Charles de Gaulle

Your opinion about him?

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based frog

A great man

triggers /fr/ so he's based

I think he's fairly based

Wich one was the most based between pic related and De Gaulle ? Fight

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Comparing a traitor with a national hero is kinda stupid

i really don't see how you could call him based

Why would /fr/ hate him? I thought they'd love him since they slob all over Macron's cock.

Which one is the traitor and what is his treason ?

lol no they're unironically nazi bootlickers
macron is just a meme but not from /fr/
if you make a macron edition they will be so triggered they'll make another one

De Gaulle didn't betray France
Helping the invaders is treason

wouldn't call him a traitor tbqh
he did what he could to prevent more french deaths

apparently he was ungrateful to allied forces but I think thats just because he is french ultimately good guy

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the french should all be dead

When it's raining shit, someone as to mop the floor. Pétain was 84 years old in 1940, and he was already a war hero (the hero of Verdun, the longest battle in known history btw) He didn't do it for fame or glory. He mopped the fucking floor while De Gaulle was smoking cigar with churchil in london.

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pauvre appât gros

>while De Gaulle was smoking cigar with churchil in london.
you mean trying to get the allies support, leading the free french and organise the resistance

And why post durandal

backstabbing cunt


52% of the free french killed during last year of war were maghrebis. French a shit

Because Pétain is like Roland, a sword in a mountain. Neither of them won their war, but they died so victory could come. Roland died on his sword and Pétain a baissé son froc. French heroes...
Vercingetorix, jeanne d'arc, napoléon, nobody won in the end. France is a tragic hero

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He triggered (and still triggers) the collaborationnistes despite having been relatively merciful towards them when France was freed.

De Gaulle was a man who harbored a lot of delusions about it still being the 19th century and France being a superpower. The Soviets mostly humored him and knew perfectly well that France was a dependency of the US in the event of a Warsaw Pact-NATO conflict. He also far overstayed his welcome and finally had to retire after the 1968 student demonstrations. The guy was pretty far removed from how the average Frenchman lived and had no clue whatsoever about economics or other issues affecting normal people.

had no reason to hold a grudge against us and bit the hand that fed him again for no reason. did more than anyone to fuck up and ruin our relations with europe

"La vie de Pétain fut successivement banale, puis glorieuse, puis déplorable, mais jamais médiocre."

As De Gaulle said of him.

*tip fedora*

He wasn't, it's just another case of burgers being thin skinned autists

He's a hero because he basically made France a "winner" in the WW2, which was not really the case. That gave France a seat at the Security Council. He also made France a nuclear power and told the Americans to gtfo.

He's ok. He butted heads with the other allies and especially Roosevelt but that's because he put France's interests above all else, and that's exactly what a nation's leader should do. Maybe he was a bit delusional about France's place in the world by thinking they were on the same level as America and the Soviet Union, but he wasn't exactly alone in thinking that prior to the Suez Crisis.

he was a barbaric subhuman like every french

>had no reason
You dont know shit, FDR overstepped his boundaries and Churchill was a cunt.

he liberated france without *ngl* aid

Respect. Even my commie grandfather respected him.

>He's ok. He butted heads with the other allies and especially Roosevelt but that's because he put France's interests above all else, and that's exactly what a nation's leader should do
As we see now in 2018, that causes butthurt from some quarters.

The last of the Frenchmen.

>had no reason to hold a grudge against us
You are aware of the fact that Churchill and FDR tried to have him replaced with Henri Giraud, right? The only reasons this didn't continue is because the Free French themselves didn't like Giraud (most likely because he only barked Washington's orders) and because the British War Council had warned Churchill that replacing De Gaulle would mean the collapse of the Free French and French Resistance.

>did more than anyone to fuck up and ruin our relations with europe
That'd be Churchill, who himself stated that he'd always pick America over France. He also singlehandedly created the mythos of the "special relationship".

how would he feel if he saw France today ?

piss off should've let you get raped by the jerries
wrong about churchill but you're clearly partisan so it's pointless talking about it

your racist uncle that decided to go innawoods because neighbors tresspassed his yard or something.

When your country gets steamrolled by g*rmans but it doesn't matter because your sworn enemies the anglo-saxons will liberate it for you.

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