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Television and Film #870
Television and Film
Power Girl movie when?
Is there a worse community than Game of Thrones fans?
Tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
RIP n Morty
So in the end, the only real choices are either a standard's hero's journey in Cersi or the chosen one in Jon Snow
Space Jam 2
Whats next for her career?
ITT: scenes in children's films that terrified you as a kid. Pic related...
What did Sup Forums think of this show...
Misthicc Knight
Two days until this starts, whos excited?
ITT: Movies for plebs
Movies about being alpha?
Andrew Dice Clay - Sam Kinison
Would you demand a Dobby pussy indulgence?
This is by far the shittiest, most childlike, most blandest and most generic movie series ever made...
>mfw my gf actually watches YIFY rips
/trek/ Comfy USS Franklin Edition
Interview with Mark Hamill and Last Jedi Cast
Why do they use only dragonglass and fire to kill the zombie fucking shits...
How would you write this episode?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Cast her, Sup Forums
/got/ general last river edition
Simpsons Trivia
What movie character would you use to clone an army?
How do we stop the "Yasss queen slayyy" mentality?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Why do people act like what he does is deep and mysterious when he's just basically a high-functioning autist having a...
Cast him Sup Forums
What are some 10/10 qt blonde wife material actresses like the ones youd imagine in a "nazi world" fantasy for example...
Why did they have her die such a violent death?
The One True King of Westeros
Peter... I need you to get rid of my porn collection... Magazines, videos...
Fuck the burlington bar
Why is blackwashing ok?
ITT: We cast the Pokemon: Firered movie
The physiognomy of a film connoisseur is indicative not only of the connoisseur's character but the art of film as a...
Did they go too far with this one?
Black cheerleading coach has black girls force white girls into splits
What the fuck did i just watch?
Trial by Combat
/got/ general Rhaegar and Lyanna look like *THAT*?!
"Bran is the Night King"
Get in hothead, we have planes to crash
This is the last Jedi in the galaxy
proof bran is NK
Hey user, I think killing people is hot, wanna Death Note and chill?
ITT: Films that went over plebs' heads
Are we boycotting this movie?
What does Sup Forums think of actress Yvonne Orji?
The Prestige>Memento>Inception>>>The Dark Knight>>>Interstellar>Dunkirk>Batman Begins>TDKR
/Game of Thrones/
The Great Debate
Characters you want to murder
Movies like The Thing?
The Great Debate
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Your penile skin is only two inches
/got/ general
Does anyone have that photo of an actor (forgot who it was but hes well known) sitting outside a mcdonalds holding an...
Welcome to Film Theory 101. Let's start off with an icebreaker, introduce yourselves by telling us your name...
Threats of Protesting Lead to Cancellation of ‘Jeepers Creepers 3’ Premiere Screening
What is Sup Forumss honest opinion about this movie?
Why are black movies so successful lately?
Rick and Morty
D-don't take to boat, why are you taking the boat?
This scene and the “I’ll do the fingering” scene are better than anything we're gonna get in the Blade Runner sequel
So this is what the most handsome ASOIAF character looked like...whoa
Men used to look like this
Got general
Moments where a film fucked you up
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
Episode IX confimed?
You can't use magical time travel powers as an evidence! This is outrageous! SHANSHA! LORDS OF THE VALE! DO SOMETHING!
Blade Runner Featurette
ITT: Scenes with extremely deep meaning
/cage/ - Nicolas Cage Tribute Thread
ITT: dead careers
YES! Our Guy Patton Oswalt at it again!
It Comes At Night
What did he mean by this?
Watching Grown Ups for the first time, guys
Bladerunner: 2036 official featurette
What are some good movies from Barbados?
What the hell did i just watch
You have 10 seconds to post a comfier teen flick
Why the F is this movie so high rated? I think its sh*t
Will she win?
Literally the greatest comedy character ever created
Is anyone else disappointed that Jon Snow is a Targaryen...
/got/ general
ITT; villains that did nothing wrong
"""season""" only has 7-8 episodes in them
What makes a good horror film?
No but in all seriousness why does no one give a shit about this movie? Where is the hype?...
Holy shit! What a ride. What did you guys think?
So why didn't he kills him?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What went wrong?
Did Floki convert to Islam?
When are going to get a Berserk TV show based on Golden Age? Everyone would be happy if done right...
So apparently everyone hates The Cleveland Show now?
Did normies ruin GOT for you?
Watching movie with large group in lounge room
"Straight white men"
/got/ general
This Kickstarter Wants to Make Obama and Biden Animated Time-Travel Heroes
Is this the most Chad tv character of all time?
What exactly makes studios think, "Oh boy, let me just release this subpar movie"?
(((British Telivision)))
Brit Sup Forums Thread
Just saw this for the first time, was actually pretty good all memes aside. thoughts on it?
How did Discount Store Viserys and Shit Village Peasant Stark meet?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What are the best documentaries about life in Australia?
I don't think you can go much lower after doing commercials for mobile shovelware
Last role in anything: 2012
What am I missing?
Do you think a real life remake of the lion king would work?
I enjoyed it
So why was this show so liked? I don't get it
Favorite joke?
WebM Thread
Every post on tv about GoT
Ahh, just what we needed
Yeah well you're fucking irrelevant French whore who splashes water on her shitty asshole I doubt they'd want to do...
Wonder Woman amazons
Who are they and why are they kissing?
7 seasons
Is it true, he became the Joker after this?
When did it jump the shark?
A Simpsons joke that me personally, I didn't understand
The movie was pretty cool
Why adult women squeal like mentally challenged teenagers?
Salsa...The violation...It was gorgeous
3x01 The Rickshank Rickdemption - Written by Mike McMahan
Was he the worst special guest on RLM?
Nolan can't make pure kin-
Casino is the best crime film ever and better than Godfather I/II. Discuss
Does any show come close to being as Kino as XRA?
Admit it. It's kino
What's Sup Forumss consensus on legend of kora
Sandra: You never would have survived what I have survived
Netflix's Death Note
ITT: Burlington Bar 7x7 discussion
What TV does Sup Forums use to watch their kino?
10 hours I will not get back, this was one of the worst series I've ever seen
Why does Sup Forums hate this cutie?
What's next for the dark universe?
I'm still in awe about the way Jackson somehow managed to make the original 1933 King Kong COMPLETELY irrelevant...
How did a show like the Wire ever get made, and then last 5 seasons? And will we ever see its like again?
Was it good?
MoviePass General
Name one time this board was right about anything
A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to
Wonder Woman bloopers
Titanic 2 WHEN?
By the time Labor Day weekend wraps...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
*blocks your path*
Literally a beta uprising
/got/ general
Anyone else smoke weed at the cinema like dis:
The Kickstarter to Make Obama and Biden Animated Time-Travel Heroes Has Raised Over $70,000
/got/ general
What am I in for?
His name is Egg On Targarien
Who made this happen?
The Leftovers
My name is michael weston I used to be a spy until
Fucked up documentaries
What does Sup Forums think of The Young Pope now? Is it a masterpiece?
If you haven't ridden jurassic park at universal on a hot summer day then you have never experienced pure kino
Rumor: Joker origin movie will be "super dark and real," Joker will be a victim of bullying
If Harry Potter was a horcrux
What the fuck was his problem?
The Last Jedi?
What is Sup Forums verdict on the Witch?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What's the best movie about camels or featuring camels?
Will Brie Larson be a good Captain Marvel Sup Forums?
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
What should Paramount do for Star Trek IV?
Leave capekino to me
How did you react at this scene at the time?
Why was he scared?
What is the absolute worse episode of South Park in its entire history?
Which card is the best one Sup Forums?
Really, unironically makes you think
How the fuck are they still making these movies? Do girls even watch them anymore?
Why this 'unusual love story' has been taken off air in India
In concession line for cooler filled with melted butter at cinéma
Face it, just hit the jackpot!
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology...
Bojack Horseman General
Continuity really isn't this shows strong suit huh?
First Sup Forums fap ITT
Out of all the TV shows out right now, which has the best plot?
We will literally N E V E R see the pilot version with the original practical effects
Andrew Dice Clay - Sam Kinison
Where did people get the idea that bullies are named "Chad"? That's never the name of bullies in film
Why no biopic? He's one of their own
Do i need to tell you what the fuck you can do with aluminum tubes?
/got/ general
ITT: Cucked characters on Series or Movies
When you see it
How many posters do you think are on Sup Forums?
Has it begun? Has Trump's destruction of America finally forced normies to take the Snyder-Pill?
Rick and Morty done right
Why does he have the same powers as Bran?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What's the best action movie of all time?
His name is Aegon Targaryen
Sequels you would like to see
Slams file on desk
What is the comfiest Christmas movie
Are 4K Blu-Rays a meme or are they the future of physical media?
Mann is a fucking genius
Golden Age Actresses
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ general
Can we have a thread for modern films that we make look like old films by putting them in black and white and giving...
Are there any movies with no happy endings?
Made by the same company as Spider-Man: Homecoming
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Pick one
The Hound is Azor Ahai
Spreading AIDS with no survivors
Dental plan
Wake up
Oh for fuck's sake, I knew it would be three claw marks
This is the best movie of the decade so far
What's the BvS of 2017?
Seriously guys, are there any good movies for me to watch from 2017, or even 2016 or is kino dead?
What's his endgame?
/got/ general
Heathers has been rebooted as a tv show
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Kristen Stewart?
Marilyn Monroe thread
Can we all agree that there is nothing wrong with incest as long as there is no pregnancy
D&D are dead, HBO hired you in their places for Season 8, what do you do?
What was even the point of that?
Howard Stern:
Breasts, vagina, music, and alcohol will never go out of style
Why do people like this shit pleb series?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What's your favorite surrealist film Sup Forums?
How do you go from this
Questions that Don't Deserve their own Thread
/got/ general
He's a fucking white male
Whats the best show or movie to watch on drugs?
Is it just me or is season 3 pretty bad so far
No! This cannot be happening! I am in charge here! Lords of the Vale help me! SHANSHA I BEG YOU SAVE ME
Who else is absolutely buzzing for /youngsheldon/
New Sky Atlantic series "Britannia" will finally add some flavour to historical drama genre
“You are a boy.” I said
Will there ever be a trilogy as great as this?
Name a more iconic actress born after 1980
I'm so fucking sick of you autistic arm chair 'critics' shitting all over Death Note and I'm being dead fucking serious...
She is not a good actress one bit
Thread on this got deleted from /lit/ so I hope you all here have been reading up on your James Joyce
Oscar when?
Guess the movie thread
I don't want them in love and missionary hand-holding...
Name that series
Did he cum inside, Sup Forums?
Joss Whedon officially gets ‘Justice League’ writer credit
*blocks your puberty*
Say what you will about Mel Gibson, but he knows how to make a good movie
Itt: moments when a movie started going down-hill and fast
This movie was objectively better than the cartoon
How old are you?
/got/ general
What went wrong?
ITT: the costume department shits the bed
Is he lost?
Terminator 2 3D
Movie Name Generator
Holy shit. At its best this show is one of the funniest shows of all time...
Yes, yes... Well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin
Name one objectively bad marvel movie
Bloody hell
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Will Modern Family be her only claim to fame?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Really activates the almonds
Adaptations Thread
/got/ general Superior Lannister Genes Edition
Would you date a disabled woman?
Blunder of 2017
What went wrong?
Mads can't act. There, I said it. He's no good
He's out, right?
So why didn't they just rain arrows/spears on them?
So what do you want to watch, Sup Forums?
Why did Tom Cruise wear a fake botty in Edge Of Tomorrow?
How many zombies will he fight off to save his brother?
Who are some supermodels who made an excellent transition into acting careers? Webm very much related
David lynch fucking sucks
Post the most badass character in film history
When are movie dinosaurs going to start having feathers? I hate the inaccuracy of modern dinosaur cinema
Well no because
Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?
Who sould play him in the inevitable adaptation?
"Ah, ha ha, *munch, munch* ol' J.R.R., didn't, ah, see you come in! -burp- No please, please, [smack] sit down...
Blade Runner 2036: Nexus Dawn
Have you ever encountered someone IRL who actually like Game of Thrones? Not begrudgingly hate-watches...
I often quibble with Tolkien
Plenty of movies about Jesus, Abraham or Noah
Luke Cage Season 2
How did this guy snake his was into getting the tonight show back when it actually meant something...
Unironic god-tier posters thread
Are there any shows that are consistently good through every season...
Superman: The Movie
Can anyone recommend any other comfy historical or fantasy shows like Vikings? Historical accuracy doesn't matter
I miss it
/got/ general: Pottery edition
/got/ general "They started a war over these two?" Edition
Name a better WWII film (you cant)
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Your aunt, Jon...She was beautiful
Penis in the foreskin kinda love
You can choose only one
Post a picture - get related movie recommendation thread
BvS shows how to make America great again
Fucking Kino
Great British Bake Off
Yfw you purposefully delay finishing the books because you know that the showrunners will fuck up the show without...
I am Sauronman
A new BBC drama based on troy
What would some good court kino be Sup Forums? I was thinking of watching pic related today
/got/ general
Post your fav GOT character for each season
When did the Simpsons go downhill? Inb4 Sneed
Not having incest sex
You told me this would be bad, Sup Forums
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Dog vs Big Guy
Are there any cartoons where the characters age as the show progresses...
How does it feel when your show goes SJW?
Requesting a break from this
It Comes At Night
Man she really let herself go huh
Innocence of Muslims
Why does every character ignore that Jon Snow fled the Night Watch to become King in the North?
What happened to Keira Knightley? Why isn't she in movies anymore?
Characters who are literally you
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Are we ,dare i say, in the golden age of television?
Does Winona Ryder have schizophrenia?
American Crime Story Discussion
So what was the actual end goal of this character?
Post ur kinostations
/got/ general
What are the essential German films to see before they're erased from history as well?
What did Hollywood mean by this
Why is nobody discussing this kino
If women are equal to men then how come they have not created as many great pieces of high art film?
‘Hellboy’ Whitewashing: Ed Skrein Steps Down From Playing Japanese-American Comic Character
Whose name would you writr first?
Crash your plane on an ancient island inhabited by amazons
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Who was the best character in The Wire and why was it Lester Freamon?
Where the fuck is Radmure?
Why is this film so underrated?
/got/ general
What will happen to these people when the show is over?
/trek/ general
It's a Sam acts coy about his nazi beliefs while fake laughing episode
Hey ma how bout a cookie
Are you ready for scary kino Sup Forums?
Is this guy the Drumpf of Westeros?
Was this better than the first one?
Addison Timlin
What are some celebrities that entered the depths of JUST but managed to escape?
What's the difference among rednecks, hillbillies and white trash...
She asks what's you're favorite russian movie
What would you do in his position?
Who should write/direct the inevitable dramatized story of Hurricane Harvey?
Young Sheldon, did you do your homework?
Just started watching. I can understand every redneck but him. Can I not worry about it and mentally skip his lines...
Why is HBO trying to normalize incest?
/got/ general
Anyone else sick of the forced politics in movies and TV? It was funny at first now it's getting very tiresome
DCEU’s Batman is Made For Trump’s America
Just downloaded the first season of both
Harry Potter
You killed Lysa Arryn, my aunt
10 days until we all float too
It's time for picture related to happen again and maybe even /cel/ too
If the holes in the wings don't affect it's ability fly due to "magic" then it doesn't even really need wings at all as...
What are the essential German films to see before they're erased from history as well?
/got/ general
Is this remake any good?
"Hey, Jon, you should know that Cersei screwed you over, if you care about anything other than incest these days"
What has been the last male strong lead character? I cant even remember, help me...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Just finished watching Rome. We will never see Pullo killing this bastard
Knowing me, Alan Partridge, knowing you, Sup Forums, a-ha
I am survivor
Is there anime with good cinematography?
*Plinket voice*
You faggots weren't trolling, this shit is great
/got/ general
Post your favourite asstress
Based max landis
*says unfunny things before and after the show*
Female character is brutally gangraped
What S1-3 Littlefinger Would Have Done
A shame she's such a slag irl
Is he a suitable successor to Palpatine?
Remember me?
I can't believe how bad this is. It's actually kind of amazing how wrong it is. Not just as a Death Note movie...
Shattered hope
Lemme tell ya a couple of three things
After all this time they literally took down the wall that has been standing there for 8,000 years in one minute
Is he the greatest actor of all time?
Would you watch a Waspgirl solomovie?
Favorite gangster movie
It's not all about cocks in the end
Post the most despicable Sup Forums related person, regardless of talent
Why didn't he just carry a rifle
I never got why Nickelodeon's logo is a foot
/got/ general
Where were you when LF was kill
It's racist when white actor plays asian character
Why does found footage get such a bad rap...
Let the backlash begin
*saves the Alien Franchise*
Does Sup Forums agree?
Choose one and only one
Missandei and Greyworm 'sex scene'
Anyone here managed to beat porn addiction?
Why did they make him gay?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why aren't there more horror/slasher flicks with a female serial killer? I'd watch that
What are your hopes for Jurassic World 2
Let's end the debate. Was it kino or shit?
/got/ general
ITT: Best acted scenes with just facial expressions
You're given 2M dollars and almost unlimited creative and casting control to write...
Excuse me. You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Seriously though, WHAT did he mean by this?
What went wrong?
What is your favourite japanese movie user ?
This shit has taken over our screens for a decade, I want to know how many you've actually seen at the cinema
Little monkey fella
Has there even been a good prequel?
No lawyer, no witnesses? What sort of due process is this?
Twin Peaks
Wait a minute, what's that smell?
Do americans really can't make coffee at home?
/got/ general Sibling Love Edition
Is NETFLIX worth the money? I don't know what to watch to get the most bang out of my monthly sub...
So... we're supposed to buy he is a targaryen even though he has blackest ever hair?
What's her tax policy?
Bravo, Dabid
Simpsons jokes you don't get thread
As far as these types of documentaries.go this was kind of bad...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT: Movies that hit too close to home
Will it suck without Pablo?
What is his house words?
If they needed this to stop the dragons randomly killing people what the fuck is keeping Daenerys dragons from doing...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What would he do once he wins and everyones a wight?
Holy fuck why was this so god damn bad?
Your aunt Jon...She was beautiful
What are the best cooking shows?
So we are supposed to feel happy that Littlefinger got killed yet meant to be on Theon's side despite Theon murdering...
/got/ general
What are some movies that require high intellect to appreciate?
Do grown ass men want to watch this?
If he can see the future does he know that he is inevitably going to lose in the end to the good guys?
Fridgeposting thread
Cast him
Burlington Bar's GOT Reactions - BOATSEX
Hey, dad. Hey, Brandon. The Targaryens didn't kidnap me, and I'm doing pretty fine...
Rick and Morty Is Dying
Do you like GMO movies or do you only watch organic cinema?
You know who's coming for you
Say what you will about Mel Gibson, but he knows how to make a good movie
Is this the most joyless, forced romance in history?
"My spider senses are telling me the holocaust didn't happen the way we're told!"
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
Was the latest episode the best of the season? Or the series?
Who was in the wrong here?
This adaption is great, I enjoyed the hell out of it and can't wait for more
Shitty film cliffhanger sets up a sequel thats never made
Which of these actresses has the biggest chance of becoming a massive star in Hollywood?
Why would Littefinger admit to killing Lysa Arryn under any circumstances...
GoT Plot Hole, Jaime being the "valonqar" aka one to kill Cersei is BS
Toto, I've a feeling we're not at Chuck's anymore
Peter draws energy from the planet core
Fuck Joffrey, Ramsey, Cersei, and whoever
Who else hype? does this mean criterion will eventually release all the kubricks?
Despite your feelings about Quentin Tarantino
Its a Q episode
The Mist
What are some movies about best friends making up/ pathetic has beens clinging to their past?
Try to post
This was the best scene in the whole season
Thoughts on this film?
Shouldn't he breathe ice?
Rogue One: Dumb Physics
Million Dollar Extreme Thread
Why does the Asian cinema hate black people?
//tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Whats his name again?
Saving Private Ryan
What the fuck was his problem?
Why do doggers have short lifespans? i don't want my doggo to die before me. ;_;
/got/ general
ITT: best actress performances
Why didn't he tell Watari to kill L for him? This Kira was retarded and this movie sucked
What is she praying for Sup Forums?
Sup Forums meta thread
Try to name a better trilogy
Is this correct?
Why are liberals so fucking anti art?
What do you think of Eleven's new look?
What movies do grills like?
"Fuck, we're at wits end here. The season is ending and we haven't killed anyone important to the audience...
Why are you wearing your shirt at the beach, user?
Hates Christianity for being a foreign religion not native to Japan
Why didn't Samuel L Jackson refuse the role of Nick Fury due to "blackwashing"
Guess the actor
What's the best Adult Swim cartoon for you? Or more importantly, which one is comfy enough to heal the soul?
Why can't (((Pr*testants))) into works of kino?
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
What should my last movie before I enter cocoon mode be?
Rick and Morty season 3 so far
Bad dragon!
Giv ice queen
What went right?
What if morty was a girl
Was I supposed to root for this guy?
Why do white people do this?
Elizabeth Olsen
What do we think of American actress, comedian, singer, writer, producer, and songwriter Rachel Bloom?
Villain on phone with protagonist
I want the perspective of someone who's seen this movie, but not the source material
Which is better?
Times you left the theatre
What did /our guy/ mean by this?
Does Sup Forums like Jenny Nicholson?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Why is facesitting so taboo in hollywood?
Why do liberals dislike LOTR so much?
A Sean Bean appearance would be pottery
They're gonna to get you
First trailer for HEATHERS TV Reboot
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
You can pick only one
Did Ghost die offscreen?
How would Sup Forums blow 30 million in 30 days?
Best fight in cinematic history?
Any movies about the greatest casino game of all time? I only know that one Leftovers episode...
Several times on this board I have seen references to this store that was on The Simpsons...
Why'd he kill the homeless guy? Was it a hobby?
Doesn't it bother you that this is a wyvern and not a dragon?
What does Sup Forums think of Riverdale?
Degenerate leftist scum btfo
Shows with NO likeable characters
MFW reading the GOT S8 leaks (SPOILERS)
Why do any of the Lannister bannermen still follow her blindly...
Littlefinger was born with no lands, no wealth, no armies. He has acquired the first two...
Who did it better?
Is this really what happens in America every time someone parks in someone else's driveway?
Post reality TV kinos
Why don't stars have the classic pinup aesthetic anymore?
Name a single time when George was in the wrong
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
New show from HBO
No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all!
ITT: Characters who are /ourguys/
Today is the eight year anniversary of Mr. Plinkett's Phantom Menace review
The impact of a tv show on people
God tier movies thread
How does it make you feel?
ITT: we post our 5 favourite shows of all time and call each other plebs
Cast him
What the FUCK
What's his motivation?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ general
Preacher Live Thread "The Madmen Actually did it Edition""
Literally over 55+ Game of Thrones threads right now
Why didn't the Vale soldiers have more loyalty to Littlefinger? It's not like they were hired guns or anything
Is this show worth watching?
What is the best version of the Walking Dead?
Is Sup Forums ready for spacekino?
Who else hyped?
Ha Ha Al Gore tried to warn us about global warming what a loser *farts*
Is there a bigger cuck in the industry?
Do you come with the car?
Now that pleb season is over and the /got/fags will slowly migrate back to plebbit...
ITT: We write a /got/ spin off
Be Beric Dondarrion
First Look At Evangeline Lily As The Wasp In ANT-MAN & THE WASP
Unfunny faggot
Only one more season and the shitty game of thrones thread will die off
/got/ general
Seriously though, WHAT did he mean by this?!
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is this the only true kino?
Is this a true story?
Wtf i love gumball now
Whats next for her career?
D&D are dead, HBO hired you in their places for Season 8, what do you do?
Why did it bomb?
Hates Tim Heidecker
I think we can all agree the comfiest movies are about the end of the world
He's obviously going to speak, what will his words be?
What the fuck was his problem? Was that Stark pussy so good he had to fuck over all of Westeros?
Why is san junipero considered the best episode of the series? It was a clear sjw pandering episode
Did they use a condom?
B-but muh cat-and-mouse game
Whats next for her career?
/got/ general "how is Jon supposed to be attractive when there's Jaime" Edition
She's too pretty and I get distracted by her
What do parents of actors and actresses who do nude scenes do when watching their movies? Do they cover their eyes?
Miss me yet?
"It's not how it ends for you, brother. You know who's coming for you. You've always known."
Ed Skrein Leaves ‘Hellboy’ Reboot After Whitewashing Backlash; Lionsgate & Millennium Respond
Lets settle this once and for all Sup Forums
So, was it liquid nitrogen?
Leak thread
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
IT's gonna be horrorkino
/plotholes/ general
What are some flicks with this aesthetic?
You said liberals wouldn't come for film
Have French college campuses been compromised by American college degeneracy like they potray it in this kino?
Fucking cunt
Tim and Eric Anniversary Special
/got/ general
So if they hadn't "captured" a dragon how would they go through the wall? Why is the writing of this show so bad?
Is it me or has the writing this season just been awful? Lots of cringy dialogue, inexplicably stupid decisions...
Movies literally only you enjoy
What's so great about this movie? I thought it was ok but nothing special
What happened to parody movies? When did they stop being popular and, most importantly, actually good?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
If you were an actor who would you be typecast as?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What went wrong?
Why was he so displeased with Jon and Dany fucking? Did he want the Dragon poontang for himself...
What is some boxing kino besides Rocky and Raging Bull?
Is Dolly Parton sexy?
What retard designed this armour?
/got/ general
So he's literally the only character to give a fuck about anymore
Who's name did he write at the end, if any? I didn't understand
NO! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!
Screenwriters made him beg for his life on knees
Let's discuss Sup Forums meta and the mods
Joe rogan thinks GoT is the best show ever made
George R.R. Martin is a fucking hack
Is he literally the last /ourguy/ now that CIA is kill?
Will they fuck up the new Dune movie? is it even possible to do the whole first book in one movie? I don't think so...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Game of Thrones actor on his shocking season 7 finale death
/got/ general
This is the Taylor Swift Cinematic Universe
An underaged child is literally allowed to be in a legitimate relationship with an older woman not to mention it is...
My aunt molested me from ages 3-8 (when she straight up told my mom about it. Haven't spoken to her since)...
Why don't ww2 movies reflect this?
Burlington Bar's GOT Reactions - CIA's murder
You killed Lysa Arryn, my aunt
V > VI > VII > IV > I > III > II
Character does something that normally requires sight
MoS > BvS > shit > Superman Returns
/got/ general
Watching "le god don't exists guy" md
Who do you think they'll cast as Anne Harrenhal in S8?
This woman has done nothing but pure Kino in movies, tv shows music and interviews
Now that the dust has settled, were the laces out or in?
Rank the HBO shows you've seen
/cage/ - Nicolas Cage Tribute Thread
What do you think?
Why didn't Ned tell her that Jon was a Targaryan? She seemed like she would have kept it on the DL...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
If D&D have any balls, she's about to get the Reek treatment
Scene takes place in a stripclub
SJW strike again
Two adopted niglets
Pinpoint the Moment Good Shows Turned to Shit
/got/ general
Does anybody really give a fuck if he actually saves Yara or not?
Rick and Morty s03e06
Honestly I started watching Vikings and it's really refreshing to see a show/movie with only white people in it...
Historical things that should have movies made about them
Ed Skrein gives up the role in Hellboy because of SJWs
Rhaegar Targaryen looks like THAT?
How will Jon Muto able to defeat Seto Night King?
How did she become the best girl all of a sudden?
Tfw satire has already reached its peak and he's no longer interested in doing TV work
Panel Shows
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is he dead?
Claims to know everything
What the fuck happend to his career
/got/ general
Don't worry, guys. We still have Westworld
I know I'm late but can we talk about this?
So this guy really is just a generic big bad, isn't he?
Maybe it is all about cocks in the end
I simply do not get this shit
What went wrong?
Only fire will stop wights
What does Sup Forums think of Alexandra Daddario?
To Catch A Predator should be sued for entrapment
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Boob-yah, Mother of Dragons
Why doesn't he use his super powers to spy on sluts?
/got/ general Bealish edition
Are you ready for the Inconvenient cinematic universe
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...