How can one acquire a French gf?

How can one acquire a French gf?

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You can start by actually being in France.

Tell that to all the black men

how can one acquire a beurette gf?

They're not worth the hassle
All of my gfs have been quebecois and their families act really autistic when they find out I do not know French.
Like my current gf, when her dad found out I did not know french he tried to sign me up for french classes and he gave me some intro to french books.
They're so fucking autistic they dislike how my girlfriend can speak english without an accent.

quebec is not france, friend

>when her dad found out I did not know french he tried to sign me up for french classes and he gave me some intro to french books.

Saying québécois are French is like saying aussies are brits, also learning a new language never hurts

why the fuck would you want that?

holy fucking based

might be a retarded question but did your girlfriends speak french at all
because im thinking maybe their parents pushed their failure to teach their daughters french onto you

All of them were fluent in French.
My first gf ever had better French than English

are you the albertan?

>tfw no thick crypto nazi lonsdale french qt gf

Your accent isn't bad actually. Just get more confidence and I think it'll not even be a concern.

La marseillaise est objectivement le meileur hymne national au monde.

yeah i know it's decent for a filthy americain pig
but is it something girls there would like or is it considered retarded
i know you frogs are supposed to be very particular on what kinds of accents you like
i got a lecture once for saying i thought the quebecois accent sounded cool

Quebecois are not french you fucking retard just because we share the same language doesn't mean we are the same are Canadians, British, American and Australians the same ?

>i got a lecture once for saying i thought the quebecois accent sounded cool

You deserved it

You better delete this post

pardon Monsieur?

I want to put a bun in a French oven

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Bien sur jacques préfère l’accent algérien.

Désolé vous avez raison

The québécois accent sounds bad to a lot of french people because it derived from settlers who were pretty low on the refinement scale. And since you don't have great works of literature or cinema saving it like pagnol did with provençal accent, you're doomed to sound like country bumpkins forever.
Maybe you should have exported a bit more culture than corny humorists.

it's like comparing the crocodile hunter with the queen imo
except instead of getting stabbed by stingrays, the quebecois are slurping maple syrup and fucking beavers
I think it's charming desu

Mais quel post de merde. T'as pas honte ?

I would say it depends on how strong is your accent. I wouldn't usually say the American accent is nice, but when it's not too pronounced it's really not a concern, one would actually be glad an American speak French. I told you: get more confidence so you don't pause between each words and it'll sound natural enough not to be a concern.

Salty boi

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Sure it’s easy to export your art and literature when you live in a continent populated whith nothing but english speakers who despise you

t. chti

L'accent québécois est tout aussi français que l'accent parisien et l'est encore plus que les accents régionaux car il ne découle pas d'un dialecte de langue d'oc ou d'oïl mais bien d'un français authentique parlé par les Français colonistes du XVIIIe. On peut admettre qu'il paraît étrange à l'oreille non entraînée, mais tu as utilisé la formule "sounds bad", laissant entendre un mépris de tous les métropolitains à son égard. Désolé mais je n'ai pas l'intention de te suivre dans ton idiotie et je doute que ce soit le cas de beaucoup de monde.

tfw arab and french gf :^)

arrête de diviser les locuteurs du français bougno*le

Excuse moi mais étant anglais seconde langue je trouvais pas de meilleurs mots pour dire que ça sonne pécore.
Plus blond que toi serguec.

Je rejoins , l'accent québécois est tout aussi respectable que n'importe quel autre. Pour peu que la personne en face parle correctement le français, il peut bien avoir un accent parisien, sudiste, québécois, belge, amerloc comme l'autre user ou même congoïde que je m'en tamponne le sauciflard.

>regardez moi, tout les accents sont pareils, je fais pas la différence
Bon dieu c'est pas compliqué alors arrête de jouer à touche pas à mon pote. L'accent québécois a des sonorités qui le rapprochent vachement au bon vieux patois. Que tu soit raciste ou sainte-nitouche de la diversité ça fait bouseux.

Tu sais lire ? Je suis en train d'expliquer qu'il existe toute une variété d'accent mais qui ne se classent pas par valeur. La seule valeur, c'est la qualité du français. Les accents dépendent seulement de l'endroit où tu vis.

t'es plus con qu'un corse toi. Bien sur que l'accent ne permet pas de juger efficacement l'éducation de quelqu'un. Il n'empêche que parler comme un cul terreux te donne une apparence moins désirable.
Je parie que tu t'habille comme de la merde et que tu t'étonne qu'on te confonde pour un prolo en permanence.

Quebec pussy is made for Big Albertan Cock. Quebec needs to replay is for all of the gibs we have provided them

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Is Alberta the red pilled province of Canada?

Not really.
Cities are as faggy as ever.
Fort Mc (the oil boom city) is filled with druggies, hookers and other degenerates. It turns out if you give ex NEETs and highschool dropouts 90000 a year they do stupid things.
The current governing political party are social dems, but they will be a one term government. People only voted for them to spite the conservatives in the previous election.
Rural areas are redpilled but then you have to deal with injuns and druggies trying to steal from you. The police sides against the home owners every fucking time too. The good thing is our government hasn't used our "hate speech tribunals" in around 12 years, and this is one of the few provinces to have Catholic schools.

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But yeah, in the end Alberta is more redpilled than Ontario or BC.
It's not as redpilled as I'd want it to be though.

Sorry to interrupt but why "au monde" and not "du monde" ?

Speak French, hate anglos

that's it

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Both are correct, can be used interchangeably and are just as common.

Talk to her. It is that easy, many of them are total degenerate. There is a meme about it in France because Arabs usually live in the same place than blacks.

Ah ok, thanks

Voyons les choses en face: l'accent quebequois sonne stupide, ivre et consanguin parce qu'il ressemble à l'accent du nord.

>Voyons les choses en face: l'accent quebequois sonne stupide, ivre et consanguin

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I wish i spoke fluent french

Désolée, mais les rares fois où j'ai eu l'occasion de discuter avec des Québécois, il m'a fallu toute la volonté du monde pour ne pas leur exploser de rire au visage.
Des gens très gentils, mais leur accent était tout simplement à se plier de rire.

What do you prefer?

1. Louisiana Cajun french
2. Québec french
3. African french


Louisiana Cajun French sounds absolutey adorable. My favourite

I genuinely hate the French, I don't know why people like these faggots and their behavior. They're the cancer of Europe, they ruined the English language. Hysterical how they were rude invaders in Britain and yet can't stand English in their country

Ahah yeah it would be really funny if I couldn't answer your question, OP

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Would you date a qt who speaks Louisiana Cajun french

Cajun and Antilles French sound amazing

Have you been to France? It’s actually very nice

When I was a kid only, but I can't stand Fr*nchies. Stuck up vermin with a cancerous culture that should be eliminated
>no but user! it's really nice! some french girl with hairy armpits rubbed my belly when I was there!
There's nothing nice about being like 60% African and communicating with throat clearing noises

Isn't most of English coming from French? We actually made this language!

>Fr*nchoids actually believe this

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But they made the Rafale! The Paris Airshow was fun

>got rubbed by a hairy qt

Nope, but I’m about to go back to France in 2 weeks to get rubbed by a completely shaven french qt 3.14 :)

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I already have a bf, so no.
Not gay either

go to Sup Forumserpals my friend, that's where I met mine, we're moving to live together next month

you don't know what you are missing, my very fat friend

Hello /cp/

Not Bad at all young one


We don't want the approval of fat sacks of shit.
We'll continue the cultural circlejerk with japan.