Do you like protestants ? :3

Do you like protestants ? :3

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I was one till I realized how shitty religion is in general.


Protestants are a bigger threat to Christianity than Muslims.


Don't care

in the 17th century they were
nowadays the biggest threat to christianity is atheism and it's a battle that christianity is losing, fast

>the biggest threat to christianity is atheism and it's a battle that christianity is losing, fast
lol no

Yes. Not to be racist, but the only places where religion in general is growing are absolute shitholes like Sub-Saharan Africa. Of course atheism is declining in relative numbers since countries like Niger have a birth rate of 7 and all of those will be Muslim, same for countries like Ethiopia which is Christian. But those people don't matter because their countries don't matter.

In the countries that matter, religion is disappearing.


And sadly those countries who matter are getting flooded with "humans" from places that don't matter

the ones i know IRL are weird and soulless

Oh look, it's the FYROMian who always wants to force the exact same political issue in every thread. Go to Sup Forums, that's the political board.

Anglicanism is not Protestantism.

I like protestants, I don't like protestantism

Protestantism is Catholicism without brain.

>there's only one mace on fourchen
I was just sharing my opinion and concern you retard.

>Not to be racist,
I can see why my post triggered you so much. You are like a closet homo just in this case is Sup Forums and you reek of Sup Forums desu

hes still right though, atheists are extremely fond of islam and will gladly succumb as long as it also means the demise of christianity

It depends on which atheists tho, if its the tumblr/reddit ones then yeah they will defend Islam even if goes against their beliefs.
Mostly because they have been teached in school/university that christians are the bad guys, christianity brings patriarchy(true but not the point) and so on, while muslims are a marginalized minority group. And a minority is always oppressed. This is what these people actually believe in.
Even when you show them what's life in muslim dominated countries, how women, atheists, lgbt are treated they still turn blind eye on that shit.

And Catholicism is Anglicanism without a brain.