3rd world shithole chan discord

Do you live in a 3rd world shithole? Do you speak English fluently? Do you have no frens? Do you fall in between 0-58 on this scale? Well then, Come on over to 3rdWorldShitholeChan!


-You have to live in a 3rd world shithole

-English only

-You can't be more than 59 on the scale


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Other urls found in this thread:


why are egyptian guys always so autistic?

76, see you see later losers

never mind its fucking over

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अंग्रेजी नहीं आती मुझे। :(

kill me

So Chris Chan is a grand wizard?

Im a robot but i go outside


122 apparently im a chad. Feels good man

i could write an entire extended essay explaining in detail every aspect of suffering that contributes to the degradation of people's mental health here but i don't think anyone would care
what the fuck even is that...language
lol finland
lol chris chan rip
chad rrreeeeee

Thanks, now i know i'm a cyborg

I love Egypt now

I would be genuinely interested in reading that

Results are something I can actually agree with, legit nice post op!

i got 131
oh boy that was a lot of numbers

مجھے انگریزی نہیں آتی۔ :(

>2 points away from entering the red zone
a-at least I'll have a job soon

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no, you don't
no you'd probably loose your attention span like 80 seconds in
what are you even on about? are you a bot or something?

either way you're absolutely normie
the fuck out of this thread
i don't know how to read al qaeda sorry
>implying there are actual jobs that exist in your country
>implying the salary is so large it could actually benefit your life

lol the first world makes my heart bleed

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too close to home

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If you are a teleiophile there is absolutely no reason for being a virgin. There isn't an adult female alive who won't casually exchange sex for money.

Got 140. Is this because I live in a first world shithole?

how is that too close to home at all? you're telling me you're actually getting employed in something that doesn't involve illegal slave labor and that makes you sad?

well, although i seriously consider lithuania a 1st world country with your 400 euro minimum wage i guess you can join if you want
you're absolutely fucking braindead

because you're right, you autist

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109 - normalfag
Checks out desu. Though right now I have less social life than before. I only have a couple good friends I see about once every week since I'm stuck at home studying like a madman


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you're cute

Normalfag. Bye bye wankers

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and you're gay

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hey you got the same score as your IQ good job bud

please kindly escort yourself out of my consciousness' perception of existence

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i had a lot of fun in your thread

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i don't know what to say....

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Got 41

i should actually be at least a cyborg cause a lot of my problems can be potentially fixed and some are in the process of being fixed

are you recruiting us for isis or what


please post in my thread

I'm the pinnacle of normalfag :↑)

go back to fishing


>Your moms feel when I empty my sack in her :↑)


so it is okay for whites to drink whale semen but it is bad when we drink cow pee(which is healthy)?

oh india...


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I live in a horrible english city filled with pakis and got 45
am I allowed?

Kek I'm successful.

Is this some r9k bullshit?
because the standards are very low

متوحد لول
Memes aside though I used to be a cyborg by this scale but managed to save myself.
ده بعد ما سبت مصر يعني.
عموماً بالتوفيق يا أنون.

>Do you live in a 3rd world shithole?
Yes. Masri btw kill me.
>Do you speak English fluently?
I think so.
>Do you have no frens?
Unfortunately, yes.
>Do you fall in between 0-58 on this scale?
75 desu

>ده بعد ما سبت مصر يعني.
ازاي؟ علمني لو سمحت

literally un-ironically the best country on the entire planet

i'd say you could join, but just fix your problems
if you want you can join
sorry, egypt is too ugly for cute posting

get out

that's very normie tier
what in the actual fuck
>western europe
well...i suppose you could join if you wanted to, because of your score
i suppose so, if you want
i don't read muslim sorry

and good for you i guess
well, given you live in literally saudi arabia

despite your relatively normie tier score, i'd say you qualify
enough with the sand dunes i can't read this shit

keep it english everyone

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Are you the american living in Egypt?

i uh...what the fuck?

how do you even...what?

how do you even remember me?

how the fuck?

even if i am what made you think that?

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