Which country has the most handsome boys?

Which country has the most handsome boys?

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America or China based on population. But beauty is subjective. Also gay thread sage.

finnish gay know a answer. ask him.

we do

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received pronunciation is probably one of the sexiest accents

I like my men like my coffee
Imported from Brazil

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Posting hot international men

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i think i look fine


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Me in the middle :^)


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They are surprisingly smooth for Greek guys. Most Mediterranean guys I've seen have a fair amount of hair

French bois

It varies. Their legs are probably hairy. Nordics are just as hairy if not more. Meds look hairy because on average they'll have dark hair so it's more noticeable.

Certainement, il sera dur.

I haven't seen a single Finn who has chest hair, me neither. Though I lost in genetic lottery because I can't grow beard either and I'm 167cm

I'm about the same height, maybe a bit taller. It doesn't matter much to girls in my experience. Girls (and guys) have been hitting on me since I was 12.

>chest hair
>back hair
>hand hair
if my hair was dark I would look like a fucking monkey

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Perfect bf material.

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ur not real nordic, ur steppe mongol x-----DDDD

I barely have hand hair either so I just shave it off

W-wait hold on just a second...I'm kinda taken

>W-wait hold on just a second...I'm kinda taken
Good and sad to hear that.

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latin america

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Brazil of course. Men from other countries are ugly as fuck.

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moar USA

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Russia (?)

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