Is this show worth watching?

I like the character heavy focus of shows like The Sopranos, and this show seems like it's in a similar vein. However, the feminist overtones in the series are putting me off watching it.

I don't mind a film or TV series examining political ideas I disagree with, but if it's pure propaganda, then I have no interest in it.

Dropped it after 3 episodes. It's just a soap opera.

Yes but you need to give it awhile to give a shit about anyone. It's not something that's instantly enjoyable and one of the major plots of S1 is fairly dull.

If you do watch it you should give it till a few episodes into s2 at least, if you don't like it by then drop it.

it's a show for cucks, and roasties

It's television's greatest series along w/ the Sopranos, to which it feels like a companion. Also about creating identity, responsibility, masculinity, group dynamics and management, family vs. work, character based, best dialogue and humor as well. However, if you really think there are triggering feminist overtones, it may not be for you.
Or this retard.

Feminist overtones literally fucking where

It's about a woman who isn't a housewife and has to overcome something.

Burn it!

bump for serious answers you know what i mean

In what way?

That's to be somewhat expected from a character focused drama.

If it's simply character's having a feminist views or the show focusing on the experiences of women, I don't have a problem, but I've heard it's far more explicit than that.

The show's creator seems to believe it has them

>If it's simply character's having a feminist views or the show focusing on the experiences of women, I don't have a problem
Well thats nice.

>but I've heard it's far more explicit than that.
Wow, what have you heard?

Can't recall any other show having a higher peak than Mad Men season 4 and 5

>Signal 30 followed by Faraway Places 7 days later
peak television
twin peaks now is the only show since that has had that weight for me

>Wow, what have you heard?
That the female characters in particular act as mouthpieces rather than fully developed individuals, or at least that's how its detractors on here and its supporters elsewhere have made it sound.

Given that the creator has come out in support of such interpretations, it gave me the impression that it wasn't anything more than propaganda.

Yes, it's an actual show for adults. Unlike most shit on television today.

Pete was my favourite character, from the very first episode

Why didn't I like Signal 30 that much? I mean, I don't dislike it, in fact I like everything in it but no part screams "classic episode" to me for some reason

Everyone just seems to praise it so much

honestly if you dont know that mad men is absolute kino you are probably a turbopleb

it's like calling yourself a /lit/fag but not knowing Steinbeck or some shit

No, I guess some people were triggered by...Peggy's sunglasses at work moment? But that was earned, as she'd gone through a lot the preceding years through thorough endearing characterization, Roger passed the torch to her and Don before him. Race is touched on only in passing, as Weiner stresses, at least in the commentary, it was important to see the events of the day through the eyes of the main characters- wealthy NY ad execs, mostly cut-off from or insulated from most of the racial unrest and change of the time. When they do touch on it, it's actually really poignant, but never even a real theme of the show. Same as gender. Only that Peggy didnt have the same opportunity in the top half of the 60s that men did which was true.

Never really found that to be the case, most of the female characters are fairly flawed, at least not any less flawed than the male characters.
The only time the show feels like it's pandering is when it talks about race, but even then it's not always hitting you over the head with it.

>the feminist overtones

Why do you let politics dictate your judgement? You didn't even watch the show and you think that it's a liberal dramatization of a show that takes place in the 1960s-70s. Fucking morons on this board, I swear to god, easily the most irrationally obsessed with perpetuating their brute ignorance.

It's an emotionally evocative episode, and plays Don and Pete off each other in a very tangible way.

It is one of the best shows ever made. Just as good as Breaking Bad and The Sopranos.

>Just as good as Breaking Bad

Oh boy. Here we go. What's wrong with Breaking Bad?

>However, the feminist overtones in the series are putting me off watching it.

If you're too much of a brainlet to enjoy media that has themes you don't approve of then don't watch it, you tremendous faggot. You're probably the type of bitch nigga who complained about Adult Swim canceling World Peace due to the dude's altright shenanigans.

>Just as good as Breaking Bad season 1

I mean, it's a given that any show set during the 60s will have some degree of politicisation surrounding race and gender, but I'd always avoided the series because I was under the impression that it was hamfisted about it.

I'm perfectly happy to watch and enjoy films or shows which have political messages which I disagree with, provided it's intelligently written, which it sounds like it is.

I'll give it a shot tonight, see if I enjoy it.

I don't want to waste time on a show which I won't enjoy when I could do something else which I would find more valuable.

Mad Men is much better.

Breaking Bad stopped being a well written character drama in season 2-3 to focus on hell yeah science reddit moments

I think it captured the sort of suburban milieu of Pete's plight and a theme of the show in a succinct way. The cycle of striving and fucking up. (and something of a turning point for him). It felt like a short story, obviously aided by the device of Ken's story which was cool. Could be Salinger or Arthur Miller or something, and happens to be co-written by the screenwriter of Dog Day Afternoon and Cool Hand Luke.

>ywn impregnate s1 peggy



I started watching it this week myself and have really enjoyed it. It is definitely strongly influenced by some legit literature. Revolutionary Road, The Feminist Mystique, and a few other books from the 60s all encapsulate the feel and themes of it. Everyone is drinking, everyone is smoking, everyone is stressed and fucked up a bit.

Its very well acted and written, I love how authentic it feels and how its a straight forward thematic show with good character development.

It's capeshit without the capes.
Meme scenes strung together to appease the lowest common denominator.

Don't conflate 1960s feminism with modern feminism.

Breaking Bad changed in the last few seasons sure but it didn't go completely off the rails and still wrapped up nicely with a great series finale. And based on the strength of it's first 3 seasons it deserves all the praise it gets.

Sometimes popular things are good and we just need to accept that.

No. Soap opera for fedoras.

I liked watching Kiernan grow up.

Mad Men is hardly propaganda. There's plenty of sexism and racism in it, which was the norm at the time, and also characters who oppose it, because there were progressive people then too.

Just watch it.


>It's a Bertram Cooper episode

>implying the Nazis, Walt's pile of money, and his mysterious poisoning of Lydia wasn't completely off the rails

How was the poisoning mysterious?

He somehow managed to slip ricin inside a sweetener packet. That's fucking retarded.

Breaking Bad is fine as a character study early on, and dumb, fun, pulpy fan service at the end. It was often entertaining, Cranston was good. That's about it. It wasnt *about* anything. It didnt have more than a couple compelling characters, Mad Men/Sopranos is in a whole other ballpark, it's not even fair to compare them.

Open packet. Replace stevia with ricin. Glue packet up again. I'm no chemistry genius but that should do it.

Weird minor detail to pick a show apart for friendo.

I urge you to watch season 2 again and try to disagree. Forget story. Stylistically alone it's on par with Mad Men and Sopranos.

The show itself is about finding a reason to live. Finding something that truly makes you feel alive.

Thinking it is one dimensional is just plain wrong.

>However, the feminist overtones in the series are putting me off watching it.

but this is the time period when that shit was really ramping up. it never really felt like the feminist stuff was out of place or pandering

also there are only like two characters who even do the feminist "why don't i get respect like a man!" thing, and its just one facet of their character/personality.

and then men on the show basically never sympathize with them for it, the women get BTFO over and over. it really isn't preachy about the feminist stuff at all, you'd really have to be an overly sensitive Sup Forumstard to get that impression from the show

It's the greatest television series ever created.

>feminist overtones

i mean yeah, there's a touch of that, but it's overshadowed by the masculinity of the show. not in a fake "wassup brah" kind of masculinity, but more of a confrontational power struggle kind of masculinity. even the feminist stuff isn't like modern feminism where women hate men and want to rule over them, the women on the show just want to boss people around and make money like the men do

You're telling me that she didn't know her packet was opened and glued back up? She didn't notice the wrinkling from it being opened? The tears? The glue? Do you realize how fucking retarded that is?

its worth watching, and no it isn't feminist propaganda in the slightest.

Do you carefully examine every packet of sweetener you put in something at a restaurant? Who would even expect ricin poisoned stevia?

>feminist overtones
Dude if there were ever a reason to throw feminist overtones at an audience, a period piece during the 50's is a pretty good one. And they're very funny about it, in a satirical way. It's not just feminism either, they satirize everything (the pregnant neighbor smoking and drinking while they talk ill about a divorcee is particularly funny). Besides, the only super feminist character is Peggy and she blossoms because of it. Show really puts the behavior under the microscope and shows how it isn't a death sentence for women, it's certainly detrimental but that's only one of many things that are put on display as harmful with the use of hindsight. And besides the other themes and clever writing outshine the novelty of being a period piece, watch it for that instead.

>period piece in the 50s
>they satirize everything

did you watch the same show as me?

Stylistically sure. Substantively it is severely lacking.

I think I would notice if a packet was opened and glued back together

Yes. But just like Sopranos a lot of people like it for the wrong (pleb) reasons and don't see the masterpiece it is.

>"smoking is healthy"
>"therapy is stupid"
>child with bag on face doesn't get warned about choking hazard bc it isn't known yet
>casual racism
>married women look down on single mom even tho their home lives are so shit
>"It's so easy a woman can do it" - Joan
C'mon. This show is hilarious bc of the ignorance of these people. There's nothing Hollywood about it. The setting is purely for satire. The drama is timeless

As a fan of both shows, what exactly are the right reasons for liking them?

>Mad Men thread and I just started drinking


Artistic depth and meaning.


is that really satire though? i mean didn't that shit actually happen?

>people actually think Don Draper supposed to be a "bad person"

There are no "feminist overtones" beyond the very, very basic discussion/plot of a woman entering a male-dominated workforce. That's not really feminism - it's simply a story about a woman (or women) in a man's world.

Women are regularly painted in just as bad a light as the men. Betty is written in a way that makes her very unlikeable. Many of the wives are just useless gold diggers. A lot of the women are just kind of slutty, and not slutty in like a "ya girl power!' kind of way.

If you consider Peggy to be the source of the feminist overtones, you'll see that she gets dressed down fairly often, and she's definitely a flawed person.

Also, masculinity is highly celebrated in this show. Yeah Don gets his comeuppance, but for a lot of the other characters, it's just awesome being a rich white male in the 50s/60s. Really no subtext to it, just telling it like it was back then.

The blatant Zionist propaganda was hilariously open in the first season.

First three seasons were decent, it completely fell apart after that.

>it completely fell apart after that.
How so

You know when you are young and going 50 years in the past seems like the coolest thing imaginable?

Then you get old and you realize that we've always been the same, and it's just people dealing with the current deck of cards. Don't get me wrong going in the past would be awesome. But I think after a couple weeks you would realize it is very similar to now.

Mad men makes you feel like the glimpses of the past, where no one was creating the next big thing, weren't for nothing.

When watching mad men you sink into the setting and see each character in that context. Not many shows achieve that without directly referencing the setting. Maybe True Detective. I loved Breaking Bad, but I didn't feel that way with the New Mexico location.

I can't really explain it. You just feel like you are getting in the mindset of someone who lived through all of that.

Mad Men is a top 3 all time T.V show.

1) Sopranos
2) Mad Men
3) Breaking Bad
4) The Wire
5) Twilight Zone

yo fuck the sopranos. Just watch the Godfather.

That shit is boring unless you grew up in Long Island or NYC.

It's pretty good, but looking back, I'm not sure it was worth it. A lot of slow plodding scenes and episodes, interspersed with some truly genius scenes and episodes.

Also, I like to my characters to grow and learn something as they go along. It seemed like most of the characters went through a lot changes but never really became "better" because of it. By the end I was kind of tired of them all. Kind of the same feeling when you outgrow your foolish friends and think to yourself, "damn, I need to get some new friends."

Seasons 1-4 are great. 5 is shit, 6 is slightly better, 7A and 7B are okay. just drop it once megan is introduced.

Season 2 is inarguably the least compelling

actually yeah it's pretty boring and slow. definitely worst season aside from 5.
4 > 3 > 1 > 7B > 7A > 6 > 2 > 5


Sup Forums always complains about female character plots in tv shows, so what? This board doesn't know shit.

it's really weird.

i mean why wouldn't a board of mostly men want to see more women on tv anyway

Because I'm not a faggot.

I could get behind this, but Signal 30 is a masterpiece that stands out for S5

Because it's 'boring' or 'she's a bitch that doesn't let her husband kill people/cheat/sell drugs'.

But if she's riding a shitty CGI dragon Sup Forums is all in

>having a Jewish character in fucking NYC
>must be a Zionist conspiracy

bruh I'm Palestinian and even I'm not that retarded

Because it isn't a 60s show about ad men it's a show about ad men living in the sixties

almost like real people go through experiences but never really change who they are, instead holding the experiences like a useless keychain. I mean Roger even talked about this in one of the episodes with his doorway monologue, it was a important theme in the show

>not enjoying the constant dread and anticipation of S5

the first half of this series is fucking incredible, i think there's a bit of a decline in quality towards the end probably as a reaction to cancerous soap operas like braking bad and GoT pressuring the creators to take a more meme approach.. but it doesn't detract much from the overall kino