Someone insults China

>someone insults China
>Canadian flag jumps in and defends it

Attached: 1519967281423.jpg (181x182, 10K)

Probably just a Chinese living in Canada

>Someone insults China
>Australian flag jumps in and defends it

This is statistically rarer and you'll often see Aussie flags talking shit about chinks but you'll NEVER see a chinkadian flag do so.

>someone insults muslims
>swedish flag jumps in and defends it

At least they have Chinese


>someone insults Mexico
>Kiwi flag jumps in and defends it


Attached: 1504556599446.png (1210x1190, 116K)


Attached: 1519449083894.png (235x236, 41K)

what kind of nigger doesnt realise that at the point he sees ones post

Attached: Santiago.jpg (379x379, 24K)

>someone insults Serbia
>Peruvian flag jumps in and defends it

my life for Serbia

Attached: 1489809489525.png (420x420, 12K)

Yes, you have correctly identified the default implication.

>Sup Forumstard says something retarded
>dozens of people mock him but the retard decides to ignore all of the other flags in order to fit into his elaborate narrative which conveniently disregards any and all criticism towards his pet hatred driven ideology in order to maintain the tribal US vs Them paradigm
Whatever helps you sleep at night but don't get upset decades down the line when it hits you like a brick that you've effectively wasted your life on delusions of grandeur rooted in self pity and deflection

It's just him

I see what you did there and appreciate it.

Enjoying your holiday in America Gunter?

>someone insults australia

Attached: 1482930324252.gif (533x300, 184K)

>someone insults China
>New Zealand flag jumps in and defends it

Attached: 1515173447172.png (400x416, 41K)

not even them, just bunch of european flags, mainly french flags.

More like AusFAILia lmao

newfags please leave

Attached: probably a turk living in germany.jpg (1024x482, 104K)

>someone mentions baltics
>russian flag jumps in and insults them

Attached: 1502430160953.jpg (502x640, 79K)

Oh look, its the gyopo that i pissed off teehee

Attached: fWOxtdozo9Ci_97pF8Fcxe6ZgejxXoyLTaroIeeTEo0.png (558x767, 346K)

I'm trying to contribute to another r/s4s screencap you dingaling.

Attached: 1515080298151.png (640x471, 451K)

God damn it, I came to this thread to say this.

>someone insults japan
>japanese flag jumps in and defends it

Attached: i.imgur.com_Z2MNWgU.jpg (768x768, 183K)


Your 1/23rd German ancestry is showing bruh

>someone insults Russia
>Russian flag jumps in and approves it
Feels bad man.

not true
be quiet

>someone insults Mexico
>Merican flag jumps in and defends it

Attached: frido.jpg (285x242, 18K)

>Insult a Japanese
>kill himself

Attached: 1519496838202.jpg (1005x1288, 284K)

Nonsense, would would he climb over the great wall of china?

>insult chinese
>finnish flag defends it

>get into an argument
>it's some butthurt chink living in a white country defending his mainland master

Attached: 1505154602272.jpg (245x249, 14K)

>Express my interest in another culture
>Swedish flag jumps in to call me a traitor

Attached: Chinman.jpg (216x311, 27K)

>I insult Pakistan
>British flags defend it

Attached: 1469858867166.jpg (640x628, 40K)

hello swede

Attached: GettyImages-598047890-640x426.jpg (640x426, 55K)

>insult Albania
>20 Italian flags rush to its defense

That never happens anyway because CHIs mostly hate Mexico and consider Mexicans to be losers who weren't hardcore enough to emigrate.

>insult mordor
>american flag defends it

Attached: puolakamera.png (1290x726, 731K)

>insult mordor
San Francisco?

>insult france
>its always thirld world cunts and anglos

>insult (pick one) shithole in Africa or the Middle East
>get attacked by multiple German, British, Dutch, French, and Swedish flags

Insult Russia and more American/European posters defend it than actual Russians.

>insult Britain
>Ireland flag piles on more insults

>insult Ireland
>20 American plastic paddies rush to its defense

>insult murrica
>hello, guys, it's amerimutt thread now

pindosi voobshe ahooeli

>insult Turkey
>German flags attack me

>Make a post concerning the current state of the South African president
>Finnish flag points out that Rurik was a finn while a German calls me sub-human

>insult America
>no flag jumps in and defends it

Attached: 1498023170926.png (600x350, 224K)

Attached: 1520244357338.png (300x300, 232K)

Isn't that the joke???

Germans are long sentences and can be distinguished.

>someone insults Estonia
>everyone is outraged and comes to Eesti's defense

Fairy bread is shit and New Zealand is better than chinkland

God i fucking hate the obvious bait posts because you never know how many layers there are to bait responses.

>Probably just a Chinese living in Canada
Or someone uses a proxy.

They have just one real city and less than 900k Estonians are living in the whole country. They deserve some help.

>calling them newfags
>not realizing how many of them are playing along
You gotta think la

Attached: 1520529027213.jpg (882x731, 113K)

>Insult Turkey
>Brotherhood member knocks at my door

t. Joe Sanchez

These stereotypes don't always work tbqh famm. I will defend a lot of the Mexican banter and i am not Mexican. I bet i piss off a lot of southern US shitposters when they see me defending mexico but w/e

>argumentum ad hominem

Attached: FUCK HIM UP LEN.gif (343x182, 1.03M)

>live in china
>hate china

Attached: 1513574285563.jpg (900x948, 260K)