This little town is at the heart of a massive international incident

>This little town is at the heart of a massive international incident

Why does Russia hate us so much that they'd attack our comfy old people places?

Attached: salisbury.jpg (605x462, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They're a bitter, evil lot.

What is this town?

some decrepit shithole named after a steak recipe

The place you poisoned


any evidence you have

beyond parody

I just don't understand why they used a nerve agent. Why take that risk? Why not just pay someone to stab him to death during a "mugging" so he's like any other common victim? Did they botch it on purpose? Was it malice or stupidity?

Both. Russians thought they could do it with impunity and are now getting surprised by how serious the reaction has been.

because it was a false flag
get the wool out of your eyes sheeple

>Sharp object
I dont think so

>it's pronounced "sawsbreh"

you think a former spy is dumb enough to give a mugger/stranger of any kind a chance of coming near him?

>Both. Russians thought they could do it with impunity
theve done it before (this attack is reopening some old cases where persons of interest suddenly "died of natural causes" in the UK)
this is just the first time its been caught

russia has proven the west doesnt do anything meaningful if they dont have solid irrefutable proof, so they can just send mercs or spies out, and deny it was them, with no punishment

nice dubs, but please castrate yourself

Attached: 2018-03-10_12-07-25[1].png (890x445, 389K)

Not quite, it's 'Solls-buh-ree'


spotted the southerner

a) Former military intelligence and a VDV paratrooper to boot. May actually be able to fight off an attacker.
b) Like says, former spies are properly paranoid.
c) Many other former Russian operatives have died under suspicious circumstances. Execution might have been botched this time.
d) Might have been carried out by rogue Russian intelligence agents who screwed up planning.
e) To make him suffer.


f) Paying someone to attack him would leave a loose end, which probably poses a greater risk than a nerve agent.

Whoever did the poisoning could do the stabbing

Why did they use Polonium on Litvinenko?

They're arrogant and think they can get away with it. Putlet thinks he can just sit there with a smug look on his face saying "proofs" and not face any consequences. Would like to see what sort of look he has on his face now it's become clear that it's not going to go that way and he's seriously cocked up.

>They're arrogant and think they can get away with it. Putlet thinks he can just sit there with a smug look on his face saying "proofs" and not face any consequences. Would like to see what sort of look he has on his face now it's become clear that it's not going to go that way and he's seriously cocked up.

what can the uk even do to russia besides name-calling?

made me kek

Which goes back to this post:

Defending from a knife attack is extremely difficult even for someone young and physically fit with training. If they were scared of him fighting back, they could've always used a gun instead. Would've raised more eyebrows that way but gun crime does exist here so they would've been able to maintain plausible deniability.

England deserves it.

How will Britain retaliate?

We'll find out on Wednesday.

Tune in this Wednesday to find out.

>Mrs May said: "Either this was a direct action by the Russian state against our country, or the Russian government lost control of its potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it to get into the hands of others."

>The Foreign Office summoned Russia's ambassador to provide an explanation.

>Mrs May said if there is no "credible response" by the end of Tuesday, the UK would conclude there has been an "unlawful use of force" by Moscow.

>The chemical used in the attack, the PM said, has been identified as one of a group of nerve agents known as Novichok.

>She said Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson had told the ambassador Moscow must provide "full and complete disclosure" of the Novichok programme to international body the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

>Mrs May said the UK must stand ready to take much more extensive measures, and these would be set out in the Commons on Wednesday should there be no adequate explanation from Russia.

The victim may well have brought a weapon with him as well. Also, keep in mind that he was in a public space and that he was a spy.

An attack in the open would leave witnesses who may immediately call the police or take photos or video.

Moreover, he's probably going to be very suspicious of anyone who approaches him.

And obviously, we could do a lot more, were your president not in Putin's pocket. He still hasn't said a word about a foreign power using an illegal chemical weapon on his closest ally's soil...

>ambassador Moscow must provide "full and complete disclosure" of the Novichok programme to international body the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
Yea not happening.

i.e; strongly worded letter. Unless sanctions scare him off(and I doubt they will completely), nothing's going to happen. There's simply not much you can do against a country that has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. The Cold War never ended, it just went dormant until Russia grew independent enough to start being a threat again.

Here are a few possibilities:

I mean unless they can prove otherwise, they attacked a member of NATO.

>Implying the Cold War was its own thing and not merely another in a long series of geopolitical struggles over trade and resources.

Slow your roll there, Brits. I'm gonna need some proofs

Attached: proofs.png (600x600, 97K)

>no US or EU to back the UK up


You need money to maintain nukes and keep up with MAD and Russia lack funds thanks to sanctions.

>There's simply not much you can do against a country that has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
>what is MAD
Nobody is going to use nukes unless they're seriously backed into a corner and have no other choice, and no nuclear state is ever going to push another nuclear state to that point.

There's a reason nuclear countries spend so much on their armies. They don't want to ever have to use their nukes because they know that the moment they used them would be the end of their country.

Yeah, but this time there were bombs that could at best level whole cities and at worst could cause the collapse of global civilization
Fair point, but he could outsource a few bombs to ex-USSR countries he's cozy with, or even Iran and government Syria. Plus, there's always the small possibility he goes full MAD mode and nukes everything at the expense of his own country.

>think they can get away with it
but we actually got away with everything so far
who knows who we poison with polonium next... maybe even you?? maybe it is time to stop posting??? otherwise I can't guarantee your safety. this is not a threat btw

Anyone will be reluctant to use nukes ofc, but they are still an important part of foreign policy. Putin is an aggressive leader who clearly wants Eastern Europe back and he is not going to take well to serious action by the U.K. Even without nukes, he still has a respectable army that is only really tempered by the US, and who knows how committed we'll be to countering Russian aggression.

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>get away with it
Nice 1.2 trillion GDP you got going on there

burgers finally said something

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Based Burger friends.
Tomorrow and the the day after should be pretty spicy.

Fug. Sounds like May is going to kick Putin's ass

What would happen if the West pulls out of the World Cup? Would it even go ahead?

It would, It'd just be a repeat of 1980 Olympics.

so that it becomes an open secret that traitors to mother Russia will never be safe

>was likely responsible

In wartime how would a coalition of May and Corbyn fare? Would it be like Churchill and Atlee?

> Full confidence that Russia was LIKELY responsible.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Jezza would publicly announce battle plans as a way of "fighting imperialism"

baby boomers are incompetent

>He still hasn't said a word about a foreign power using an illegal chemical weapon on his closest ally's soil...
he bombed a syrian airbase with russian personell and equipment at it

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>Yeah, but this time there were bombs that could at best level whole cities and at worst could cause the collapse of global civilization
>nukes were invented in the 90's

shit happens

Because Russians are animals who don't understand the concept of shame.
Fucking dogs are more human than them.

I understand the concept of pity. A pity for brainlet like americans.

>hur dur it was false flag
So you're denying that russians special services are evil(which has numerous proofs from Chechnya to Nord Ost to Beslan) but call brits evil monsters who would hurt 20 of their civilians to frame Russia?
Did i got it right?

easier to get polonium, acid or nerve gas than knife in briton

>Seek support in the EU

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Except Russia does not have the Warsaw bloc anymore, so puppet regimes in Eastern Europe won't pay patronage to their sham sporting events.

I think if the NATO countries, plus Australia, Japan and Korea pull out of the world cup, it'll pretty much be called off, or it will have to be moved elsewhere. That will fuck Russia the hardest.

Please do i want to see another buttblast of sportfags at Sup Forums

If the guy was a threat to their National security, i don't think that's wrong desu. I mean would you really want to have a Spy who knows a fuckload of your country's secrets to walk around and have a huge risk of him opening his mouth to the west?

CIA, MI6 and other agencies would do the same.

We let Kim Philby live out his entire life in Moscow.

thats because you are uncivilized monkey, besides hes a retired double agent, read before you open your mouth

Who knows what he gave to the Russians, same for Snowden.

>how serious the reaction has been
Christ do really believe this?

Don't bother it will be an awful and contrived pronunciation justified by muh muh english was first born in this cesspool
>inb4 oi blooday fookin yaynks

Block money please.

It won't happen mate, there's too much of it at stake. The banks alone are absolutely filthy with it.

>Why not just pay someone to stab him to death
or just circumcised him

I want it to happen. Maybe Trump can get overpowered and the adults in the room can punish Putin.
Russia deserve to get embarrassed.

What is Russian media (besides RT) saying about this right now?


Attached: axaxaxaxaxax.jpg (592x492, 44K)

Can't spare precious airtime on some diplomatic trifle when they have to showcase their new flying stealth supermissile

This mkes the most sense, same with the Polonium

>usual discussion about russia on Sup Forums gets 3 russian posts at most in a thread
>suddenly this thread is full of russian flags
really gears my brain huh

Not for much longer, we're going to cyber attack them

a strongly worded letter

That aged well.