Claims to know everything

>claims to know everything
>doesnt know they got married

what did he mean by this?

Bran isn't the internet, he's just a search engine.

Why did thisneed its own thread, redditor?

he's not dr. manhattan you know

He may be able to see everything, he just hasn't had the time to look.

How the fuck does a scene like that get written? Was this fucking improvised?

Think of it like Wikipedia, all the knowledge is there but if you dont know where to look you just dont know it yet.He did go and "watch" it later once he knew WHAT to look for.

Are you guys really this dense or are you just trying to find things wrong?

He doesn't claim to know everything, he can see anything.
But he can't see everything all at once.
It's like having the internet, all the information is there, but you can only google one thing at a time.
So when Sam asked if it was something he could see he was like, hold on let me google that.

yeah it was pretty shit

Yeah, but then don't phrase it that way. If you're character says, "I've seen everything", under no circumstances should the next line out of his mouth be about something he hasn't seen.


He has to go physically see these events to know about them. He has the ability to know everything, he doesn't just automatically have the knowledge.

What the fuck is wrong with his hair? Why does his head look like a clove of garlic?

is that what george martin said in the books "its like the internet"


>Doesn't know a Tart bastard wouldn't be Sand, regardless of if it was born on For me.
Jon was a Snow, and he wasn't born in the North, it was just that his father was a northerner.

I wish he had to get fully naked to use his google powers

He didn't know that, because he never thought about it. He doesn't just "literally know everything".

he seen the events with the previous raven, and youd figure he would explore them even further with all this free time now that he is "safe", yet he still didnt know about the marriage

great writing

The ravens can't get into the library

Claims he is the three-eyed-raven now.
Doesn't correct Sansa when she addresses him as Bran


He knows everything just not all at the same time.