which gave off that comfy dilated building atmosphere.

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>Don't most Lebanese for example live in either Melbourne or Sydney, though?
Most Lebs come from families which emigrated to Australia generations ago. The same for wogs in general, really.

What do Australians think of this article?


He doesn't live in Canberra, 後輩。

>religious cunts
The last thing this country needs is more middle east tribal nonsense. Abrahamic religionfags are cancer. I'd rather we let them die in their holy lands, to be honest. Irreligious refugees should be given priority.

huh? the lodge isn't in canberra?

Let me talk about a small town called Port Keats (currently called wadeye i believe). Now this is secondhand knowledge from my uncle who is a police officer in the NT and has done the rounds in many rural towns up there, but Port Keats is something special. First you need to understand that any rural area in the NT is basically an abo town, and of the full-blooded kind. These smaller communities still have a very strong family loyalty system which results in essentially the formation of several familial tribes occupying the same town. Now, as you imagine, if you pick on one member of the family, all the members will come after you. And as everyone is a part of a family, large family feuds often break out which basically involve mass fights between the two families. Abo families also tend to be rather large. Now, what make Port Keats so special in particular is that during the wet season the road leading into the town floods, which makes it only accessible by air. During this time, the locals tend to be a bit restless as they can't go out and do whatever they do in the bushland. It's at this time that ordinary family feuds can transform into full-blown riots. Such a riot happened at some point and my uncle (along with out NT police officers) were called in to help deal with a particularly bad riot. So they had to fly in as the road was closed, and try to deal with this riot. Anyway, things didn't go to plan and he and a few other police officers were caught in the middle of the riot and had to flee. At some point a spear was thrown through the car door (the metal part) that my uncle was sitting next to. They essentially had to high tail it back to the police station and barricade the entrance because of the mob. They had to break out the guns to eventually get the riots to stop. This isn't an uncommon occurrence at Port Keats.

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Rich lebos and greeks and chinks aren't so bad. It's things like ethnic clustering, not learning English, etc that need to be watched before we have more African youth gangs or Isis inspired fuck wits. Let's be honest even African refugees are more civilised than the abos

Piper Point and Kirribilli are in Sydney. The unofficial and official PM residences.

>tfw went to an expensive private school with plenty of rich wogs and chinks
They're not integrated. They stand out as abnormal. They have separate ethnic identities that are not compatible with being normal Australians.

Mate, come on. Paragraphs.

There are a couple of aboriginal blokes who spend the day sitting against a building under the shade adjacent to the local Woolies carpark. Sometimes I wish I had their confidence of give no fucks attitude. It must be easier to go through life like than then being an extremely socially anxious, depressed and paranoid wreck.
Just the thought of bring a loud, obnoxious cunt in public seems like something that would require astronaut tier training to reach the level of. Not that it would be ideal, but it sure would be easier to go through life being an insufferable cunt and not giving a single fuck about anyone else.

That's pretty scary desu, what happens to white people who foolishly wonder into rural areas where Abos live? Would something bad happened?

user, all rich cunts in Australia are fundamentally incompatible with normal Australians. Their lives are entirely different to the rest of us.

This is unrelated but the Indigenous population of the NT has been dropping percentage wise and now it only stands at 1/4 of the population
Didn’t your foreign minister (or Secretary of State?) say that admitting Lebanese into Australia was one of the country’s biggest mistakes?

These areas are so scattered, few and isolated that you'd have to go wandering with a 4wd and a few weeks worth of supplies to stumble across them.

Thanks for the story

When Australians say wogs do they mean only Southern Euros? Or do they also include MENA’s like the Lebanese?

Also, where does the word “wog” come from?

Who cares if they go to an orthodox church and play soccer, they're pretty well a part of australia at this point. Chinks idk give them a few generations. Problem is they have come from current China the kind of place that refuses to acknowledge someone giving up citizenship. Potentially 5th column people . But we have decent laws around foreign interference in govt if not business

>Australia’s Anglo-Christian-dominated culture
What's the difference between this and:
>Australia's Anglo-Christian culture

Fuck American "news". The media are a pack of dirty communist shits. Journalists are the third group that needs to be killed, just after foreigners and politicians.

No, absolutely not and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

Greeks are like that even in Greece, why do you think they keep all their money under the mattress and refuse to pay denbts.

The government is pretty cucked atm and doesn't support Aussies so why do we support it

The comment about Leb cunts was more about pandering to old white boomer cunts more than anything else, to be honest.

I heard many germans are doing backpacking in Australia. What's your experience with them? Do you encounter them regularly?

>Rich lebos and greeks and chinks aren't so bad.
This statement is wrong. Being well-off doesn't make them any less un-Australian than poor foreigners. That's all I'm explaining. It's not about the class divide - they don't fit in with any segment of the nation.

Usage has varied over time; Poles and the like have been considered wogs in the past. Mostly it's Greeks, Italians, and maybe Yugoslavs. Not sure if Lebanese would be included (if they are, only the Catholic ones), but other Asians and Africans are probably not what people have in mind when they use the word.

ela re ellas pride my yiayia makes the best souvlakia
did you see the soccer our team beat the skips haha fuckin dogger malakas

>why do we support it
Who says I do lad?

they are everywhere, both on a work visa in our big cities or backpacking along the east coast

Thanks for the story mate.

I'm never going further west than NSW.



What a madman.

Serious question: is ACT coterminous with Canberra city or are there leftover suburbs etc?

There's a few suburbs, small towns and national parks also in ACT

Why does the ACT has the shape it has? And why is it so big? I mean it was created just for one city (the capital), right?

Canberra is about 1/3 of ACT. Though 'Canberra' probably includes even outlier suburbs.


>police officer in NT
Is this the closest you can get to Mad Max in real life?

Interesting read. Thanks.

I live in Adelaide. we have a lot of old ass churches around so there are definitely more religious people here than the other states but they're not a majority. It's not like religion is a major part of life here or anything.

Why is West Australia so big while the East is chopped into 3

500k people live in Western Australia outside of Perth

There were no other colonies between Swan River (modern day Perth) and Adelaide, mostly due to the fact that nothing between them is very habitable. I'm guessing here but with no other colonies to compete with, the Swan River government of the time just claimed all of it because no one else was going to.

WA has limited habitability and possible development in comparison to the east, indeed it began purely as a military outpost and support community to prevent other European powers gaining a foothold on the continent.

one colony claimed everything

Is Australia planning to create more states in the Country if the opportunity comes? It’d be a shame since Australia is roughly the same size of the US mainland

many work where I live, at the pub I used to work at

2 qt german girls worked in a german bakery I used to grab my morning milk from as well

Why does Australia have all the disgusting, scary spiders while New Zealand has none?

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