Why are Estonians so dangerous?

Why are Estonians so dangerous?

Attached: 1520883472326.jpg (960x540, 50K)

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1. Short heda
2. Culture of kill
3. They savage

because they're wh*te

They are our black people

Wtf? Unbravo Estonia.

Why does "France" care about our crime statistics?

I'm an international citizen

they're dangerous when they are not permitted to sell their mushrooms


They are actually Russians with Estonian citizenship.

Russians have ruined Estonia.

Attached: russian “humans”.jpg (1876x2630, 1.05M)

Nah you're a proxy m8.

100% genetics. Muh socioeconomic factors and culture are debunked leftist theories created by Jews. Hitler wanted to genocide that region for very good reasons

Hate facts are still hate. We need to give everyone a chance as individuals, even Estonians.
If I'm talking to an Estonian I'll do my darnest to treat him just like any other person and I won't at least outwardly seem concerned about the possibility of crime and violence.

J'ai juste trouvé l'image sur un autre thread et j'ai pensé que ça pouvait être drôle de m'en servir pour faire celui-ci.

>t. estonian
Nah they can be estonian as well. It's mostly the lowest of scum that usually immigrates
Estonians who live here are pretty much no different than Russian. But Estonians I've met in Estonia are totally different

The number of persons suspected of offences against the Penal Code solved in 2016 by the police, customs and border guard was 311,100, of whom 33,700 were citizens of foreign countries. Compared to 2015, the number of all suspects of offences against the Penal Code decreased by 3.0 per cent, while the number of foreign citizens suspected went down by 1.1 per cent. The share of foreign nationals in all suspects of offences against the Penal Code was 10.8 per cent. One year earlier, the corresponding share was 10.6 per cent. The share of foreigners among suspects living permanently in Finland was 5.9 per cent. In 2016, Estonians (8,600) and Russians (4,500) made up the biggest group of foreign suspects. Of Estonian suspects, 48.6 per cent and 41.1 per cent of Russians had a permanent place of residence in Finland. Compared with the year before, the number of offences by Estonians decreased by 3.9 per cent and those by Russians by 10.0 per cent. Citizens of the former Soviet Union are also included in Russians.

Other countries where over 1,000 of its citizens were suspected were Iraq (3,200), Somalia (1,400), Sweden (1,800) and Romania (1,500). Of Romanians, only 12.3 per cent had a permanent place of residence in Finland. The respective shares for Somalis and Iraqis were 92.6 and 45.2 per cent. Of Swedes, 49.8 per cent had a permanent place of residence in Finland. In 2015, there were 2,100 Iraqi suspects and 65.3 per cent of them were permanently living in Finland. There were 1,500 Iraqi suspects and 86 per cent of them were living permanently in Finland in 2014. One person can be guilty of many different offences during a year.

le fuck of



*"""Estonians""" in Finland


Attached: 1519951367953.jpg (461x455, 131K)

we are basically still hunter and gatherer mentality people. we fuck your shit up if you act like a bitch and we take your money like you're a little kid. we fuck up russians like kindergarten children because they are weak shitty subhuman trash. we fuck up poles because they are loudmouth weak manlets. we fuck up pretty much everyone like your made of bubblegum. and because you're all such weak bitches, most of the time we fuck up each other, because there is no one in vicinity to even consider a man. that's why you don't put two estonians in a room together
