D&D are dead, HBO hired you in their places for Season 8, what do you do?

D&D are dead, HBO hired you in their places for Season 8, what do you do?

I'd start by remaking season 7


>Kill off Cersei
>More Arya screen time and make her more badass
>Zombie dragon remembers daenerys and kills night king just when all is lost
>Give the hound more lines where he swears at people
>Daenerys wins without John Snow and he just becomes warden of the north
>Arya is made queensguard leader
>Jaime marries Brienne
>Onion night kills red woman
>theon saves yarra and they ambush euron

>melly sandy brings back Ned and bobby b
>90% of the budget is put into getting the direwolves as much screen time as possible, making them look better, researching augmented direwolves into viewer's homes, etc.
>every time Euron says something randy he looks at the camera and winks
>cameo from bill bye the science guy who comes to westeros and says that anyone who denies the white walkers should be criminimally prosecuted
>and finally show what the fuck happened to bad poosie

I didn't think the rumored links could possibly get anymore reddit tier without reaching sarcasm until I read this post

Recast the entire show with the actors from the Sopranos

Jon wakes up from dream. We pick up where seasons 4 left off

turn the 8th season into a Lord Baelish origins story.

Christopher as Jon Snow wouldn't have cucked out. He'd have slapped Dany around until she agreed to recognise Northern Independence. Then done a line of coke

would watch

by the gods, THIS.

>Use YouTube reaction videos as reference for what people liked and didn't like
>Vaguely recreate situations similar to the stuff they liked
>Hire patrons of Burlington Bar as creative consultants

jesus christ



Wight Littlefinger

>set the whole story in jersey
>white walkers are now fanooks from New York who want to take over
>Janice is the "Dragon Queen" and leader of a ragtag group of Triads, the muslim refugees (dotrhakis) and other minorities
>Tony Jr. as Jon Snow
>Cersei is now Johnny Sacks fat wife and Jamie is Johnny Sack

it might be crazy enough to work!

>Daenerys Targeryen sails to Kings landing
>Finds people celebrating in the streets
>Thinks they're happy because she has arrived to free them from the usurper's dogs
>Walks toward Red Keep with Tyrion and Co.
>Finds dead Lannister troops everywhere
>Enters throan room
>Finds a large man with a black beard in armor sitting and drinking on the iron throan next to a war hammer
>Missandei announces Daenerys
>"This is Daenerys Storm born of the house Targeryen, Queen of-"
>"Shut up you dumb cunt" replies man in chair
>Daenerys "I am the mother of dragons and rightful owner of that chair, who do you think you are"
>Man in chair "Me? I'm the king you stupid twat! Robert Baratheon!"
>Daenerys calls for her dragons to burn the keep "draquares! Kill the usurper-"
>Stannis enters the room with three dragon heads tied to a rope
>Stannis "I wouldn't bother with that"
>Robert "Guess you aren't the mother of shit anymore"
>Daenerys "The throne is mine give it to me now! You killed my brother so it is mine!"
>Robert "aye I killed him. Just like this!"
>Robert leaps from chair and caves in Dany's chest with his war hammer without spilling his wine
>Dany's entourage look on in horror as Robert chugs the rest of his drink and then pisses on Dany's corpse
>Robert "Take these people to the boar pit. See if it goes better for them then it did Cersei"
>Stanis takes them out of the room
>Robert sits on throne, farts, and laughs
>Entire season's special effects budget is put into this scene


The final battle is the Night King attacking King's Landing. Dany knocks the Night King out of the sky in dragon v dragon combat and he falls right through the palace roof into the throne room. As Rhaegal wrestles with the now-dismounted Viserion, Dany flies down on Drogon and fills the palace's throne room with fire. However, the NK uses his fire dispelling ability to survive the incineration inside a small bubble of safety. Before long, Dany has to retreat as White Walkers who have now scaled the walls of King's Landing start throwing ice spears towards her. The night king slowly gets up and blasts the throne room with cold. The iron throne behind him has melted apart with some of the original swords separated from the chair structure and lying around the floor. As explained in the previous episode when Dany takes the throne from Cersei, not all of the swords were iron, some were indeed legendary dragonglass swords.
Jon, Arya and Gendry who are retreating from the lost districts of King's Landing see what has happened above them and rush up to the palace throne room.
A 3 on 1 fight ensues. Despite the night-king initially shattering their weapons, Jon Arya and Gendry pick up the legendary dragonglass swords that once were part of the Iron Throne and defeat the Night King once and for all, instantly destroying all the white walkers and army of the dead.

Kill piglet dragon queen

>Jon Snow and the Night King are battling on the top of the ruins of Winterfell
>As they battle they gradually climb the rubble until they end up on the very tallest tower
>They lock swords and the Night King trips Jon
>He raises his sword as the Night King strikes, Sending it flying off the tower
>The Night King raises his sword to kill Jon
>The wind blows slightly
>Targ dubstep begins
>The Night King turns around to reveal Bessie who slaps the Night King so hard with her dragonglass covered tit his head shatters like a snowball
>She turns to Jon
>"Fuckin Ell, You alrite luv"

Jon and Dany die before killing the Night King
Tyrion dies
Cersei turns on the north and wins
Euron marrys Cersei and then kills her and becomes king
Euron marrys Sansa and rapes her on wedding night and makes Theon watch who he captured
The show ends with Euron and his fleet setting off to conquer all of Essos and other Isles and enslaving black people

The show flashes forward and remembers Euron as the greatest Emperor to rule ushering a golden age of progress.

>Littlefinger and Stannis are still alive Brienne let Stannis live and Littlefinger used bravossi magic
>Gendry kills Jon Snow with Bobby B's war hammer and say psshh nothin personal
>Cersei gives birth to a son and names him Ned

incest sex.... lots and lots of incest sex

>make Sam go berserk on Dany for their dad and brother
>make Robin go berserk on Sansa/Arya/Bran

Realistically the NK would take the ashes, march south, kill everyone, and sit on the Iron Throne, Euron is the only survivor

Stop it, you're giving them ideas


Cancel season 8. Replace it with a prequel slice of life series about a young Targaryen Prince and his loving imouto as they grow up together and eventually get married.

entire season 8 is a bad ending where the night king just destroys everyone.
final scene is a shot for shot spoof (including shakycam) of the ending of Dawn of the Dead - Euron and Cersei get off the boat on a distant island and are suddenly killed by zombies

>Bring Stannis back Benjen style
>have him fight Davos
>defeats Davos but lets him live, supports Jon and give Davos one last command to kill the Red Woman
>Daenerys kills the night kill but wights are still alive
>Jamie kill Cersei
>Qyburn blows up Daenerys and her remaining dragons
>the Hound kills Qyburn and then Cleganebowl ensues
>Bran takes control of the dead army and marches onto Kings Landing
>Arya has to kill Bran, which he lets her do
>Lyanna takes the Iron Throne

plz rate

>Night King winning
>bad ending

You fucked it up by spelling Jaime right.

Walkers push living back further and further

Drogon ridden by Jon grand finale in Kings Landing and the zombies are everythwhere, taking over every city where the last defenders are (eyrie rock storms end etc) drogon ignites wildfire by accidental and Jon and NK die day is saved, Dany is dead their kid escorted by some survivors walk up to the ruins of the red keep covered in ashes (see dany foreshadows)

replace the show with 60 minutes of FUCK YOU in giant letters.

If only, Bobby B would shit all over the Mad Queen

>melting the iron throne back into swords that win the final boss fight
>mfw the fucking GoT writers won't come up with something even remotely as symbolic in one year of brainstorming the script as an imageboard of retards can in one thread.
it's just gonna be a yas queen wankfest.

Jon and NK face off on top of tower that bran got pushed off of

Jon removes dragonglass shard and NK topples out the window and falls down, cut to Bran falling up back to the window


Bran mindrapes past Brandon stark to convince lead that Dr grant says it's a bad idea, leaf asks what's a bad idea and stabs Brandon, bran drowns as 3ec said he would in the TreeNet and becomes the NK, resurrecting zombies is warging boosted by dragonglass magic

The Ironborn kick everyone's ass


>white walkers managed to take most of the north
>heavy casualties, all sides fight a last stand at the neck
>battle is at moat cailin, defenders are taking heavy casualties and losing
>dany's dragons, dothraki, unsullied are all dead and the northern/lannister armies are almost defeated
>walls are breached
>shot of the main characters looking distressed
>a strange man starts walking towards the camera from behind and comes into focus
>he walks past everyone else who is stunned
>he runs his fingers along his helmet and takes it off- we do not see his face
>his mouth opens and he says
>yare yare daze......................

Someone stop this madman

all black everything

Whoa, you'll get a job in HBO at this rate

Ore no Imouto no Ohimesamaga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai

piss on their graves

>mostly focus on Jon/Dany love story complicated by being aunt/nephew which is basically a soap opra
>"I don't care what they say I'll always love you my Queen"- Jon/Aegon
>Jorah gives lengthy speech about nobility of allowing the woman you love being with the man she desires
>Lots of scenes of Tormund courting Brienne
>"Conventional beauty standards are a social construct and anyone who doesn't agree is a bigot"- Tormund
> Arya kills Cersi and when asked who is going to rule now she replies "no one" and turns the the camera and winks
>final battle includes noble sacrifices of both Jon and Dany, all dragons die
>NK faces off against Theon hand to hand, kicks him in the balls and when that doesn't work gets killed
>Yara marries Arya and they rule kings landing together

>Jamie will forge Lightbringer on Cersei's heart, then slay the Night King

pls r8

>The Night King takes the Iron Throne and rules the seven kingdoms, he leaves a population of humans to be ruled over by a wight army
>Jaime rapes Cersei
>The Mountain rapes Arya
>Tormund rapes Brienne
>Euron rapes Yara
>Jorah rapes Daenerys
>Jon kills himself
>Davos rapes Gendry
>Viserion rapes Drogon
>Bronn rapes Tyrion just for fun
>Bran rapes Sansa

>Every person, animal, dragon and undead in the entire kingdom has really bad diarrhea
>All of season 8 is just different people shitting their brains out for 50 minutes

>The closing scene is just George RR Martin wearing nothing but his weird hat raping a blatantly drugged Maisie Williams

>Bran wargs far faar into the future
>sends back a Killer Robot back in time to kill the White Walkers
>the Killer Robot lands in at around Season 1 and we see him work behind the scenes saving the day in westeros

This. And nice quads.

bran calm down

Take existing script and make it a musical.

This would unironically (and ironically) be better than anything D&D will shit out next season

>Jon reacts as one would expect to when he finds out he incested
>whatever else they may have already had planned

episode 1: 70 mins of the zombie horde rolling over the entire north. wide shots of them screeching across the plains and shots of them running through small villages. at least one ten minute single-shot follow of a farmer carrying his small crying daughter throughout a village running from hiding place to hiding place until the night king finally kicks open the cupboard they're hiding in and stabs the father in the heart through the child's head. continue showing death montages all episode. literally no main characters shown, literally no dialogue other than the father's whimpered "please" to the night king. 70 mins.

episode 2: start with where you'd expect season 8 to pick up, with the main characters learning about the wall falling. have them decide to leave winterfell undefended and garrison at white harbor while the lannisters (whom they still believe are coming) will shore up moat caitlin. show the zombie horde descending on winterfell with sansa and arya certain that jon will come back and save them. episode ends with everyone in winterfell being slaughtered

episode 3: the gang finally realizes the lannisters aren't coming and get a raven from maester wolkan saying the dead have come to winterfell and he's about to die. they decide to retreat to moat caitlin and meet jaime. it's jaime who suggests lighting the swamplands on fire with wildfire. they set to stringing up posts with pots of wildfire at the top throughout the swamp within blast range of each other and what's left of their army retreats south past the neck. dany volunteers to fly and light the posts when the dead are sufficiently deep into the swamp (which will take a while). jon says no and rides rhaegon over the swamp and drops a burning torch. the entire swamp explodes, killing most of the dead

episodes 4-5: i'm running out of characters so lets say jon wins lol

episode 6: 90 minutes of boatsex

Substitute all the inbred bong actors with normal looking people.

Drag it out for another 5 seasons, make as much money as possible, milk it for all it's worth, merchandise the fuck out making tonnes of video games, comics, spin off novels. Commission a spin off movie/series about Roberts rebellion, Aegons conquests, other stuff mentioned in the books.

The show is already ruined and nothing can save it, might as well milk it for as much money as it's worth

Satantrips confirmed for being Disney

>Hire Hollywood's best team of prosthetic artists to painstakingly create a photo accurate, anatomically correct replica of season one Bran
>Have it shipped to my house

>last episode has the white walkers completely in control of kings landing.
>fighting to get to the throne room
>ends with bran watching jon get killed by night king
>bran tries to warg into the night king but cant
>bran reflects on everything that happened
>he wargs into past version of himself climbing the tower from episode 1
>looks up and decides not climb it
war never happens but dosent address anything
thanks D&D

I'd introduce three new main characters in the first episode who become the baddest fighters in the show. A trio of disparate mercenaries played by Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns. They'd be right at the forefront of all the fighting with the dead. The war ends when Roman Superman-punches the Night King. Then they go south to King's Landing and triple-powerbomb Cersei through the iron throne, causing her to miscarry before dying of internal injuries. They tell the nobles to all fuck off and take over Westeros as three kings before turning their eyes towards Essos and beyond.

I'm hype for this now

We are truly blessed to have one of the current GoT writers drop in and leak next season's plot points to us

>"Thank the gods for you, Bessie!" - Jon Snow

>tfw you realize a show like The Sopranos wouldn't make it past the pilot episode today

Turn the eighth season into a 10 episode long Bobby B Prequel series

>t. GRRM


Final season is an expedition of WRPG-esque adventurers sailing to the frozen wasteland that is now Westeros, 25 years later. The season follows them as they explore learning what happened in search of some macguffin to undo the curse on the land. Melisandre is with them.

>Create a new character some male noble who comes out of asspull land with an army
>cast myself as said male character
>10 episode season
>new character captures all the female characters in the first episode
>next 8 episodes is me rolling around on the naked bodies of my new harem comprised of the female cast
>Tyrion occasionally walks in and says something sarcastic and that we should be worried bout the white walkers
>Night King finally gets to Kings Landing in the last ep
>challenge him to a winner takes all arm wrestling match ala Over the Top
>turn my magic truckers hat around and beat Night King
>everyone celebrates and is happy GoT ends

>Start off the first episode with a 35 minute montage of the Night King and his troops killing off a bunch of wildlings to 'Ride of the Valkyries'
>Jaime forgot his teleportation device back at Kings Landing and gets lost on the way to Winterfell and goes to rest at a random inn where he runs into an alive and well Stannis Baratheon — now the proud owner of the 'Bessie's Tits' brothel.
>Arya goes down into the crypts and gets killed by a fugitive boar who was hiding in the shadows. then the boar takes off its mask, revealing itself to be Jaqen h'ghar, he pisses on her corpse and then scurries back into the darkness.
>Full unedited scene of Jorah carrying out a very convoluted plan which ultimately leads to Jon being tied up and gagged on a chair being cucked against his will while he watches Dany get raped and impregnated by Jorah.
>Scattered throughout the episode, a live cam in the corner of the screen shows GRRM sitting on his couch chuckling silently,
>Bran spends his time warging into Sansa and making her finger herself.
>Lyanna Mormont, Cersei, and Gilly die offscreen.
>Missandei walks around naked for no reason and nobody comments on it.
>Gendry marathons to Stannis's brothel and convinces him to bring his whores to King's Landing and take over the throne with Gendry as the Hand.
>Gendry dies of exhaustion, Jaime becomes Hand.
>A re-motivated, hungry Stannis Baratheon with his whores and his new BOAR sigil march to King's Landing and take the throne without protest.
>Hot Pie bakes all of House Arryn into sweetrolls and becomes Lord of the Eyrie.
>Preston Jacobs makes a cameo in every episode and plugs GRRM's 1000 Worlds.
>Greyworm, Varys, and Theon realize the state of themselves and make a suicide pact.
>Post-Show after every episode hosted by Snoop Dogg and Aidan Gillen.


Finally commit the Dany shitting scene to film.


You forgot to bring back Ed Sheeran and make him quit being a Lannister soldier to go into a career as a singer in Kings Landing.


>season 7

this show turned to shit well before season 7