How do I become a refugee in Europe?

How do I become a refugee in Europe?

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This country will collapse soon and become a warzone so that means you should be able to qualify for refugee status

Go there by an airplane without your passport, since you are american they would probably assume you are a white arab.

you cant if you are an american citizen


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>Step 1. Fly to Europe
Oh wait, Americans dont travel.
>Step 2. Throw away your passport.
Oh wait, Americans dont have passports
>Step 3. Go to the nearest refugee center.
>Step 4. Answer basic questions about Syria.
Oh wait, Americans cant learn foreign languages or basic geography.
>Step 5. Spend a year in a shitty camp.
And voila. You're now European.

I have masturbated to this picture close to 400 times.

Also niggers out.

do you have the source?

Artist is abubu, all of hes art is as awesome.

ty 4 the sauce

Will wh*Toids ever recover?

Attached: hentai--abubu-1391676.png (811x308, 353K)

Wtf? How is this sexually arousing?

Those look like Blonde haired Japanese people

god i wish that were me

Attached: sample_da4f69e2fc96f48c59ad2098df75b060.jpg (850x637, 204K)

>Oh wait, Americans dont travel.
Americans travel more than Europeans. The difference is that you can travel to a different country in Europe faster and easier than it takes Americans to drive to a different state.
Barely any of you fuckers travel beyond a short holiday in Spain.

Post more nigs with anime girls, please


How it is not?

>I share this board with people that couldn't instantly know the artist by the artstyle

Attached: 1502383130597.gif (300x168, 786K)

There's some nice /ss/.

My ass on the top left

>Barely any of you fuckers travel beyond a short holiday in Spain
Preaty accurate.