1. Your cuntray

1. Your cuntray
2. Do you think the burqa should be banned?
3. Do you think the niqab (just the head covering) should be banned?

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>A normal jap who doesn't even know the fucking difference between Nikaku and buruka

No. Live free or die.

In my country wearing a burqa is illegal, and there are currently discussions about the legality of the niqab.

In my opinion, yes. Ban it all and put a massive fine on violations of this law.

Start with the banning of anything that covers the face.

i think they're cool

they look like ninjas

What about ski masks? Balaclavas? What about scarves?

No one wears ski masks and balaclavas here, but I wouldn't object to a ban on them. And it depends on how you wear the scarf. The only exception I can thing of is the bikers' helmet.


It's just an article of clothing.

>4. Do you think muslims should be banned?

alongside everything cloth
just like Pol Pot would have wanted

>What about scarves?
That's an interesting point btw.
Those who try to ban niqab say that it has nothing to do with it being a religious symbol and they do it because covering your face looks like some criminal is trying to hide his identity, yet lots of people cover their faces with scarfs during winter or sometimes even with medical masks.
Personally i've only seen women wearing niqab/burqa a few times here, it looked strange but i don't really care if they do.


Unironically Muslims should be banned from any form of public worship, Islam should be officially discouraged in public schools.

I don't think it should be banned, but it should be banned in certain areas only like universities, embassies etc. where identity is important.

Do you like Zukin(Hood)?
お高祖頭巾 Okouso-Zukin

Attached: お高祖頭巾.png (516x699, 761K)

I never ever seen this shit in my life, so no
I seen it twice or thrice, on muslim students, so no

You don’t belong in my country. You don’t appreciate freedom.

Let people wear whatever they want.

1. flag
2. not the government's business to tell me what I can't wear
3. not the government's business to tell me what I can't wear


2. Only in places where there are security implications and other people would be expected to not cover their face.
3. No, old women wear similar stuff.
You deal with the problem at the source rather then cover it up with passive aggressive legislation.

i don't care if you ban them or not, but holy hell they look absolutely disgusting
i think hijab is the only thing that should be allowed

>1. flag
>2. not the government's business to tell me what I can't wear
>3. not the government's business to tell me what I can't wear
4. its better to actively isolate the more extreme parts of islam so its easier to create a backlash

Ban circumcision
Ban ritual slaughter of meat
Ban full face coverings (niqab is OK)

But it shouldn't be allowed in court or certain other buildings in which you can't have face coverings. This has been upheld by our courts too btw.

It's a closed society walking around within an open one. So it makes people weary.

Your identity and intentions are completely hidden, all they can see is that you are an islamist, or at least are married to one.

It shows a disrespect for the values of western countries when worn in them. You might as well walk around saudi arabia with your tits out.

No, but they shouldn't be allowed to immigrate in the the first place.

Said the catholic

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