ITT: We cast the Pokemon: Firered movie

ITT: We cast the Pokemon: Firered movie

00 - Red
11 - Blue
22 - Professor Oak
33 - Squirtle
44 - Charmander
55 - Bulbasaur
66 - Brock
77 - Misty
88 - Sabrina
99 - Koga

Sure, but fuck this dubs system and fuck you OP

Anthony Hopkins as Professor Oak

Idris Elba

Wesley Snipes

Michael Cain - Professor Oak

Ben Affleck

Rob Schneider

gonna re-roll until i get this


Tom Hardy

Emma Roberts


Big girl from Burlington Bar

dammit re-roll

Unironically kino

might as well reroll until all roles are covered by him

Aidan Gillen

Was rerolling part of your plan?


Why aren't you deleting pedo threads?


Adam Sandler