What the fuck did i just watch?

What the fuck did i just watch?

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Godzilla vs. Japanese Bureaucracy

Sauce lads?

Shin Godzilla. Good film.

Does anyone know where I can find a subtitle track for this movie that includes subtitles for the different character titles?

Maybe its because i had retardedly bad subs, but i hated the whole second half. The slow buildup works but the 40 min between each godzilla appearance is agonizing. Especially when its so dull.

You watched KNHO.


the internet
if it worked for me it should work for you too
stop being lazy

>Shin Godzilla

Watch more movies

100 minutes of bureaucracy is dull, faggot.

Japanese Kino: "We must not lose focus of who we are as a nation, and solve our issues ourselves"
American flicks: "Globalism is good! Diversity is strenght!"

Why are the nips so based.

Was those things going to be Godzilla's next evolution. In the movie they mention that his body was capable of rapid change and even shrinking

Was Godzilla trying to save himself by becoming humanoids?

The nips won by working as an intelligent hroup, so godzillas evolution was to copy that behavior.


I really loved this movie, first movie in 5 years I chose to purchase instead of just torrenting.

I hope Hollywood burns to the ground and is replaced by a superior foreign industry.

But its interesting.

i loved every second of military tanks strapped with cameras, shooting off real practice rounds instead of FUCKING CGI

give torrent pls

or guide me to movie torrent sites, I fucking forgot which ones I used to use because I come to Sup Forums to talk about movies I don't watch


nyaa has it? thanks
Why does nyaa has live action films? Don't answer, its a rhetoric question. I will leave now to watch it so you fags don't spoil it for me. Bye guys

One of the best Godzilla movies

Or just googling "nameOfMovie torrent"

You realize that the movie is a poor satire on how supposedly inept the Japanese government is, right?

Even the most praising critiques of the movie agree that the constant boardroom meetings were needlessly long and too wordy.

The only reason it's interesting is because it's in a language you don't understand, and the only reason Japan gave it so much praise was because Toho owns most of the critics here, and also because Japs are a proud people that had to have a better movie than Godzilla 2014. This is despite the fact that the movies are largely the same, just switch out american army scenes with poorly-written board meetings, both of which have nearly the same impact in their respective film.

The boardroom scenes were the entire point of the film. It's a political thriller about a natural disaster and an incompetent government.

You're supposed to feel like they're an absurd waste of time, because that's the message. Our democracies have become infested with career politicians, turned into molasses by procedure and red tape, and are actively trying to suppress young energetic public servants because they'll become a threat to the people in power.

Godzilla isn't the real monster of Shin Godzilla, modern government is. The message is 'stop talking and start working together'.

I'm ashamed to say I didn't figure it out myself. But I looked it up and found it a fascinating conclusion. Awesome flick.

>the scene where they go to a different room to have a government council only to adjourn it five minutes later
>in the midst of a national crisis
Yeah the movie made some good points

You are the kind of people who would love more kills in Mr Smith goes to Washington.

>The boardroom scenes were the entire point of the film.
This is exactly why the film is mediocre.

>It's a political thriller about a natural disaster and an incompetent government.
There is no "thriller" part of the movie. If you actually spoke Japanese you'd know that the lines that are delivered aren't written very well (not poorly acted, or delivered, that's fine). This is to the point that they're in the movie to be a completely unsubtle jab at a government that was faced with an impossible scenario and was forced to deal with it using means that weren't readily apparent. The difference is that the Tōhoku earthquake and the Fukushima disaster were handled as best as they could be during a massive earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster.

>Our democracies have become infested with career politicians, turned into molasses by procedure and red tape, and are actively trying to suppress young energetic public servants because they'll become a threat to the people in power.
The movie did a very poor job of conveying this, considering that Patterson was the biggest career politician and she was one of the youngest people in the movie.

>The message is 'stop talking and start working together'.
The message is "Our government sucks because there was an impossible task that required impossible solutions and they didn't figure those solutions out fast enough."

It's actually incredible to see foreigners talk about this movie as if it's some stellar commentary on a hot-topic. It's basically and anime, right down to the ending where Yaguchi gives a half-assed speech about accepting responsibility.

I'm the kind of person that isn't impressed by long-winded dialogue and bright purple lasers. Which allows me to actually critique the film on its merits, unlike stupid foreigners that praise it they think it's smart, despite them being unable to even understand the movie without simplified subtitles.

honestly i agree with this. i enjoyed the film and thought it was pretty good but it's essentially a really long average episode of evangelion, complete with childish dialogue and themes. as a critique of the japanese government it was a bit weak simply because it was so on the nose.

some evangelion episodes were better done imo in terms of character exploration.

>The message is "Our government sucks because there was an impossible task that required impossible solutions and they didn't figure those solutions out fast enough."
not really
just shoot the thing with all you have when it first landed

>just shoot the thing with all you have when it first landed
Sure thing Michael Bay.