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International #871
Hilo latino
Which ethnic group would you introduce into the actual and average Latin American ethnicity to improve it?
Hey Brazilians, in what places daddies like these ones go? Please I need to know
Why do Americans like fake boobs so much?
Show me your hand writting Sup Forums
Sverigetråden - nattupplagan
School life
If this place is so great than why do their people keep moving out?
Why is this pic so American?
Damn Spanish girls are amazing
Would you take Kim Jong Un seriously if he lost weight?
Racemix with South East Asian
1. you're a disgusting cunt
ITT: Areas of your country where people from your native area dislike the most
Honey, we're going to name our son a classic Biblical name like John or Joseph, right?
This is the Iberian family
/fr/ - le francofil nocturne
Russian tigers are cute. CUTE!
Gib me Polish gf :3
Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Japan?
I fucking hate British posters...
Reminder that Japan is an alternate history China that never got run over by nomads and retained rich culture infused...
Come to japan!!!!!!
Non-Americans, what is your perception of each state, if any? For instance, what do you think of Pennsylvania?
Are Portuguese really white?
/luso/ - o fio lusófono
Hey, I'm the user seeking asylum in Germany / Poland
Go home germs
There was a young couple in the bus today, happy and cuddling all the way
/carib/: endless skies edition
/schlau/ ehemals /deutsch/
/v4/ + friends
Sup Forumsska
Are these the only countries that matter?
You will never be Brazilian
What kind of cars does Sup Forums drive?
Your cunt
We must save the white race, EVROPA must not allow nonwhite people in
/ita/ - il filo
Are they white?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
What does Sup Forums eat? Which country has the best food?
What does a 7 million dollar home look like in your country?
Why can't they make good music and cinema like us? Are they even human?
/ee/ eastern europe + Greece
Just who the hell do they think they are?
Why do virgins on this board complain so fucking much about women being picky about their mating partner...
How do we BLEACH Latin America into whiteness?
Your cunt
I like Spain
Why are they so obsessed with being white?
Seriously, Russia? You had the opportunity to elect Ksenia Sobchak and blew it?
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread #1989
Why haven't you visited Italy yet?
Why do westeners love FPS game?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
There are 38 more berlins in the USA than in germany
Post police chases from ur cunt
Clean your room
/fr/ - le francofil
I have a question for the homosexuals on this board
Press F
Thank you Japan for making things much better
How come neither Spain nor Portugal have big anti-immigration parties like the rest of Europe?
Why is there such bad blood between Spain/Portugal and their ex-colonies in Latin America...
/esp/ Una, Mediana y Libre
Thread is about how forcing G*rmans to move out of """Prussia""" was genocide and how the G*rmans dindu nuffins wrong...
/ITA/ - il filo
How did the Germanic countries become wealthier than Latin Countries?
Sverigetråden - Libbeupplagan
What are your top 5 favorite countries?
How do we fix Japanese sex problem? Free condoms in high schools? Dating apps for 16-year-olds?
Sup Forums posters you recognise
Americans, for those of you with a German background: what would it take for you to return to your ancestral homeland?
Can we make a list of pros and cons of race mixing?
Where were you when Slovenia made it into the Nordic club?
What went wrong?
Is it possible for another Hitler or Napoleon to appear in the age of the atomic bomb?
This is how my ideal wife looks like. Your thoughts?
Why do Americans do this?
I hate Russia and you should too
50s USA looks so aesthetic. Is is really great place to live?
UK I get, but why Norway?
I really don't understand the apeel of being a Neo-Nazi
/v4/ + friends
International anime thread
Why Americans hate rye bread?
/balk/ Uz Marshala Tita edition
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Best country in each continent
Question for people from land of freedom aka USA
Do they hate white people? Considering going on vacation there
Are there any posters from Northern Ireland who lived during The Troubles? What was it like?
/fr/ - le francofil
Chinese think they invented guns
Your thoughts?
Why don't you like Polando?
>La creatura
/sino/ 中文
Kurva anyátok
Why do you guys think about this guy and his geography videos?
Would you rather like to see your daughter with a light skinned muslim or a brown Latino?
Are k*rds chimping out in your city, too because of muh afrin genocide?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This confuses and frightens the American
Who /KARA BOĞA'd/ here?
Those japanese porn stars (yua mikami, miko matsuda and moko sakura) have debuted in korea as a kpop idol
Are Mexican-Americans treated like Muslims when they go to Europe?
Women post on Sup Forums
I honestly consider this part of the world as one big, Spanish/Portuguese mistake
Fun fact: The suicide rate among white males with autism in America is 742 per 100,000 people...
How do you say 'Let's find out!' in your language?
I really wish I never found out this site when I was a edgy teen. My life could be so different by now...
Wtf Europe why is this "white nationalist" clown aloud in the European Parliament
ITT: We speak our language
The egyptians had blue eyes
Your country
Your cunt
Americans cannot drive with this
1. vagina
Shitalian architecture
1. Your cunt
Your favorite
Why are Spanish people so fuckin nice?
1. Your cuntray
Mfw all those medoids think they're actually white
Have living standards of eastern Europe declined after Communism?
This guys gets on my nerves, he is a nothing...
What is objectively the best place to live in Eastern Europe and why?
/ITA/ - il Filo
Is this what future Europeans will look like?
/deutsch/ - rex tillerson ausgabe
Why are a lot of threads here about being gay? Are there really so many gay people out there? Im scared
Why DORAEMON is not renowned?
/lat/ hilo latino
If your Country had to pick 1,000,000 random European people to permanently relocate to your nation as citizens...
How come only Japan has decent animation?
American ''''''''food''''''''
ITT countries that have a much better looking former flag than their current one
Do you hate women?
How come shitalians live for so long?
The ridiculous thing about that manlet faggot is he's entirely convinced that French should replace or at least equal...
Date white chick
Japanese poster calls me baka
Gay erp with one user(from another country, veeeeery international) on /trash/
I want to make my depressing cuckshed a little bit more colorful with flag of foreign country but I can't think which...
ITT: we check off cunts by poster. Get in here, rare flags!
Be a pornstar in America
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition du paradis surréaliste
Tfw just found out that there are unironic female posting on this site
/world of polska/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why don't Nigerians post here?
/rus/ - Russia and friends
How come Finns enjoy being naked around their (also naked) relatives...
Your cunt
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono:
Can we even consider france a western country anymore?
Time to learn french boys
Why are many Russian girls weebs?
Do Koreans feel closer to Chinese or Japanese?
What's your favourite African country?
How many flavors of milk and juice do you have access to in your area
/brit/ - /goodposts/
There was a Catholic church I used to go until 16 and I found this altar girl (Korean) particularly attractive
3rd day of no fap and my testiculars hurts
Your cunt
You wake up in Slovenia. What do you do?
How do I stop wet dreams? Are there any drugs that prevent them? Masturbation or sex is not a solution
Dokdo is Korea
Do you love Japan?
Why don't you want to find your love in Japan?
Your cunt
/esp/ - Hilo del Reino de España
Guess the country
Why don't you live in the best country in the world (my country)?
Countries with effective multiculturalism like Germany will rule the world
Mfw Portugal and Spain look the same but we have a bit more yellow skin
/v4/ + friends
Which country has the most beautiful women? I vote Ukraine or Russia. Do pure, beautiful angels exist anywhere else?
Your country
Your cunt
Axis of Evil:
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Which one was the best
How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan...
European "Humor"
Kill 50% of rome's adult male population
/rus/ - Russia and friends
>Macron says it's time to speak french
I have never seen a American
Kurva anyátok
Why does Norway do this? I mean honestly? How the fuck does the public not have a uproar about this?
Texas BBQ
Why do Sup Forums japanons hate him?
What race is he?
What's your favorite Western European country?
Europe is fun
Wake up
Post the avarege family of your contry
They're making a movie where we go to war with Mexico again
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Wh*Tes cant cook
Culture Pals
20% of your country now consists of British immigrants, what do?
Your cunt
Nude sunbathing in vietnam?
207,468 minors (aged under 18) were legally married in the US between 2000 and 2015
Where abouts in the US is the best place for a britbong to live?
Guatemala is the worst country in the world
What do you think gookrace(South Korean) migrating to your country. Sup Forums?
Whats the etymology of the name of your cunt ?
Is California as nice as I imagine it to be? I really wanna live there someday
What do Japanese people think about vaporwave?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Dating a Russian girl
Everything is going well in Japan now
Nationalistic immigrants
The doctor gave me cream to put on my foreskin bros
I visited New York and it was like Mexico City but 10 times bigger
The local corner shop finally imports 12 packs! BASED
Almost 1% of Haiti's population moved to Chile last year
Woah, this is what Russian women look like?
Who is going to be a better mommy to the world, USA or China?
Why is Japan so cucked?
Landlocked """""countries"""""
Why the FUCK do americams look so weird?
Why do Latinos think they’re Spanish?
>Lauren is muh ideal gf
1. Your cunt
Be american
Oh dear
24 when I finish university
What’s the best yurop country to go to for a slanted eyes korean?
Brazilians are not whi-
Why do American towns look like shit?
I need a SERIOUS answer from you Sup Forums
Are liberals in your country trying to destroy it and replace you?
Be American
70 People from 70 Countries Sing Their Country's National Anthem
Slavic men are ug-
So like, is there a particular reason for why is it always like this?
En la noche pidia escuchar sus bramidos
Poland became the most antisemitic country in Eastern Europe according to latest ADL update
What the fuck happens here?
I am a Turk living in Germany and I love this country :3
Why is Spainito allowed to exist?
Is liking feet considered normal in your country?
ITT: We post European Gypsy slums
French wins at the end
So why did spain not kill all the natives in SA whereas the english immigrants killed the natives in NA...
What country has the silliest name?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Post parts of your country which is disliked by everyone
Mfw Guatemala makes yet another thread
How would Sup Forums stop illegal Mexican migration?
Who is your country's greatest ally?
Why are they so secretive Sup Forums? I have never seen an Austrian poster here. Are they up to something?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/-le /fr/ancophile
/balk/ anime allowed edition
The French have been burger'd
/ita/ il filo di umaru
If you watch anime past the age of 20, you are probably a friendless loser
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Can Italians spot Sardinians from other Italians? Other than dialect of course
1. your cunt
If Putin banned alcohol
Hey Sup Forums what do you think about the Basques? Is this region a nice place to live in?
Why did i have to be born mutt ?
How many more years until FRENCH dominates?
Your cunt
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Do you like Lenin?
Hey Sup Forums, what happens here?
I feel emotionally attached to a social construct within of which geographic borders I happened to be born and to the...
Why Washington didn't become a king?
Would you rather be
So THIS is the power of best healthcare in the world WOAH
I love french cruisine
Thanks for inventing food
Yuro lies and corruption
That'll be $24.99 plus tip, sir
So this is the power of anti-British autism
Cognitive dissonance
Be Brazilian
Finnish boys as the reason to breathe
American soldiers and Japanese women just hours after the last nuke was dropped
Why do wh*tes always ruin everything they touch?
When will Spain apologize for the horrific atrocities they committed against the Native Americans...
Hi Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on race-mixing?
Please buy our shit cars
Do you live in a Alpha CHAD city?
/fr/ - le francofil du jour
Why did the Portuguese kill her and make her into feijoada?
Ur cunt
Your country?
/deutsch/ - Hackfleischausgabe
What do Spain and Latin America think of each other?
1. your vaginer
What is it with americans and slow cookers? No one here uses them or has even heard of them
Trump gown git me mah jawb back at da wawlmart
Non-Brits of Sup Forums. Without googling...
I think Greece got its range ban lifted
Why is Sup Forums so shit?
Are the southern parts the worst parts of any given area...
Dangerous plant is getting foothold on Finland
Ur country
/Sino/ - 中文 - Wing Worship Thread
Why do the Russians tolerate a head of state that assassinates political opponents at home and abroad?
What are your opinions on Portugal?
Why did South Europeans fail at progressing into the modern age? They used to rule the world for centuries...
Culture Pals /cp/ general
/v4/ + friends
Norwegian politics has actually been exiting the past week
Happy Nowruz Sup Forums!
Black Panther might hit 1.2 billion world wide by the end of the week. It's at 1.18 billion right now
What went wrong?
"Stop right there you leftist
What are the chavs/underclass like in your country?
Sverigetråden - Bögar är äckliga
Shit your women do that you hate
Honest thoughts on POCCͶЯ??
My city is better looking than your city
Are those the countries that ended up with the shittiest location?
Post shitty food from your cunt
What dog breed best represents your country?
The last male white rhino has died
1. Your cunt
We're putting together a team
What independence movement do you support? Palestine, Catalonia, Rojava, Hong Kong, etc
Overrated shit from your country
/lat/ hilo latino
Why can't Slavs into fast/casual food?
Why can't Americans into cheese?
Mfw someone says Danish is an ugly language
Do germans are really that swarthy?
You can ban one of these guys forever from Sup Forums
Why do mexicans love dragon ball so much
Would you marry and have children with a girl of this ethnicity
Americans' favorability ratings of foreign countries
What foreign language are you currently learning?
Be british kid
/fr/ - le francofil du jour
Which Spanish speaking country is the least safe for an American
Are you ugly?
Do these exist outside of nordic countries?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do you keep coming back to Sup Forums?
"what did you say to me you dirty nigger?"
Hey Sup Forums, I was born in 2000
54 years old
Can your country guns compete with italian weapons?
Be britcuck
ITT we rate our neighbouring cunts flags
Sverigetråden - MnM-upplagan
/asean/ - Siblings Skinship edition
Which citizenships do you consider to be the most prestigious?
Pic related
Would you ever enter into a romantic relationship with a Portuguese person?
Your cunt
European Union appreciation thread
Be American
Post QTs from your ethnicity
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Go on periscope
Give me one good reason why you dont have a gf
This group of British Lords walk toward you. What do?
Remember these "Dark Triad" personality tests that used to be popular...
Discounting the World Wars, tell me about your country's greatest war
Some clever bloke with "problem glasses"...
Well, why don't you?
You wake up in Manhattan apartment
1. You are a fucking cunt and I hope you die
/Müllwerker/ auch /deutsch/ genannt
Why people from the region marked on red look the same while southern Euros look like a different race?
Hey Russians, be honest
Your country
Why are british trains so expensive?
How does this make you feel brazilian boy?
I am Greek
What would be
Why are english-speaking countries crawling with this shitty suburbs...
Japan is sinking
I need a gf
/rus/ - Russia and friends
Will you learn french ? Today Macron launched a plan to promote french language all over the world
When was the last time you were happy ?
Your country?
Imagine stealing the flag and its emblem from your former enemies/overlords(Russia...
Why do Americans keep their aigs in the fridge?
Tfw +26C tomorrow
Tfw the real vikings were danes but norwegians, swedes...
/fr/ — Le Fil Français
Your country
Amerimutt general
Post good guys from you cunt
Lactose Intolorance in Russia
La creatura
Wow Portugal is not that european
Why is Finland so gay all of the sudden? What happened?
Today is Tunisia Independence day say something good about us :3
Abo's are ugl
Why do Europeans blindly believe that Europe is cleaner and safer than japan?
The Europeans are waking up
Have you ever been builled in school??
/esp/ - Hilo español
Kurva anyátok
Are they asian?
WHEN? :)
Would you like British friends?
You will never be a little kid being bullied by mommies and used as a little disposable toy
I am a viging hraaaa
What went wrong?
/ita/ - il filo
What are some interesting facts about /int posters?
Why are they always so butthurt?
Are us amerindians the master race?
1. Your country
Why don't/didn't we annex Japan?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Me hate Jews even though I've never met one
Countries By European Percentage 2030
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/nordic/ - Fuck this hour edition
Ugly languages
How bad is the traffic in your city?
White americans are FUCKED hahahahahahahaha
Are they European?
Why are Americans so racist?
Why are they soooo miserable?
Arab American here
Japan vs Korea
Global warming would be terri-
>tfw Erdogan will be the World Leader
If america had a medeival period we would have had the most powerful empire on earth...
This map was made in 2015, but in 2018, how true is this?
ITT : Guess the hobby of the poster above you
1. You are a fucking cunt and I hope you die
Guess his nationality
You wake up. the world looks like this. what would you do?
What’s your country’s Texas?
Who is your favorite British person?
/lat/ hilo latino
Your country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/sino/ - 中文
What would your abuela say if you brought home la creatura?
Kiss my bf outside
Is there anything worse on this planet than being born indian/paki/bengali?
Have you ever tried a full English breakfast? What did you think of it?
Japanese idols are bullies
20yo in a few months
What do non-Americans know about the Confederacy?
Be american
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Family is argentine
I hate my fucking school...
Europe honestly looks so perfect
I wonder what the Canadian government's endgame is
The South
Mfw avarege salary for engineers here is roughly 5k
Why is yellow fever so common among white men in europe and america?
/v4/ + friends
Tired of terraforming threads? Hunger games pre-thread - Sminem will be victorious edition
Do you like Western Slavs?
The Europeans are going to make fun of us again
The polish neighbor is beating his wife up again so I can't sleep during her screams
1. Your cunt
/cum/ Canuckia, Burgerland, Memexico
Haitians are invading Chile
Africa will make France great again. Thanks based Africa to support us, Wakanda best country
I just go to post some war pics
Can me and my wife pass as locals in your country?
Is this accurate?
Taking pride in your "race" instead of your nationality
I imagine myself in Mediterranean Europe, leading my Warriors. Our mission is to stop m*D dogs from advancing...
Why are Russians so bad?
Whenever this man finally leaves the office of the russian presidency, will he be replaced by someone even worse?
We will never give up KARA BOĞA. Let this be known
Do you want a blue eyed blonde gf?
Why do Europeans laugh at Americans for having a fringe skepticism about vaccinations whilst popularly believing the...
Hanging out at white friend's house
Do Russians actually believe that they live in a democracy?
Anyone else hate their country and the direction it is moving in and feel they can't do anything to help it?
Claim your piece of terraformed Mars
Could i pass as a local in yout country?
Who would win in a war between red and blue?
Parents kick me out the day i turn 18
Does Japan actually look like this in the less urban areas? I've been watching SoLs, and it looks so beautiful
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...