Culture Pals /cp/ general thread

You look beautiful :) Edition /g1993

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?

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Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

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javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension for the betas

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Anyone have advice for taking good photos? I don't mean the profile pic guide, I'm talking about in public or out and about, I need to up my photo game desperately and my lack of documentation of my life until now is a hindrance.

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>I don't mean the profile pic guide, I'm talking about in public or out and about

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I'm just playing games.
I know that's plastic love.

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best time to take pictures is 1-2 hours before sunset (known as the golden hour). It produces the best quality photos. Particularly if you can have something interesting in the background (mountains, monument, or a cool building) it helps. Also, it’s OK to ask a stranger to take a picture of you. I’ve done it twice before and it’s not awkward

tis thread belongs to the TURK BULL
kara boga


-0 view
-0 message

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Kara boga

Thanks for the tip, now I just need to find my way to said interesting locations.

Alright i'll bite how tf do i talk to these qts without sounding like thirsty or creepy

Have you considered just updating your profile with a changed word or added comma here or there?

Introduce yourself and tell them you'd be interested in getting to know them more, the rest just comes with trial and error senpai.

Don't have your profile country set to a muslim nation

I have set for qatar should i change it to dubai or something or are all muslim nations kill

Not many western women have a negative view of islam, as much PC bullshit as they might spout, so you're better off changing to somewhere that's muslim-lite like Egypt or not muslim at all.

Have a positive view of Islam*

Like dubai muslim lite?
Or you reckon i should stick with what i got

pretty much desu, although dubai would be better than most

Muslim dudes are pigs on this site though, generally speaking

Dubai should work yeah, it's not the worst anyways
True, but as long as he doesn't start off with a marriage proposal or some other retarded horndog shit then it should be fine.

I'd be worried about getting country blocked or being ignored for having a kebab cunt

He should be safe with Dubai, I've rarely seen that location blocked. (Assuming it's listed in Interpals)

I usually either see the entire region blocked/ignored or the usual suspects, Turkey and the like.

I just want a japanese gf but I'm worried that all the reasonably attractive japanese girls get thousands of messages daily from weaboos all over the world so they won't even pay attention to me

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>tfw got korean and japan qt contact under 2h at same time

Dude you've got a British flag, aside from a French flag that's the #1 asian pussy magnet, hell you'd likely get responses even if you were ugly.

And if you can make decent conversation about things other than anime and J-Pop? Good lord you've got a leg up.

SEA Power Hour strikes again.

>hi how are you

whats the correct asnwer?

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Fine thank you

stop talking you hurt with your teeth

"I'm doing well, thank you."

And if they don't say anything else then don't bother with them if they aren't attractive or interesting.

>>hi how are you
>whats the correct asnwer?

Fuck off

"A bit tired, I've been working on a project lately, but good). What about you?"
If she asks nothing about the project then stop replying, she's a self centered cunt who can't keep a convo anyways.

i'm horny wanna efuck

Just say "no u"

>girl doesn't read my whatsapp messages
>clearly online in interpals
fucking bitch


is g1993 even real gustavo? btw who’s up for chat with me


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Isn't this the girl that user's obsessed with? Or is it just him catfishing others?

>get girls whatsapp
>loses interest in talking to you inevitably
>time for plan B
>actually have chad thundercock body but I'm ottermode so I look like a lanklet with clothes on
>send her pics of me in underwear after a few pics
>time-to-reply goes from days to seconds instantly
>eventually they start sending pics and the convo becomes sexual
>girl accuses me of using them even though it's them who are using me and only reply when I send them sexy pics

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you lure them using sex, you get sex

>falling for the slav meme

>not being the one that stands out out of hundreds

user not found? who was it?

lrn2cache my friend

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Hey it's me again! I just want to thank everybody for keeping this thread. 2 years a go i was lost, lonely and depressed and shitposting on Sup Forums for a living. Thanks to this thread i discovered this site and created a profile where i met the love of my life. I now am on my best self and very happy.

I hope one day you can all be happy too!

never heard of her

lets hpoe

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these threads ruined my life

Alas, your journey just began user, dont be so quick. Keeping a gf is harder than getting one and with added distance it'll be harder. Good luck m8.

But slavs are nice)

Tell us the story of when you first met your qt in person :)

I can still see her profile though, no need to cache the shit out of her.

thats not the problem, its that girls will then accuse you of using them while they're in fact using you

She must've reactivated it.

One of my Korean qts studied in the US and she said she had lectures about "white privilege"

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And? Ask her if she thinks they're bullshit or not.

Top kek

Why do you have lectures about white privilege?

Could it possibly be worse than this?

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>drop qt because she's not good at holding conversations
>she messages me the next day
>give her a second chance and talk with her for like 2 days
>conversation dies out again so decide to drop her again
>messages after 3 days

she's so qt and sweet but she's so fucking boring to talk to, I feel so bad

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gotta love epic funny meme accounts visiting me

Based lad, see him everywhere

bleu is qt

>Message over 21 girls last night in a shotgun approach
>Only two have responded so far

I know that women are swamped with male messages on this site but by god you wouldn't think it'd take this long to sort through your inbox, pic is my frustration levels with this whole thing.

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Lads how do we make interpals popular again like when it was 15000+ online

Advertise on other generals/ leddit


just let it die

Is hellotalk good?


I think my qt may have been raped and murdered.

>Message viewed
>No reply

That would just flood it with more male users

When your skin color affects the rate of getting a loan we have to address it

Has anyone tried sending messages to the same girl after a week or so with no response?

I would imagine it would vary, but I'd imagine most people don't keep messages/conversations in their inbox that they don't want to respond to.

Following that logic you'd be able to send repeat greetings/hellos to try and get better results, and I'm thinking of doing that with a number of accounts that have ignored my messages in the past.

It's not the fault of the asians that they have such good ethnic credit user.

No but something is terribly wrong when you have good credit but being a bit dark prevents you from starting a business

I need help with these verbs : stiller, putter, lægger. Are there clear differences between the 3? They all seem to mean "put"

Is it like in English where Put and Leave can mean the exact same thing in some context?

t. nigger

Don't rip on the asians so hard user, it's not their fault they have so much expected of them.

Fuck wrong thread.

tfw error 502

now that IP is oficially ded, what will you do with all that extra time?

Site's still up.

It works here argentino boludo

>everything works for me except

What went wrong?

>tfw the only women I get to message me are ones already in a relationship

ffs, this is getting annoying quickly.

Probably just the site groaning under its 10 year old design.

tips on what to write in profile?

About yourself.

If you like anime, put that you like anime, if you like playing billiards, write that you like billiards, if you're a boring sack of shit that has nothing interesting in his life, then talk about all the things you wish you could do.

Literally anything to help people get to know you.

Send this to your qt for good results

It can be worse than that

I wonder if I can get a gf from this

With your flag you'll have a hard time, the other pajeets on the site have already given the entire female population the Indian Facebook Experience (tm).


Nope, even if you were a 10/10 billionaire, all the girls have already blocked your country.

No one from other countries wants to be friends with me
I hate Bob and Vagene meme
I am tired of this

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The Kashmiri chad vs the virgin hindu

There are Kashmiri Hindus as well, user.