What causes someone to be come a socialist?

What causes someone to be come a socialist?

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Soy and victim mentality

High intelligence and empathy

High intelligence and empathy

lack of work experience


Realizing that their liberal arts degree is useless and will never get them a well-paying job

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not being a psychopath

>believes no one should be allowed to own property
>calls others psychopaths



> Offering public healthcare and education alongside private options is socialism

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knowledge of what creates a successful nation

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Anger that the boomer generation are a bunch of old faggots.

that's not socialism

we do that and we've been ruled by our right wing for a decade

why do americans consider center-right "dangerous communism"?

>why do americans consider center-right "dangerous communism"?
an entire generation (boomer) have been told that """communism""" is very bad and wants to control their lives.
I can't wait till they all die.

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The ideal of building a better society.
In general that works, give everybody a fair chance at a good live. However open borders only work if the people you open your borders to come and live in a comparable system.

Which a bunch of liberal leftists do not understand.

Hello Plebbit

Realizing rich cocksuckers rig the game and keep all the money for themselves. I however think the 1% should be guillotined.

Most people to the right of "center" here (e.g. ""moderate"" right wingers like Ben Shapiro) routinely compare Bernie to Stalin, think that Americans have the best quality of life, and wail about Venezuela or vague notions of "muh individual responsibility" when someone calls them out.