His country is a populationlet

>his country is a populationlet

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Why does Mexico have so many people when all the other Latin American countries are Spain tier at best.

Australia is over 23 million actually


Still a populationlet

there's too many people. I myself live in a village with 100 people and could go without seeing a single person for weeks if I didn't go to the nearby city for groceries and stuff like that.

We are good lovers

>tfw I will never live in a comfy village my ancestors have lived in for centuries

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don't pretend mexico and mexico city wouldn't be better off if at least half of the population disappeared.
as always quality > quantity

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Non meme it was the largest population center in the Americas pre-European arrival, much of the country actually is fertile land and agricultural infrastructure was already extensive in Central Mexico at the time of conquest.

That looks pretty cool 2bh

yea nah

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I for one, would not mind being a populationlet.

It's poor and violent slums but still not as bad on street level as Brazilian favelas, they do have full services (electricity, water, sewage, trash collection, etc.)

Attached: Ecatepec2.jpg (500x375, 32K)


>much of the country actually is fertile land
I always thought Mexico is a desert t b h

well, enjoy

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Sorry about black plague, 30 years war, famine, civil war, Winter war, continuation war, another famine and migrations.

I actually wouldn’t mind living there if it was safer.

We actually have slightly more forests as a percentage of area than the USA
And our semi-arid areas produce most of our crops and it's where we graze our cattle, the central highlands (pictured) are a sort of high altitude mediterranean climate, our actual deserts are for the most part limited to states on the US border.

Attached: José Maria Velasco.jpg (1199x834, 228K)

It's not that bad but it's such a huge clusterfuck of bad urbanism the very few times I've been there feels like all the drawbacks of big cities with none of the advantages, I'd much rather live in a much smaller comfy place if I had to settle for something like that

Attached: Xalapa, Veracruz.jpg (600x400, 305K)

Forgot to add, cost of living in something like I posted or pictured is probably about the same as in only problem is jobs/opportunities available.

Attached: Pahuatlán Puebla.jpg (670x377, 115K)

look at that ordnung, beautiful

abos don't count as people

Small populations are objectively better

That is why it is not coloured red in that map, my friend :)

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I did for a few months it was pretty fucking boring, only farming was done. My cousins would ask me a ton of random questions because they finally met another person their age who didn't attend their school

Is this why your island is seeking to destroy the white race?

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quite the opposite, small country and more than half of it is basically desert

now post the population densities

dios mio...