>parents kick me out the day i turn 18
>cut all contact
>think this is it
>get government help in under a week, get a place to stay and neetbux
''B-but, socialism is bad, r-right?!''
Parents kick me out the day i turn 18
When I was on the bux I still needed help from my parents to survive. I'm surprised that Scandinavian taxpayers allow the government to hand out such ridiculous welfare payments, heads would be rolling if any government tried that here.
based marx was right
Neetbux average from 800$-1500$
Laissez faire policies are the only ones that work. The strong survive and the weak like you die off.
see ya after brexit, you stupid cunt
do you actually get so much money for doing nothing?
how is this worth it for the government?
I get it because i am too retarded to do anything else other than nothing.
Over all, i think its basically a way for the government to keep good stats on human wellbeing an whatnot.
If all the social failures of Sweden were to commit suicide for example Sweden would have a worse sucide per capita than fucking greenland
Wageslaves mad ITT.
They have to work while a Swedish guy is payed by the government.
jeez what did you do to your parents
*tip fedora*
>brexit out of eu
>multiple countries leave the union
>all your allies abandon you
>still out perform shitaly
What do you mean? I was born, so at 18 they are no longer required by law to give me food or a place to stay so, out i went
>wagies being proud of their enslavement
>social failures committing suicide
has christmas come early?
white people every time
i thought you euros were different but i guess not
>>parents kick me out the day i turn 18
What do you mean? It's healthy for young people to get kicked out
That's fucking insane. You earn more welfare than I do actually working.
the w*hiteoid family unit have no love for each other.
they simply coexist waiting for the day to be put them out of their misery
You have diagnosed autism or something right? That sounds way too high to be socialbidrag/försörjningsstöd
$700 is a big difference. What is the criteria for deciding how much bux one gets?
>tfw i'm homeless and posting this from a fucking library
Mental health issues, usually
In Canada most functioning people don't need to be "kicked out," we do it voluntarily because we want independence.
Nobody here supports kicking out your children as soon as possible
>leeching off your parents
PATHETIC! If you're over 22 you shouldn't be living at home
i was just talking about OP who got all contact cut off at 18
also if you're going to be a loser, you might as well be a loser without debt
Wtf? It's like 400€ here
But sooner or later you'll become depressed because you aren't contributing to society, I pity you NEETs
Well, it's kind of hard to ''move out'' on your own free will nowadays. Every single student apartment has a queue of at least 50 people to it, rental apartments can cost 1000-1500$ every month for ones in the suburbs and taking out a loan you need a deposit of at least 15% of the house value so we're talking 20-40k$ on the spot.
So you just kick the kid out, let them try life out
i couldn’t care less about society desu
Yes, kys
Why don't you work and get money? If you were a thirder, it'd be kinda reasonable, but in Sweden you have many opportunities to grow in life. lol
If I had a job I'm 100% sure I'd do a big effort to get off my parents' house. Here sucks and I'm most of time treated with passive aggressive behavior.
he probably has some kind of mental illness to even be able to get that much gibs
hmmm wonder why sweden has a housing shortage, hmmmm
That's not socialism, just welfare state. But yes, welfare state isn't enough and we need socialism. People must own the means of production and, when applicable, receive dividends just for existing.
Are you good looking?
My mom pays for my stuff even tho I'm 22.
That's also the case for some of my
There're plenty of jobs that even a monkey could perform. I don't think this is an actual excuse.
I am unironically retarded, i can't get into Uni because my IQ is simply too low and i got a diagnosis and now i live comfortably as a NEET
Maybe i'll ty to get an education at some point in the future
what's the diagnosis?
>Are you good looking?
Not particularly, pretty average i'd like to think but it's probably pretty bad
Younger people usually share a place with roommates.
well I agree and I dont know about this guy but in some cases here they will literally put you into retirement if you fail hard enough at live and just give gibs forever instead.
Social Anxiet, Autism, Depression, i apparently got diagnosed with Psychosis as well but that went away recently according to the doctor
Here you cant even get welfare under the age of 27.
I see. I want a swedish bf.
That's the case for my mom. She retired after getting meningitis
i have social anxiety and depression.
does the state pay for your medication?
sounds horrible
this. my mom was mean to me so now she wont get grandkids
WTF I hate Netherlands now
I'm calling bullshit on this. There's no way a Eurosocialist state has such bizarre rules.
I envy you
can you get welfare in korea?
We had too many migrants on welfare. Then our classic liberal party came into power and the rest is history.
Everyone who couldn't work had to get reevaluated. People who cant work only get compensated for the percentage they cant work. If you can pick up a phone you can work in a call centre for example. People could suddenly get fired easily. You cant get welfare without applying for and having to accept jobs. You have to upload your the letters you have written to your case manager. Rejecting a job means you lose your welfare. And young people cant get welfare. Students can get loans.
You can also be designated a temporary job until you get a proper job.
Why would you want a Swedish bf? Aren't there any Brazilian guys left?
I'm 24 and still live at home.
>Live at home while doing my graduate degree
>Entire floor to myself
>My own bedroom, bathroom with shower, kitchen, and laundry room
>My own side entrance
>Larger than most studio apartments
>Don't pay a cent in rent or bills
To live in Sweden...
Nice dubs.
I don't know. I guess I have idealized your people in my mind.
if you can afford a plane ticket just come here, throw your passport in the sea.
What's it like being gay in Brazil? Is it something you have to hide? I cant imagine that it would go over well in a macho, Catholic culture.
It's fine. Not that big of a deal. You may get teased a bit, but no physical confrontation, and most people don't really care.
Not the Brazilian that you've quoted, but I'm gay too:
I personaly hide it in real life, but it's not as though I needed to. I'm not sissy, but I don't behave as other guys. People get doubtful about my sexuality.
And I prefer like that because this is not something that everyone should know. People may look down on you, start treating you differently, and so on.
I just told my mother I'm gay when i was what... 7? No one else, so I can't say how it's like to be openly gay.
And in Canada? Is it easy to find an Asian bf?
>And in Canada? Is it easy to find an Asian bf?
I don't know. For one I am not gay. But also I live in a small university town, the Asians here are all foreign students who keep to their own race, it might be different in big cities like Toronto or Hong Couver where there are more settled Asian people.
>Hong Couver
Have you ever seen a gay couple there? Or interracial?
>trade time off for money
>"HA, LOOK AT YOU SLAVE! Enjoy your truffles, nice car, and women! Your inferior to me because I get free ramen and a tiny apartment, while you spend your time working. Truly you are pathetic wagie!"
While rent and healthcare are already paid.
Yeah, these are very left-wing cities and that sort of thing isn't unusual. Toronto even has a gay village.
>be 29
>have social phobia and anxiety
>can't even join the unemployment office, too "sick" according to them
>get 1178 € / month
>medication paid for
>free healthcare
>discount on personal taxi's (for disabled people)
>go to festivals every year (social phobia eh kek)
>spend summers fishing, chilling and relaxing
>see doctor and shrink once every 3 months, talk for 45 minutes
>that's all, life is good
I give Sweden 35 years.
>get 1178 € / month
including rent? I'm not too far away, nearly tripling my monthly "income" would be great.
>parents kick me out the day i turn 18
feels good being italian
>including rent?
Yeo that's the total sum I get. My rent is only 285€/month with internet and electricity.
>parents kick me out the day i turn 18
I thought only *Nglos did this. I never realized Sw*Doids were equally subhuman.
wtf. in amerilard if you are male you automatically get zero.
>extensive welfare state = socialism
>swedish education
Seems an oddly specific number...
...Fuck it, I'd put a fiver down on 28 years. Anyone else want in on this action?
That sucks. Happy I was born here kek.
>285€/month with internet and electricity.
Damn fucking shit, I also got some official mental issues and this really makes me jealous.
What the Swede said. So what do you do in this case? Just become homeless?
Are your parents American expats?
>this really makes me jealous
Just one thing though, I live in a small town. Less than 500 people. That's why rent is so cheap.
But I like it.
My grandma sends me more money per month than you earn working then.
Well, I'm looking at it from the same standpoint from which I look at Germany.
Around 80% od young kids in Germany right now are of migrant roots. If we factor in that Arab/Middle Eastern families tend to have 4-6 children as opposed to the natives 1-2, we can do some pretty simple calculation there, and with the climate changes and the Middle East/North Africa becoming more and more uninhabitable, all those people gotta go somewhere....
I wanna move to Sweden. I don't even want neetbux I just think overall quality of life and such is nice. Every time I come back from Sweden to Utah I get sick because the air quality here is awful compared to Sweden.
Is it really that bad?
I mean I live in a valley so shitty air gets trapped by the mountains. But yeah, there's a marked difference.
It's baaaasically the same as in France really.
Instead of collecting neetbux you can get taxed to death and pay for everyone else's neetbux. Sounds like a plan. Then you can have a daughter who will get enriched by Abuubakar
What you don't see about your welfare state is the debt your gov has to keep asking for, it's one of the reasons of why you import too many niggers, you don't have children and the state needs more money to maintain your shitty ass, get a job dummy
>it's one of the reasons of why you import too many niggers
But they do not work, especially not in important fields.
Hey if more of my taxes are going to useful social problems instead of 60% of my income tax here in the states going to military spending so be it. It keeps people from going into poverty, and it's not like living is particularly expensive in Sweden. My boyfriend pays 150 euros on a studio per month up north in some small little military town. A farcry from the 900 I have to spend on the 1 bedroom I have to spend on a meager grad-student budget.
It could be worse. You should fly into LA sometime. Your soyboy european lungs won't be able to stand the manly musk of north america.
They will be forced to work, no government imports niggers to maintain them.
Hi Stacey
>parents kick me out
>we have no social safety net, neetbux or anything
>become homeless and freeze to death because i'm too autistic to go to the homeless shelter
thats how it would go for me
Hi Poutine Hockey-chan
>socialism is so based
look at this thread you retarded Europeans
you literally have incel genetic failures bragging about how they can do nothing and survive, how is it based at all?