Fifteen hours, Russia

Fifteen hours, Russia

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Can't wait to pulverise these criminal vodka-swilling arse bandits

its so funny watching UK being stuck in 19th century thinking they are somehow relevant, brits have really hard time getting used to not being top dog

I never went to the polls, but this time I'm definitely going to vote for Grudinin. A candidate from the people!

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Russia has Trump on their side. Britain can't do shit.

Provide answers or you will pay.

I'm genuinely interested to see what Russia will do. The way I see it there's only three options :

1. Admit they did it, killing their legitimacy and making them look North Korea tier

2. Say it was a rogue element, which means they somehow lost control of one of their nerve agents, again making them look weak and incompetent

3. Deny everything, which would be effectively the same as admitting, but make them look even more untrustworthy

They'll probably not share the secrets of the nerve agent either.

What does Russia gain from poisoning this guy?

sending a message

What do anglos possible hope to get from this, other than another embarrassment?

>you can run but you cannot hide

they'll tell anglos to stop being so fucking authistic but in a formal way

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All of your dirty money.

tick tock Russia

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some cynical answer like we will talk about it after you finished the investigation, theres nothing to say, provide proofs etc maybe an insulting remarking if puting feels cheeky

That's an apt metaphor for Russia actually

What happened with the "bullet to the head" thing, Russia? Is it too old fashioned?

At which point we'll start seizing their assets and cancelling their visas.


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I really hope this government will finally do something right and tell britshits to stick their false flags up their inbred disfigured asses. They won't, of course, but that would be great.

Wtf bullshit?

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If you arrest russian oligarch's money that'd be awesome.

okay, its on.
1v1, no nuke.
tomorrow, 6am, poland.

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they dont care, you assume russians are like other europeans, they arent

Oligarchs care, ordinary people no.

are they doing what china did?

What did China do?

Briton will war Russia? Not of bombing St. Pidorsburg please.

I hate Russia so fucking much

>sleeping on this turborare

If I were Russian, I'd probably be lubing up my arsehole for a prime bumming this very instant. Going to plunge that man clunge like the Soyuz reentry craft.

Just hack our elections m8.



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Arrest all oligarchs and we are will be fine, dude.


>t. cockhole under proxy

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I wouldn't piss Russia off. If they are capable of installing a puppet here who knows what they could do to the UK.

Putin will probably tell them to fuck off.
UK will fold because they are pathetic and weak, it's not like they have any kind of leadership at the moment.

>all this impotent British rage
Lel, whining over the internet is all you can do.

Is it just me or is this escalating really quickly?

Are you oligarchy or something?

We don't roll over as easily.

dae eks de de de de lmao upvote please xD

Nah you do it more easily.

The west doesn't want war so they don't give Russia the bitchslap it deserves. Russia wants war to distract the population from the elections and from their shitty lives, thus they fuck with everyone.

Time for Bomber Harris to do it again.

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The absolute state

>bomber Harris returns from the grave with an entire fleet of zombie bombers

joke about May is that she was behind th Litvinenko "investigation", which was never finished, nor did britbongs ever published the results of it.

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We literally did though

>We don't roll over as easily
Doesn't the UK have some ongoing investigations into Russia's influence on the Brexit vote?

World isn't that simple in nuclear times

>to distract the population from the elections
Obviously you know nothing about what's happening in Russia right now.

What's happening in Russia right now?

It's classified

I know you banned a British movie just for making fun of the Soviets

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Literally nobody cares about election

Eat shit scumbag.

Russia is a shithole thanks to cunts like you who support Putin and oligarchy

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Yeah mate Russia was innocent. As it turns out Litvinenko died because he took the chicken parmo challenge and tapped out after six boxes. Western fascists saw the chance to concoct some fruitcake story about radioactive tea and just ran with it.


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Haha what an absolute lad

Nobody pays attention to those Brits and another their false flag, while elections are discussing on every corner. Government isn't trying to distract people from the upcoming elections, on the contrary, it's all over the media.
You have to be at least 18 to vote, obviously nobody cares among school students.

Is anyone actually excited for a nuclear war to release them from the grasp of this horrible life? Humans were a mistake.

Mate you are having to bribe people to actually vote

That won't happen. The hottest this would get is border skirmishes in Ukraine.

That's precisely how it works in rural areas. People are given money, free stuff (like t-shirts and shit like that), vodka, they hire buses to move people around and make them vote.

>let me tell you about your country

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But how? The result of elections is already written down. There is no PCs invovled.

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Teм нe мeнee в дepeвнях выбopы тaк и пpoиcхoдят. Людям плaтят, пoят, и вeзyт гoлocoвaть. Пo кpaйнeй мepe этo былo в oднoй дepeвнe, гдe y мeня ocтaлиcь poдcтвeнники.

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Apparently some British guy got assassinated and fingers are being pointed at Russians. 80% likely it was them.

>anecdotal evidence
Free t-shirts or some events are common, free buses maybe, but not the rest.

>There is no PCs invovled.
C'mon, you know it's not true.

What did Poland mean by this?

how is being the victim of a foreign state attempting to murder people in our country "thinking we are relevant"?

>British guy
Well, he was actually Russian.

>Fifteen hours, Russia
What will happen in 15 hours?

>false flags

go away putin

He's right tho

So this is the brand new strategy developed by top Kremlin online warfare experts...

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Based Poland is here to save the day

You will get a letter of deep concern.

>All of your dirty money.
So the UK is working on fabricating evidence to size Russian money? Nice. Well done

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Why Poland worry?

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>pedopole is back
That's a new development.

If they can't win an argument they simply start wiping with CP or some other illegal content to get the whole thread deleted.

14 hours till what

NO worrying here! Look somewither

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Pathetic, isn't it?

With such an active media campaign and using Gosuslugi to pick any place to vote, you don't have to bribe anyone. Putin's ratings are much higher than in 2012 as well.
How is he right?

In 15 hours Sacharowa will tell UK "we didn't do nuffin". UK give sanctions to few people and this case is done.

Putin is a cunt anyway.
Defending him only makes you look retarded.

fucking russian nonces

Oh no...

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I am arresting you

Tick tock drimpf, Mueller is closing in.

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Are you still in school? Serious question, btw, the only explanation for you being this ignorant.