Why are they so uncivilized, Why do they get anger way too easily??

Why are they so uncivilized, Why do they get anger way too easily??

Attached: 550px-Latin_America_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (550x550, 95K)

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Third worlders would die in their slums if they got too soft.

Pls colonize

It's called being a man soyboy

Attached: Helguera Mexicano.jpg (736x987, 160K)

maybe uncivilized but not as hated as you japan.

Indo blood

south Belize is white and ten times safer than japan

Because most of the accusations are true even though we don't to admit it :(

If this thread is uncomfortable for you, please reporte him to the administrator.
He is a malicious spammer who continues to post same threads for months.

Kill yourself, autistic proxyfag

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-11 int - International » Searching for posts that contain ‘why’ and with the (1111x4368, 1.24M)

Please stop killing Japanese girls

Attached: american weeab.png (827x696, 797K)

Why am I laughing at this?

low IQ

Why American alway rape and kill women?

russian fake news

>American Who Decapitated Tinder Date in Japan Was a 'Spoiled Child' Whose 'Dream Was to Marry a Japanese Woman'

This. I thank every single day I don't live in South America.

Attached: THAILAND.jpg (3288x4127, 3.92M)

too much iberian blood

>I thank every single day I don't live in South America.
If I was a ladyboy living in a country whose king had a tramp stamp I guess I'd feel the same way

Attached: King of Thailand.png (629x359, 512K)

Because they don't have their own culture, language and history

Shut the fuck up you cunt-eyed pikachu or else i'll find you and rape you through your seppuku scar.

Mexico is okay but still too violent. Also my friends in Texas were Chicanos but they're probably a better breed of Mexican. Less feral.

Only the second one is true

go back to raping school girls, Jappy.

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Brazil: 3rd world superstar
Chile: think themselves as white and rich
Argentina: failed country and lost war
Paraguai: fucked and burned by neighbors
Uruguai: little rich and better as a 3rd worlder
Peru, Bolibia: Maca comes from here
other shit: drug farmer

Attached: laughingpepe.jpg (399x385, 29K)

sato-san, i fugget a japanese tourist this summer, nice pussy fampa desu. (not a joke)

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Why do you pretend to be japanese?

Cuz actually he is?

>he moved to SK now

I know you south American guys always drink this Maca. You can't even fuck without this.


Attached: maca-root-1-1200x675.jpg (1200x675, 104K)

no one knows that here

He is just an average mentally ill poster in 2ch. You can see the ppl like hime there

nigga what?


What's wrong with you irrelevant counrty boys
? You even don't know Maca.Just ask your dad, they know it.

I thing sato-san is having a seizure, someone call 911

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CIA put angry juice in their water.


chink chang dong ding. hope you chinks die slow and alone like everyone in your cunt

and the other face is random and dangerous animals, jungle, shit rain weather and really aggressive natives

chino cochino

Attached: non-asian-eyes.jpg (800x600, 136K)

Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, and some parts of Mexico are actually nice.

fug thailand is beautiful


>people still fall in this thread

>be nip
>work 70 hours a week
>live in shoebox house
>manga pinups and used fap tissues everywhere
>no gf
>die kissless virgin

b e s t c o u n t r y


Where are the ladyboys?
