What country in Latin America should I travel to?

What country in Latin America should I travel to?

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my dick

I already live in EEUU. What country besides it should I travel to?

don't, for your sake, don't

I never hear bad things about Uruguay. Would like to visit the southernmost part of south America to be close to Antarctica one day.

Venezuela. If you see a lot of men grouping, join them, it's a carnival :-D

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south Belize the kkk of the white man


Go to Tierra del Fuego, on either side. It is possible to take ships that take you to the coast of Antarctica.

I'm leaning between Uruguay-Argentina or Ecuador. Should I go somewhere else?

Go to Venezuela, where you can buy the sexual services of a child prostitute because her family is starving and desperate. Then again, you can also do that here.

Maybe Peru if Machu Pichu and Cuzco interest you.

If you're rolling for a way to die, then Colombia.

Nice thanks for the protip

Peru and Chile are very nice

>Try to go on vacation to Buenos Aires
>Fail the Simpsons trivia quiz at customs
>Get turned away

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It’s not Latin America technically but Guyana’s pretty cool and they speak English (although you wouldn’t know it overhearing a conversation between two Guyanese). Really nice scenery and beaches too.

Don't come here, you'll get stabbed.

coming here is a very very bad idea
p.s. dont come here




My tribe camps outside the airport
Im gonna shoot an arrow or shank you the moment i see ure an amerifag
Dont say i didnt warn you