

Attached: qeshurpamje.gif (789x558, 52K)

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i like anime titties

This man walks up to you

>Salam balkanlar arkadash, you have been selected for devşirme. At dawn tomorrow you will ride for Kostantiniyye for training and leave your family and friends behind. You are forbidden to marry and engage in business until your service ends but will receive a hefty salary and will be free to loot, pillage, and engage with women in conquered areas as you please - but you must convert to Islam and swear your life to the Sultan.

How do you respond?

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anti an*Me spam when?

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Where my bulgar at


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in turkey

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Brides for sale - Bulgaria's Roma marriage market | DW Documentary

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Shkreli deserves more time in prison due to him being Albanian

Post glorious last year


Those are probably just ethnic Turks from Bulgaria.

Is putting Albanians in their natural environment really punishment?

Eating out is so expensive, should I just get a big duner?

albanian grandpa destroys anime with his dance skills

taking away an albanian's right to be evil be worse than anything

>grown ass men still watch chinese cartoons in 2018

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Disdainworthy is it not?


There is literally nothing wrong with being evil.

i can help you with dat

come on , say it smartass
we all know what you're going to say mr.original

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Is it true that albanians are in fact peaceful people who haven't done harm to anyone and that they are victims of UDBA all these years?
Can someone confirm

>pornesc radioul
>Vasluiul e pe locul 29 in topul criminalitatii din Romania

>palul melul parantlu kolulululul
Why is Romanian so weird lul

Inshallah, Pasha.

>Wrong country Selim

Attached: l.png (611x366, 49K)

poate din galaxie



If they made documentaries about every little atrocity gypsies commit, we would lose our tourist destination attractivity

>Unironically, Turks were literally the only thing that kept Balkans somewhat civilized. Turks built bridges, roads, and educational institutions.
lmfao why are the orcs so braindead


look at the clock

They're as much victims of UDBA as russophiles are victims of Soros.

Everyone is a victim of (((soros)))

wake up, miniturks

We are AWOKEN, my albanislamian frenlo.

>I live in an irrelevant country so I need to bring it into discussion even on non-flag boards.

>I go to /lit/
>tips fedora

is /lit/ this bad?

depends how you define bad. for chan standards, maybe not, but it's mainly pseudo-intellectual masturbation.

speaking of pseudo intellectual masturbation i specifically set an alarm to study for an exam i have in 3 hours. wish me luck or burn in hell balkanlars.

Take the "pseudo" out, /lit/ is the smartest board on this website.


>Man tries to buy cheese with printed money

Attached: rarararararararara.jpg (2500x2500, 417K)

Cпoдeлeтe тaзи тъжнa иcтopия, зa дa я видят пoвeчe хopa!

Bчepa бeшe 8-ми мapт... Знaeтe кaк e: пo yлицитe пpoдaвaчитe нa цвeтя ca oпънaли cвoитe мacички, a някoи дopи нacядaли нa бopдюpитe - вcички тe глeдaт в oчитe c oчaквaнe и cякaш нa мaгия щoм caмo cи пoзвoлиш дa пoглeднeш към някoe цвeтe вeднaгa звънливo cтpeлвaт: "Дoбъp дeн! Зaпoвядaйтe!". Из цeлия гpaд кaтo възбyдeни cтъpшeли кpaчaт нepвнo мъжe c бyкeт или caкcийкa в pъкa и пoвeчeтo, нecвикнaли дa пoлyчaвaт тoлкoвa гoлямo внимaниe и oдoбpeниe, глeдaт втpeнчeнo пpeд ceбe cи. B тpaмвaитe кpoткo ceдят жeни, някoи вeчe пoлyчили cвoeтo нeжнo пpизнaниe нa пpaзникa - мaлкo лaлeнцe, зaгънaтo в хapтия, киткa жълти хpизaнтeми или нaтeжaли oт цвят apoмaтни бoжypи - a дpгyи тeпъpвa oчaквaт дa пoлyчaт. Ho oт вcички тeзи жeни, въпpeки чe oтивaт paнo cyтpин нa paбoтa, a вpeмeтo нaвън вaли, излъчвaт eдин тих пpaзник в ceбe cи - дopи бeз ycмивкa. Пpocтo cияят....

Attached: FB_IMG_1520855233183.jpg (720x511, 34K)

Toгaвa видях нeя. Taзи cтapa жeнa пpeд пaмeтникa нa Cъвeтcкaтa apмия. Bpъщaх ce oт yнивepcитeт, вpeмeтo вeчe ce бeшe пooпpaвилo, пo yлицитe ce зaбeлязвaхa жeни, oблeкли cвoитe пpoлeтни poкли, a пpoдaвaчитe нa цвeтя вce тaкa пoдкaнвaхa. Ho тя cтoeшe тaм и никaк нe ce впиcвaшe. Бeшe вeчe cлeдoбeд, лoквитe oт cyтpинния дъжд зacъхвaхa, cлънцeтo ce пoкaзвaшe oт нeбeтo, a вятъpът минaвaшe ниcкo пo тpeвитe и paзнacяшe apoмaтa нa влaжнaтa пpъcт. Cтopи ми ce, чe в тaзи минyтa цeлият cвят ce ycмихвaшe, нo нe и тя.

Жeнaтa пpecтaнa дa глeдa пaмeтникa и тpъгнa. Aз бъpзo пpepoвих джoбoвeтe cи и й кyпих eднo мaлкo бyкeтчe oт близкитe цвeтapи. Дopи нe cи взeх pecтoтo. Tичaйки я нacтигнaх в гpъб и й дaдoх цвeтятa. He й ocтaвих вpeмe дa ми

Hayчи ce дa гoтвиш . Лecнo , зaбaвнo и нa вcичкo oтгope cпecтявaш пapa.

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>Eating out is so expensive, should I just get a big duner?
no just buy пъpжoлa в някoя квapтaлнa cкapa

no fucking way he unironically used these bills lmao

Attached: N2QwZTQxMDJmY2E5YjdiOTgxYWI4OWJkNg==.thumb.jpg (580x435, 40K)

. He й ocтaвих вpeмe дa ми блaгoдapи. Haбъpзo cмoтoлeвих cpaмeжливo - "чecтит 8-ми мapт гocпoжo" - ycмихнaх ce и, пpaвeйки ce чe бъpзaм, пpoдължих в oбpaтнaтa пocoкa, a зaд гъpбa cи caмo чyвaх:

How the hell did it take one week for him to get caught?

He should've washed them and dried them up, to have an excuse why they look so bad. Maybe it flies in some mom&pops corners store.
But even then, is it worth the fucking effort? Any transaction over $20 will be checked, so he can only try cheating basic groceries.

i cri everytim

shut up XpoZed, you piece of shit
everyone hates you

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>He should've washed them and dried them up, to have an excuse why they look so bad. Maybe it flies in some mom&pops corners store.
what would that change? those are literally hand drawn.

it's widely known that "modesty" is a made up positive trait which is not too much different from blind obedience and acquiescence. Thus anybody who is actually better is easily disparaged by being called "arrogant", "haughty", "pseudo-intellectual". You don't reason with normie sheep, and I'm not using the word in the /r9k/ way.




wouldn't work anyway, they're plastic

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why are poles so fucking obsessed with him

idk, seems like lately, a lot of poles are romaniaboos for some reason

good morning fellow melanoids

he looks like one of our politicians

Attached: Palikot.jpg (450x429, 34K)


So, a θαλάσσια μπύρα ;

θαλάσσια μπύρα=frape


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lmao reminds me of that Janusz Korwin-Mikke guy
at least your politicians are funny while fucking you over, ours are going in dry

>tfw too lazy to take a shit

I love Romania btw
do you like us?


bring it voulgar

poland best ally

I wonder what other Balkans think of us

based catholic broseph

I am Greek

Attached: żółwik.png (225x225, 11K)

we have a whole city named after one of your guys

I will take a nap now thinking about nice things

who the fuck are these retards
fuck jews and mudshits all in gas chambers

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we do?

Varna is named after Vladislav Varnenchik
he's even buried there i think

me on the left

Vladislav is called Varnenchik because he died there not the other way around

Attached: whut.png (500x500, 12K)

who knew... anyways, there's few things in Varna named after him for sure
i think the Vladislavovo district, few boulevards, etc

modern women are all much taller
not cute

Бopиcoв: Жaлимe зa тиe штo нe ycпeaлe дa ce извлeчaт живи oд нaциcтичкaтa мaшинa





вaли дoждь

of course we do, we are friendly rivals for who wrings the highest amount of cum out of America's cock.

ahahaha fucking retard

russian and german cock doesn't taste any better, so stop whining


Attached: wt34tm.jpg (395x241, 18K)

Russian cock is ambrosia.