Is this the definitive map of the first world?

Is this the definitive map of the first world?

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Can't argue with that.

exclude greece and it would be perfect

That's a lake, user.

Yeah, I'd say so.
Also, nowadays I'd add

>first world

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holy fuck
it's perfect

know your place below the Greeks you inferior animals

>Not including Slovenia.

>all white

really makes you think

>Kaliningrad is first world


It's German after all


Czechia too should be included

Seems about right

It's disputed territoty

>NATO aligned
>not first world

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Are you retarded

>greece is first world
>slovenia, czechia and poland are not

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Or to put it another way, white=civilization, orange=Mordor.

sounds about right, I would be ok with living in greece if I had to, not so much in slovenia, czechia or poland

Slovenia and Chechia are way more developed and progressive I'd say.
Greeks may have higher standard of living from the rest of us balkan niggers but mentally we are on the same wave lenght.

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too slow fucking dickhead lmao

whats wrong with that?

no you are not
you are very trashy and rude peope

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So close, but yet so far.

Sure, the politics in slovenia and czechia is a lot more western because they're much closer to the west, but honestly there's not that much of a difference overall in the politics between western countries compared to the difference between western and non-western, so I could give a shit in the end.


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What a weird ass map

Greece is not really Western is what he is trying to tell you besides Czechs and Western politics? With Zeman and Babiš? Are you kidding?

Our hepatitis risk is minimal unless you do intravenous drugs or are a gypsy living in its own trash.

yea, iran can be any color depending on the year

and a few countries dont exist any more too...

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