Have a car

>have a car
>have to learn how to drive and get a license
>have to buy insurance and pay taxes for it
>have to buy gas at the end of the week
>have to clean it, maintain it, fix it if something malfunctions
>have to pay attention while driving, no distractions other than the radio or music
>have you make sure you don't crash or run over someone and get sued for all your money
>have to make sure you don't get it stolen by a nig
>all those hours wasted every day doing nothing but driving

>take a bus
>just have to spend a meaningless fee every day or buy some cheap ass monthly pass, myriads cheaper than buying gas
>don't need to learn how to drive or get a license
>don't need to pay for anything else
>can entertain yourself on the way with your phone, a book, etc. Learn a language or study
>no need to do anything but wait until you reach your destination
>the driver crashes or runs over someone? not your problem
>don't have to worry about anything being stolen

And the benefit the car has over the bus? You arrive 15 or so minutes earlier, I guess.

Tell me why the fuck would anyone drive a car over taking a bus?

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>Tell me why the fuck would anyone drive a car over taking a bus?
I do not like rubbing against other people and sniffing someone's bunch

Canada doesn't have good public transportation, not even in our biggest cities. I would gladly take the bus if it was practical but it isn't.

But a bike has a lot of the problems a car has. I like riding bikes but it's more inconvenient than a bus or train a lot.

Even better

I agree. But it depends on where you live and how good public transport is there.

Going abroad is better with car. Towns where you do not know the bus scheduel or destination are very hard to go by. With a car you have a GPS/map or can ask the locals

bikes are only good in winter setting

try riding a bike here in 23C temperature and you would be bathing in sweat and dust.

didn't they invent showers in Philippines?

you're not allowed to take a shower during working hours here

what the fuck

You are allowed to take shower at work?
23 is not a lot. Perfect biking weather. Is there something else to it?

skkkrrrt skkkkrrrrrt vrum vrum you fucking loser lmao take the bus pleb I'll be swagin on you from my lambo yea

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yeah that's how most people do it here in summer - cycle to work, get a shower and work

If that shit actually intimidates you, you're a fucking weenie.

Having a car gives you freedom to go wherever the fuck you want, whenever you want.

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in summer here it gets to highest 38C and nobody wants to go outside after 7am because of the heat. how hot is it there during summer?

Bikes for the most part here are seen as a children’s toy. They may be popular in big cities, but If you live in suburbs/rural communities, no one will take you seriously.

Here, getting a liscense and having a car are fundamental steps to becoming an adult. That’s why most people here get their liscense at 16 or 17

I can drive outside with a gf and fuck her in and out the car.
I can do that even at night.
I can driver wherever I want in any time.
It's fucking convenient.
You can't do that if you are a busrider.
Man up.

It gets up to 34 here, last year there was a heat wave that reached 38 i think. Pretty bad

~25 most of summer, over 30 for a few days

Going to Poland. Heat here is unbearable.

I would much rather live somewhere warmer



>not having sex in the bus
top pleb

A car is like your personal house that can move. You can sleep and eat there. You can bring it anywhere you want. It's the sensation of freedom and not being constricted to a time schedule.

>> 86720962
I envy you country so much for that specific reason. The fucking gas here is so expensive, and the fucking police is always trying to immobilize your car for the most stupid reasons like having a small stripe that doesn't match with the car papers. The laws are practically made for making you use the public transport agaisn't your will and that shit it's like an indian train 24/7, that simple thing makes my daily life like 60% more unbearable.

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meant to

At least when you buy a car, you won't need to pay an amount of tax more than the value of the car itself?

The taxes are an issue for people with expensive cars, like pic related. (yeah this is an expensive car in my country) You could end up paying like 1800 dollars yearly, or even more. In my case I have an old car, and I only pay like 15 dollars yearly. But even like that the other things I mentioned are maybe even worst, specially the cops part.

forgot pic

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>Renault duster is an expensive car

What does something like a Dodge Challenger, a Ford F150, a Honda Accord or a BMW 3 series cost there?

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>not having sex in the metro
top cuck

You rarely see one of those, I've personally never seen a challenger in the streets, I've seen Mustangs but it feels like a big deal, is like seeing a space ship. average rich people have 4x4 cars and are cocky about it.

Wow thats some serious mental gymnastics on the part of a bus plebian.

>drive a car

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>drives itself
Could you be more american?

>rich people in Colombia drive the same cars that Mexican migrants whom work 9 hour shifts at Burger King and Best Buy drive
>they're actually cocky about it

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This is Colombia summed in a single post.

If you live in a country with shitty public transport imagine how shitty is traffic...

>My first car was a Merc C-Class and I later got a used Camaro as a weekend car at age 21 and people in Los Angeles looked at them like they were pleb junk. Meanwhile Colombians brag about having garbage tier entry level Euro 4x4 shitwagons

Really puts things into perspective.

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People would literally suck your dick here, just the fact of having a car makes you ""rich"" here that's why the goverment fuck in the ass car owners and doesn't invert in road maintenance. This is a shitty pic of my abandoned car, I don't use it because I can't afford gas, the insurance and the mecanical certificate

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What a shithole. That sounds worse than Mexico DESU.

That's because Colombia is worst than Mexico dude, slightly worst.

Cars are a thing of our parents' generation.

Underground public transit > bus

>implying i pay any tax

Nigga lmao.

So what are you saying, your country is dumb?

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>ruins all his cities, segregates his society, one of the highest per capita emissions in the world

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Something something called freedom.

here the pic.
desu you guys should leave your houses and enjoy the world more.

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