What do people in Korea think of China?

What do people in Korea think of China?

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they hate china and yet deep down they are in awe of it as a former master that ruled them for many ages.

They would be friends if it weren't for the whole North Korea and America thing. According to opinion polling, SKorea have a 40% positive view of China

we used to like them before mao and before they swarmed manchuria

but now they are a menace and a threat that thing they are entitled to korean things, yet we don't want to have anything to do with them

t. koreano

they all can sincerely go fuck themselves

i didn't give a fuck about them until they started moving their factories to the east so that they could cope with peking's fine dust problem while sending equal amount of fine dust formerly emitted in peking now to korea

and yet our sissy ass prez says he can suck them off


Why do Koreans care about Manchuria being Chinese?

because they know absolutely nothing about how to treat other countries
if they treated us well, as if we are their "friends" not a fucking servant
people could love china
if they were nice even i would love china because right now trump is being a shit and i am tired of wh*tes
but no china and imperial japan is exactly why asians can never be the superpower
they're bunch of morons

because we don't want them near our border. the border used to be depopulated


(since isolation is better than surrounded by people of a different culture)

also chinese are the worst kind of creature on this planet
there are just too many
and theyre stupid
theyre stupid and theyre too many therefore always creating asian stereotypes themselves

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Calm down, gyopos

Go back to Korean sentry you little gyopo

Just let me get this straight.

China was fucking with you and then the Japanese kicked their ass during the Sino-Japanese wars when Japan made China recognize Korea as an independent state.

Did Korea praised Japan for it or was it more complicated?

We all know what happened after that during WWII so that's a no discussion point.

ching chong ping ling

How was China fucking with Joseon Korea?

As long as they go about their respective business and don't breathing down my neck, I believe we can be friend.

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korea - japan history problem is more complicated than koreans think i guess
some people (especially the ones who actually lived during japanese occupation) says it wasnt all that bad especially for the peasants
but nowadays in korea, whoever think japanese occupation was not so bad, people will get triggered

Looks like good ol nihon needs to teach you gooks a lil lesson

ching chong ping ling ting hao


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gook in megook gook inmegook gook in megook


lil kimchi men hahahahahahaha

i feel so bad for that leaf flag
why are there so many chinks in canada?

>Sui dynasty
literally who

Fake numbers

You're a peninsula and the border is mostly mountains, how are you surrounded?

In imperial times, China's neighbors had to pay an annual stipend of gold to Beijing and supply 50 virgins for the emperor's harem. They've always believed in having a network of weaker tributary states to milk.

Lmao, Ur just a little Gyopo. Real koreans dont accept Gyopos like you Lol. Megalians will feminize Hell Joseon.


Why is a Chinese nationalist faggot living in Canada? Go back if you love China so much dumb chink

yeah but thats hundreds of years ago
if they think that still works
they have serious autism

>50 virgins
lol what



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instead of china, you supply 50 virgins to US military bases a year

>yeah but thats hundreds of years ago
>if they think that still works

Oh but they do. They'd love nothing more than to exclude US influence from East Asia and recreate their former network of tributary states.

they go wherever there's already a lot of other chinks


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Behold, the 한남충

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Im not even Chinese. Those numbers are just obviously inflated like a lot of battles from back then.

Isn't the tributary system two way?

You send big boss stuff, big boss sends you stuff.

Ugly Korean "men" hahahahahhahaha

We will take your women and liberate them from Hell Joseon

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Did somebody say UGLY GOOK? Yep, UGLY GOOK

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why would the chinese inflate the numbers of how many of their own men died in battle

flag checks up

why are you calling a korean flag gyopo when ur the gyopo?

Why are you doing this

>flag checks up

inb4 I’m cantonese or taiwanese

its fun to agitate gyopos

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How do you know its a chinese source that reported the casualties? Did you check?

insecure, extreme self-hating southeast asian or ‘I’m not chinese’ chinese

I'm white, I follow Kpop translation blogs and whatnot. Korean women hate korean men lol, I will take for myself a tight little korean women such as yeonwoo of momoland:3

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Free Korea women sexual liberation. WOMAD

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The Question is Gook. The Answer is Gook.

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eww, you are clearly some psycho psychotic chinese kid. take your meds zhang

What the fuck, brb opening glasses store in korea

Awww, looks like i hurt a gyopo

this adds point to my opinion
chinese are the worst creature
look that this retarded kid

because the number of troops china sent were most likely recorded and if it wasn't the same number claimed then the chinese would show evidence dismissing the claim

In Korea, there is no sense of self. It is a mindless robotic follower culture. If one gook wears glasses, twelve others will follow. Make something popular and it will sell. I REPEAT: GOOKS ARE LOL

You are a Gyopo dude. That is all. BRB going to a kissbang and then a pcbang after this. Then, I will open up a Kpop studio and fuck some virgin trainees. Lifes Good. LIFES GOOK

Maybe they did this is wikipedia. Do you actually think 10,000 can kill 300,000?

any jap poster here? Plz save us from that feminist.

>Do you actually think 10,000 can kill 300,000?
yes, it's possible. they flooded a dam while the chinese were crossing and wiped them out. then the korean cavalry charged through the remaining chinese troops. it was strategic genius

Alos, another question, why is Yanbian inside of China? Why isn't it part of (North) Korea?

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because most of the koreans living there are immigrants from the 19th century.

Why did they move to China?

Yanbian never been part of korea since 926 after the collapse of balhae.

that part was chinese since long time ago
korean chinese people there are sons and daughters of korean immigrants during 1900s i believe
they speak korean and also chinese
and they identify themselves as chinese
theyre causing troubles in korea and when they go abroad, they lie that theyre korean and cause another troubles
true cancer of the planet


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escape from Japanese occupation, relatively open land for farming thus business, Russians and Manchurian railway

>they lie that there korean
So Koreans don't consider them Korean? I mean ethnicity wise
I've seen that there were many Korean states that controlled parts of Manchuria in the past, how come those areas never became Korean? Are there any interesting historical places that are now in China or Russia?

>cry when Japan tries to make you part of it
>cry when Japan leaves you
>cry for help to Japan when you need to deal with feminists

it's your problem, fix it.

Because China contributed in the Korean War
In fact, the Soviet Union considered it to belong to North Korea

I think you are too into Korean culture Zhang. that’s so nasty and stalkerish you psychotic schizophrenic ching chong chinese

Not only Korea, There is no country that loves China.

talking about ethnicity betweet china and korea is stupid because we're all mixed
many roots of the korean family names are originated from chinese immigrants very long time ago
and we do not think they're koreans
they are raised and educated in china
they only use their korean ethnicity as their advantage
to work in korea and to fuck kpop fangirls
theyre politically absolute chinese

Hey, no monkeys allowed, stay away.

Hahahahahahhahahah Gooks gna be Gooks

There actually are. Pakistan, Turkemnistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, and for some weird reason also Tanzania.

I’d reckon to say Pakistan and China are basically brothers from a different mother.

Fuck off weeb
That's right
Jjokbari is just small chink

>to fuck kpop fangirls
this seems kinda weird to specify. how does being chinese korean help with that?

so only shit countries love chink

To fuck "Koreaboos in china". i guess?

>approach to kpop fangirl
>hey im korean i can teach you korean
>go home
>ching chong ping ling mama im home

South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and the lowest fertility rate. Your people are quite literally killing themselves out of existence.

So I’d pause to look in the mirror before I would call another nation a “shithole”.

Is being a Korean working 68 hrs a week (the new “maximum” workweek) even living?

That’s 8 to 6 each day everyday.

Just because we became weaker and weaker as time goes and joseon dynasty was pure shit.

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chinese are rats who copy korean trends and always try to link the two countries as long-lost brothers or some shit. at least japs have the decency to go their own way and pioneer shit on their own

eh, still better that those shit countries you listed

>different culture

Korean Culture is 30% Ming Dynasty.


The Chinese saved Korea's ass during the Imjin War.

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What do you dislike about Joseon?

maybe a little below average. why are they all wearing glasses though?

Not really. The Ming never sent more that about 60,000 troops into Korea while Japan had almost half a million men. Besides, the Ming army spent most of that time looting the countryside and abusing the locals.

practically Korean and Chinese hate each other more than they do to Japanese. I have many Korean and Chinese friends but Ive never seen Korean and Chinese get along. they always ignore each other for historical reasons maybe.

That's less than 10 percent.
The culture of Ming Dynasty is only the dress of the king and the rulers.

>while Japan had almost half a million men
no way it was around 150,000

so what are you suggesting?
we should kiss their ass because of some war no one actually remembers?
yeah sure history is far more complicated than saying that country is shit and that country is also shit
but the fact is that chinks are aiming their missiles to us and they always try to tame us
and see how chinks treats their minorities
even their country name says it "jjong-guo" means theyre literally the center of the world and they still believe so
what the fuck are you suggesting?

Confucianism, i'd say, they grabbed pen instead of sword but it wasn't that bad if i consider the fact that more than 3000 Wars happend in this tiny peninsula.

Well now, let's see how much Joseon had.

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Fucking China must be balkanized

I don't get why most Koreans hate Japan for just 36 years of annexation, when China has been lording over Korea for hundreds of years.

After North Korea, China is the single biggest threat to Korea.

not because of history
china and korea would hate japan more if it was history thing
but chinks are being a dick right now
even you know it japan


Do you know what Korea was in 1980 when I first visited?
A shithole.

China in 2000?
A shithole.

See, shitholes can turn into very powerful allies quite quickly.