/brit/ + /grime/


thread theme:


Attached: woiiiiii.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


protestants caused all the world's problems when they through out the sacrament and turned mass into a church service

>Drew was born and raised in Forest Gate, London. His mother worked for a local authority and his father, Paul Ballance, played in a punk rock band called the Warm Jets during the 1970s.[2] He was five months old when his father walked out on the family, and six years old when his father "disappeared completely".[3] Growing up, Drew felt outcast from much of society, stating, "We weren't working class but we weren't middle class, we were in the void in-between. I've always felt like a social outcast."[4]

plan b is a bit of a twat lmao

got a big benis with your name on it

it's called the isle of white not the isle of pakis

Said no Irishman ever

giving /fit/ a browse for the first time in about 4 years


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doug hutchinson and his wife courtney

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actually it's the isle of wight

it's called the silly isles not the serious isles

It's called the isle of man not the isle of women and soyboys

i present to you, the last man

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it's not
they keep playing it at my gym
it's shit

>i present to you, the last man

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it's called the isle of anglosey not the isle of celtosey

every single one of these (five) tunes is a certified banger except the thread theme


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possible comp sci tutoring position with two 17 year old highschool girls


Am I meant to be able to understand this primitive bastardisation of the English Language?


>Baron Hussain of Luton
Reckon you would suck his cock for a low-rent flat or a comfy civil servant job just the same

have people still to migrate? fuckin hurry up i need an audience

If there were no niggers I wouldn't be racist

and a hat for you sir

anyone seen threads here?

Post pictures and I'll help you manage your spaghetti

I wonder if Johnny Foreigner even knows the difference between a life peer and a Hereditary peer

aye tons of them.

>tfw ate some sluts pussy last night
>started eating her arse
>tasted shit

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same desu

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Alan what are your thoughts on Jordan Peterson?

everyones distracted by the thread theme being such a banger

not nonce territory
they likely look older more than you

how do you sleep next to someone

the cat wandered in last night (left my door open, silly me) and went to sleep next to me. The entire time I was very mindful of every move I made as to not disturb him.
After about 20 minutes I had enough and put him downstairs
can't imagine doing that with an actual human, far too stressful, sleep is supposed to be relaxing

snuggling up with the girl (or boy) you love is very comfy :)


Does anyone else purposely act slow/stupid sometimes in conversation

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Happy Commonwealth Day lads

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didn't even address the question
apply yourself

where are the studenty places in london

Smart internet marketer who OBLITERATES SJW 2017 [DESPACITO REMIX] to funnel traffic to the steady "personality tests" that he sells on his websites.

only if i think they are an arrogant cunt bc then I like to expose them by playing the idiot untill they trip up

i have a gf but with 2 of them they'd be able to pin me down and ride my face and cock and there'd be nothing i could do. they'd suck me dry no matter how much i resist


going to another rave this weekend

fuck sake lmao

love it

the US is not commonwealth sweetie and according to Sup Forums we're not anglos either

off the top of my head
All of central london
camden town

you can get throat cancer eating pussy and intestinal tract cancer eating ass. don't do it. go to church

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When you think about it wageslaves have it harder than actual slaves


and bloomsbury

is your pet rock going?

most of those are going to leave when the queen dies, the commonwealth is fucking pointless

same. but i give more of a shit about disturbing a cat than a person

you get used to them, they get used to you. Just Be Yourself

>go to spee
>ctrl + f 'epl'
>no results


not white either

When you think about it NEETs have it easier than slave owners

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you gonna molest any nieces when you get there? lol

yeah havent seen one in ages

Sup Forums is dead lad

if your leg moves during the night, the cat thinks 'shit i'm dead. this is it. i lay down for 1 minute and now a predator caught me'

if you move in your sleep next to a person they think 'bog off' and roll over

>go to spee
>search for cric
>1 result

you need to put quotes around e and p

if you think about it

Donna's ending in Dr Who is really fucking sad.

she was also the best assistant imho

why isn't ireland in the commonwealth? is is butthurt?

you know how i know you've never interacted with a cat?

accidentally clicked a picture without cars and more car pictures appeared ffuuuuuu

I'm an earthquake when I'm asleep
Apparently I have convulsion-like movements frequently throughout the night

I love niaraland, I can’t wait for Nigeria to become a superpower so this shits mainstream.

a cat isn't stupid, if its getting squashed it will let you know


nah i just have autistic unpredictable movements around our cat so it runs away.

the rest of the family fine with it

dont like britpakis simple as

the canzaus are alri tho

nah was the ginger lass she was well peng

facts don't care about your feelings

sleep like a baby, meaning I often shit myself

the worst thing about sleeping with a cat is it gets up at like 5 am and cries at the door

>supermarkets are banning under-16s from buying Coke and Red Bull now

England is a shitshow

cats should be exterminated

>when an otherwise fine Thai girl writes "ya'll"

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more of a martha jones man myself

ye u gota leave the doro open feels weird slepeing like that though

so THIS is the power of the north east

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the worst thing about sleeping with a cat is its butthole is too tight if i'm honest

TIL Croatian babies shit in bed

the glory hunting pakis ruined with their 'non league' nonsense

why would you even care about this unless you were a literal child


you jealous?

>motorway plonked through middle of town



any of you lads remember the Clara autist?


>why would you care about the curtailing of freedoms if it doesn't affect you directly?
Ah yes, the "slippery slope isn't real" mong


waiting to see how these (You) seedlings turn out

its funny because its true

if red bull is banned then coffee should be banned