ITT: Areas of your country where people from your native area dislike the most.
ITT: Areas of your country where people from your native area dislike the most
Also, I don't dislike the state as much as I dislike the people.
probably Bruxelles
Texas is only slightly better than Cali btw
Bible Belt (plus West Virginia).
The "tourists" area. Sliema, Imsida, Gzira, Ta' Xbiex, Bugibba...
austin is worse
Like Dallas is better than either of those two. God what a soulless place.
Everybody hates capitals.
The south except for Florida. We ship our elderly down there. We especially hate Texas these days.
fuck southern ontario
southeastern ontario (capital region/kingston/etc) is alright though
Here in the US we have a saying:
Anyone from lisbon is a fucking useless niggermonkey who should die a slow painful death
Also drake sucks
if you consider hastings county as eastern then i agree
t.from stirling now living in kingston
Southwestern Ontario is alright too. London and Windsor are fine cities.
I've actually wanted to see Lisbon for some time, and this is coming from a person with very little interest in the most of Europe.
t. Kanye
Houston's pretty bad but New Orleans is Houston on steroids with the drugs.
110% this
The South is unequivocally the most hated region of America.