Why wh*toid doing this? Are they human? What are they doing in pic related with the interdimensional-looking machine?

Why wh*toid doing this? Are they human? What are they doing in pic related with the interdimensional-looking machine?

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they are preserving their whiteness by making a copy through that sensor machine.it then gets sent to a database under the earth to prevent mutts from stealing it


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looks like an x-ray machine

it does has the /x/ vibe to it

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>What are they doing in pic relate

Attached: mib-device.jpg (1024x576, 43K)

interplanetary commuting?

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It's a blacklight, they are checking for any traces of semen before sending them home from church.

they need the soul of the innocents to keep their whiteness


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Wtf is this shit?

its a uv lamp that "disinfect" body

I believe i was done for the D vitamin

It's a lamp that fires UV rays onto the skin and their bodies absorbs it to create Vitamin-D. This is mainly done to people who can't produce properly or lack sunlight in longer times. Usually in Siberia.

For instance, niggers here in Sweden have huge vitamin D deficiency that their kids get mild autism or other problems. Even with extra supplement they can't handle it.
I hope someday we get a good winter that will affect them all.

I was told dark skinned people get even stronger vitamin d deficiencies and brittle bones.


My fellow countrymen, what the hell is this? It's disgusting.

Returning home (planet)?

Attached: http_%2F%2Fa.amz.mshcdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F08%2Fartificialsun-1.jpg (1200x966, 181K)

They are traveling to the past to make sure communism wins


Notice that they are at parade rest. These are no ordinary babies. They are actually m

reptilian wh*toid?

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This is disturbing

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had such thing at school, but it was only for one person. they called us by one and we sit near it for 5 minutes.
It has specific smell, i guess it's ozon

will the blackness revealed if you don't undergo this wh*toid light?

OK I'm kinda curious. Will wait until someone have better answers.

ayy lmaos

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Wait, you remember those experiments [that did not happen]? Not to worry, a nice man from FSB will be visiting you soon to take care of your faulty memory.