Are they European?

Are they European?

Attached: [email protected] (1280x853, 1K)

You are not Asian

Are europeans russian?



Attached: vladimir-putin-4.jpg (2308x1731, 236K)

>Are they European?
We are not humans, we are descendants of Slavic Gods

Attached: kekekeke.jpg (660x352, 246K)


How many times I will have to see this thread.

Until someone nukes Japan again

He's not Japanese, he is polish with proxy.

If our countries agree to do so I can't really see the rest of the world collaborating to stop/punish us in any way

>nukes again
Poland fine too

Are russian russian?

>the rest of the world collaborating to stop/punish us in any way
The previous bombing gave us anime and other decadent crap, I'm afraid of the consequences of a new dose of radiation.

Enough bombs will ensure this mistake will not happen again. We can ship all the weebs to Japan before this happens

Attached: i agree.jpg (442x389, 53K)

They chemically hazardous

Attached: tk587s_1.jpg (700x700, 18K)

How autistic do you have to be in order to make the same exact thread every single day?

Someday these threads will stop appearing and we will be happy for a week, the we will wonder if you are okay nipbro.


We are C-O-S-M-I-C

Attached: based.png (390x350, 267K)

Does this look European to you? Looks kinda Asian to me

Attached: file.png (918x612, 1.08M)

They aren't even human

US Army, thanks for your weird hard work!

You have to go back, polish/baltic toilet cleaner.