
True to Caesar editoin

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Kiwis suck

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/dixie/ sub edition

3% battery left lads. AHHHH.

Sure is dead in here.

Most of the Australians have fled to /brit/ because the kiwis wouldn't stop being gay.

I have returned from the gym and had my protein powder
How has your night been lads?

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You are truly a Chad :3
Do you have seen some results by now?

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>Do you have seen some results by now?
I don't really know, but I think so.
I'm certainly lifting more but because I didn't start out as a twig it's hard to tell.
I'll let you know when I cut in 2 months and post some pics maybe.
But my muscles certainly seem more pronounced.

Pretty comfy in all honest buddy.
Laying in bed playing video games while you're out there working hard.

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It's your first time doing that?
It's usually take time to see the first results (that depends also on the kind of muscle body growth that an individual have)
Diet is an important factor too, anyway going to gym and in general doing exercises helps you keep fit and pursuing a healthy lifestyle
You will also experience positive humour change

>check in /ausnz/ assuming it'll be like /brit/
>see this

>assuming it'll be like /brit/
Thank god it's not.

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no bully pls la'

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I've been going to the gym for about 1.5 months.
When I lose the fat I would have gained during my lifting near the end of this semester in preparation for my holiday I'll finally be able to see some actual physical changes.

me and the lads

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Me in the front after snorting some goods.

bloody druggo

>post 1: lads poofta hoofta hoity toity
>post 2: might do a shiggy da boogey lads
>post 3: *unrelated unknown person* is hefta befta trooty footy crisby
>post 4: shagga do a wank m8
>repeat to infinity
Great thread you got there, very entertaining and others sure do understand what the fuck is going on when 50 people post cropped britoid sentences without meaning and direction

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>everywhere i go: jews
Im getting really tired of those „coincidences „

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>live in a kingdom of the montejews
>get tired of jews
It's like living in Israel and saying the same thing

Literally me in the pic

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>Literally me in the pic
Being dead fish is a hell of a punishmeent. What happend to you

>go to your browserhistory
>klick a random exhentailink
>its a fucking jew
ah yes. Totally normal

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I'm the kot

>r*ssoids are not OUT yet
What happened?

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>browser history
So you were browsing hentai with joos and now surprised that it appears in you history?

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cute moth

i have too many links in my history the chance of getting that picture is miniscule
>go to german newspaperwebsite
>front page
>central committee of jews is worried about antisemitism

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come here
we don't have the joos here
all we have is asians


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i bet somehow the moth is also a jewish trick

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we're chinese now boy

The Chinese are basically joos except they aren't as subtle

jews are defined by there not being many of them and China thing is having a lot of cunts

dont like joos that much tbqhwy

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Well the things with joos is they use their money and power to subvert the government and the people in a country, the chinese do the exact some thing to us.
It's just we have more of them.

t. Adolf


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*angry nazi noises*

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good morning lads

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I wanna cuddle up with you and have you read the original Mein Kampf into my ear!

Lewd image btw.

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[ ]Man
[ ]Mouse

*Follows Xi Jinping thought*

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Good morning matey.

oy if that slant eyed fuck ever visits again, one us has to take one for the team and stab the cunt

Don't you fucking dare

>anonymous antichinese network called Sup Forums

it's not lewd if there are no nipples :^)

Attached: Miia phone.gif (540x540, 416K)

I doubt you could get close enough to stab the wanker.
But if someone manages then I'd be a happy chappy.
Just playing.
I wouldn't dream of it.

I wanna kiss the octopus now.

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Feeling the urge to be a bit racist now

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Don't be like a hecking l*thweeb

Death to all Zionist filth desu :3

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Want to lick those feet

I do what i want this is a free country.
ah yes i forgot you are a russian. Freedom of speech isnt existent there.

You shouldn't be racist.

What does Zionism have to do with race?

Zionists are their own dirty race. THEY MUST BE WIPED!

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I actually fucking hate Zionists.
Especially the ones that try frame people talking about their rampant human rights abuses as anti-semetic

jews are pretty rude and should stop bullying syria

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so much this
and they always have to bring the yolocaust and play the fucking victim card

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I want to lick AI-chans feet!

Behave hecker, I'm not r*sshitian

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Are you actually insinuating that Zionists use antisemitism as a political tool to disrepute opponents?
Wow what are a fucking antisemit, people like you are what wrong with world.

it would be funny if it wouldnt be true

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tfw me and my friends used to play 'find the Jew' by tossing a 10c coin onto the path during lunch time and waiting for someone to pick it up.

Good times.

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Yes, tatars are not r*ssoids, don't insult me with their rotten name ever again

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Attached: jew trap.webm (480x360, 598K)

The Tatars (Tatar: тaтapлap; Russian: тaтapы) are a Turkic people[3] living mainly in Russia and other Post-Soviet countries. The name "Tatar" first appears in written form on the Kul Tigin monument as 𐱃𐱃𐰺 (Ta-tar). Historically, the term "Tatars" was applied to a variety of Turco-Mongol semi-nomadic empires who controlled the vast region known as Tartary. More recently, however, the term refers more narrowly to people who speak one of the Turkic[3] languages.
sup mohammed al krinoslav?
okay, was enough mean now
should stop.
isnt good for my blood pressure


Honestly antisemitism is all over schools lol.
Don't bully Baker desu!

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>Turkics in any way related to arab names or culture
Uhhh... Turks are not turkics, and only related by language to us

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dude one belt lmao

Gonna sleep now.

Nighty night cuties!

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Good night matey.
Sweet dreams.


Night lads.

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sorry i was mean earlier

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