I can't believe how bad this is. It's actually kind of amazing how wrong it is. Not just as a Death Note movie...

I can't believe how bad this is. It's actually kind of amazing how wrong it is. Not just as a Death Note movie. As a movie in general.

I seen a tweet that described it well
Death Note Netflix is brilliant.
Not a good movie but still brilliant

Watching this aggressively badly acted, directed, written POS reminded me of one thing: when I somehow got roped into seeing Dragon Ball Evolution in theater.

God bless Dafoe though. His Ryuk is pretty fucking neat, and still feels like a good combination of classic ryuk and his own interpretation.

At least it makes clear that a good live action death note with a bit of western elements COULD be done

It bombed because of racists hating on Black L.

A netflix movie can't bomb, only netflix series can bomb

he was unironically the best at portraying his character tho

No it's just that L was written a lot less shitty than Light.
Light's character was terrible throughout the whole movie.
L jumps the shark around the last third of the movie so he's more tolerable.

I think the worst offender was Ryuk

At the start almost everything he says is stilted like he is combating his inner pidgin nature. He gets better though.

Aren't they also going to make a code geass film?

I thought it was good and will probably watch it 10 more times.

I'm sorry you feel this way, maybe you'll grow up soon.

I thought it was ok. Not great, just ok. If you gave an edgy 17 year old the Death Note, odds are he would act more like Light in the American version, instead of some MUH SUPERIOR INTELLECT prettyboy with a God complex.

They shouldn't have made it Light, L and Mia. Just make all new characters with Ryuk giving Light's death note to a horny teen who just wants to impress a slampig

so did L write down light's name on the page? how did he know that just writing the name would kill him? is that why ryuk was laughing? why did it end in such a weird spot?


>The virgin run

>how did he know that just writing the name would kill him?

i think it was the page with the dead officers that jumped from that building together. he recognized the names, knew what was going on.

in the anime when L sees someone write a name down for the first time he says "he just took a note of the name, is he going to kill him later?" because who would think that the page kills people without knowing anything about the death note.

This L already thinks that it's psychic powers, and MIa's notation for the agents included instructions

The numinous negro trope has been done to death in (((Hollywood))). It's blatant SJW pandering.

still a big jump and plothole that he instantly knew.

I thought it was really good
why is the film so underrated?

Not Muhs

lets talk about how rick and morty is superior

the changes from the anime are too much for a weebs small brain to handle

Nah, it was just deep for you to understand. It's the Batman v Superman of 2017, a good movie horribly understood by critics and modern audiences

Why do adaptions of anime/manga that have either demanding or potentially retarded looking effects like ghosts or auras generally get made? It's almost like animation or print are better for certain things

L is a nigger, so I'll pass

As someone that didn't watch the anime (and dislikes anime) I found the movie pretty awful. Even without considering the lack of logic of the world, I had to speed up most of the movie.

hi mike ! say hi to james for me