Do you support gay marriage?

Do you support gay marriage?

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no, fucking disgusting, only exception is between finnish boisluts and danish BULLS

What's the actual difference between marriage and civil union?

fags and lefties just want to degrade and corrupt anything that isn't as disgusting and degenerate as themselves, so they force the church to endorse their horseshit even though they openly mock religion and don't believe in it


So is religion the only difference?
Did you know that you can get married without the involvement of the church?

Say something in Korean.

Get the gays and weebfags to fight each other to death. The winner doesnt get killed, only gets his legs broken

yes, but it's not enough for the lefties, they must ruin church marriage


Don't talk about Finland that way.

So you're not against secular gay marriage?

Something that proves you're not a fat ass hiding behind a proxy like most Koreans and Japs on this board.

I didn't expect something like this from a Korean.

That's bullshit, maybe it's the case for Pr*testant subhumans and their national """churches""" but in Catholic countries, the Church is not forced to change its marriage rules because gays don't want anything to do with the Church in the first place.

if they stay out of other's territories, I'll do the same

modern protestant church is a joke, in Denmark they have made it so it's up to the individual priest if they want to wed gays, not a problem when the church is flooded with marxist female """""priests"""""

Gay sex is main source of korean AIDS that spreading among young male recently
Korean government pay all cost for treatment to them and this cause national burden
It means allowing gay marriage is thing that harm the national competitiveness

동성애는 금지되어야 한다

hahahahaha your religion is dying out everywhere except third world shitholes faggot

How is stopping gay people from getting married going to stop them from having sex? Maybe the Japs are right, you people are retarded.

I don't care, just want my own pet Lithuanian.

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not even religious, I just can't stand people who actively ruin something that other people hold really dear just because they can, and then have the audacity to claim the moral highground afterwards

The kids are laughing at you. And not just because you're a 600 pound English teacher.

civil union yes
no they can't force the church to marry them and no they can't force kids to play house with them. adopt dogs
they'll divorce in months anyways

I don't give a fuck if they want it, it's none of my business.

I don't care about marriage, but strongly believe they should be able to adopt kids like anyone else.
It's not ideal, but it's better than being regularly beaten by a couple of drunkards, cleaning up their piss and vomit for 16 years and then becoming another bydlo.

All marriage is pretty gay to be honest


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>I don't care about marriage, but strongly believe they should be able to adopt kids like anyone else.

wtf now I dislike lithuanian twinks

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Married gay sex...

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I'm not a-
Who am I kidding here, I'm a fucking twink.
Not gay, tho.
Atsipiskit urodai BLEEEET

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Our threads are married.

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Your depth of thinking is so low tier
Allowing gay marriage make social mood toward gay more generous and this can influence policy more friendly to gay and finally people think gay is normal
Then many LGBT civic group expand their domain and try to make gay is something like cool ( already happend in korea )
And they will focus on ' how can we gay get a more money and political benefits from this country? ' as like feminists
while national budget is wasted for pay the cost to gay sex instead of spending on future of nation
What they want is not only people accepting the their prefer but also force their prefer that prefer make society diseases to others

Allowing gay marriage problem is just fractionary

RIP animefag


Yes but only between men and cute boys.
D*kes are disgusting.

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I want to feed you two with semen :3
You're a bi twink?

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t. female

Why not just outlaw government treatment of AIDS?

Why are all the anime erp'ers here actually straight? Don't you find this shit disgusting? Or is the gay nature of this masked by the cutesie anime avatars?

Pussy is disgusting 2bh...

If you take away the filter of sexuality, it is. If someone says your face looks like a vagina, it's most likely not a compliment.
Same goes for dicks.

Do you also get angry when the government treats straight people with STD's?

t. useful retard

Wrong, and boys are much better in everything. ;)

>Same goes for dicks.
No? Dicks are not ugly at all. Unlike vaginas, they don't have weird flaps of skin and shit.

Are you gay or something?

How does allowing gays to do it ruin it for everyone else?


Why are Saudis such homos? Every Saudi student I've met takes it in the ass.

dicks are aesthetic unlike vaginas that look like infected open wounds

civilized nations don't circumcise their infants, Ahmed.

Why are you in a gay thread if you're straight?

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This article is written in korean, I can't find english version
As i said our LGBT civic group already influenced our society
Korean Human Rights Commission ban writing article that 'AIDS relevance to gay sex
So that problem is not even mentioned in korea

But are you support that someone force the culture that make people getting STD's?
If they achieve what they want
the problem is going to even worse

It's not a gay thread.

See Or go to your specified board.


I think it is called "Situational Homosexuality" where a lot of saudis turn gay because of sex segregation.
Okay, Andres.

You're in a gay thread you stupid homo.

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We ARE in our specified board :^3

Sup Forums is a gay board

god I wish that were me

I don't see "/lgbt/" in the address bar.
I don't know if you're false-flagging, but this is the kind of shit which ruins the public perception of homosexuals and portrays them as sex-crazed degenerates.

Me on the right.

No, this is Sup Forumsernational gay boys. ;3


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Wtf I don't tolerate gays anymore :(

Doesn't matter, we're coming for that lithuanian ass of yours >:3

you do know "Anonymous" is a placebo and you can still be traced and reported via your IP, right?

I do know that very well. I think I am on some sort of list actually and I tested it too.

5 weeks ago, I went on ~5 porn subreddits around 4 PM or something, they weren't blocked by that time, then at 8 PM I checked each subreddit and it was all blocked :^)).

I think they don't really care though. I have been gay posting for about a year now so. .

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Why don't you move?

Later or next year I guess.

international hugs from behind...~

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We should abolish marriage entirely desu.

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Probably one of the ITs who handle the censorship also shitposts on Sup Forums. So they probably don't take your posts seriously.

>Probably one of the ITs who handle the censorship also shitposts on Sup Forums.

Yeah that's what I think too. I want to meet him. He probably knows more about me than my parents desu.

How is it to be gay in Saudi Arabia? What punishment for this?

All gays should be gassed, no exceptions
I don't even visit Sup Forums btw.

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never got this logic
with the promiscuity, open relationships and aids that gay men have, what could lesbians possibly do worse?

all fags should be put to the cross

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this shit really is disgusting