/carib/: endless skies edition

Bringing more good vibes to the world, one thread at a time.

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Alright Traps are gay but guys who date them aren't.

The sun burns my skin. :(

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what about a girl dating a trap, who is gay in this relationship

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Whatever you tell yourself.

t. Has the same problem

The guy would have to be at least a little bisexual.
Both would be bisexual.

Yeah. I should do it before I get skin cancer. But I always forget. I also heard that sunscreen is not that effective, that the only way to be truly protected is by covering as much skin as possible with clothing. But this would be really uncomfortable.

What are you trying to say?

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Does it really matter though?

Are you even trying papito?
t. Wears sleeves and pants daily



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Cheer up. It's a more accepting society these days. Oh wait, not in THIS region.

Oh well.

Rate snowman guise

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Come to Jamaica, gays have little to worry about here ;^)


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Breddy good

hey mate


Are you Val or James?

Oregon crabs! How are you all doing?

Does it really matter if it's gay tho?

We are pretty homo friendly here senpai.

What's it trying to do with it's arms?

Stop shipping Haitians here. Thanks

stop shipping retard brain dead mestizos pigs here.thanks

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Dude be more tolerant, they are people like you and me.
Sup homie, how are the gta mods?
I'm not gay, I'm not into traps only women and transwomen

The only good looking one is the underaged one

Don't burn the battymen fampai.

Based Finnbro.

Hola amigito. Everything alright?

Still here, mr. Visigoth Aryan?

We lean towards neutral and warily accepting. It's a work in progress.

>his goverment is allowing Haitians to settle

Muh feminine dicc

You have space just chuck em into the amazon or something?

Don't be so insecure about wanting to fuck a dude(girl). It happens to everyone.

None of those seem br

>Don't be so insecure about wanting to fuck a dude(girl). It happens to everyone.
Traps are kewl...sometimes

Brazil is non-ironically passing then over to Chile. Will probably do the same to the venezuelans

so it was you all along you fucking macaco

Nothing personal, kid

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Carib is full of disgusting faggots. I should not have posted my pic
Of course where would i go?
You were the one missing from carib, hope you didn't got a bf
Are you still a NEET?
SL!!!!!!!!! Finally
I really tough you killed yourself or got infected by a lab virus .
How are you? How is New Zealand? How is your research going?

what would you call a weeaboo for the Caribbean?

>I really tough you killed yourself
Still a possibility

Metabolomics was pretty nice when it worked.

I am currently looking down the barrel of cryoEM and I am no particular happy.

>New Zealand
It nice
The women are qt and I now understand why some dudes lust over Caucasian women

An autismo.

Why do Black men not like dark skinned women?

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Did you got a gf?
When will you finish your Phd?

Mejorando la raza is alive and well.

When are we going to improve the race, Val?

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Does anybody?


Hello. Do you really hate mestizos?

You would be a severe downgrade desu.

Val has here Californian sweetheart already dude.


>Implying implications
I know you want to have blond children
And Californians are spics and faggots at least say a Texas men

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No really, she goes on and on about how her loins burn for him with the radiance of a thousand suns

I'm going to try sleeping on the floor again

Back issues?

Her uterus need to me massaged by a Aryan dick
Good dog!!!

yeah, I wake up feeling more energetic too
>indoor dogs
this isn't a whitoid country

Is this an actual ideology in the Black Caribbean?
> :^)

This guy is white though, he's part Native American, part Mexican and part Irish so he's whiter than you.
depending on the region(I'm assuming lower back) try suspending yourself upside for a bit
I like all women as long as they're pleasant.

Fucking SL ignoring me.
You are not my favorite nigger anymore

Not on every single island but it lingers.

Does your parents want whiter children?

Your lack of answer implies a yes.

Good to know me and them are going to get along :)

No I am an autistic black man...I am unique in my level of undesirability.

Not any time soon

I was working...

Good night. I should be sleeping.

So should I

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That's tragic. Why?

So you don't intend to take on a Phd?

Business idea: I want to start to a Biotech start up company, but i need some scientist with scientific knowledge, do you want to be my partner? You will be CSO and i will be CEO.
I can get funding and will deal with the legal and administrative stuff, you deal with the science.

gibe autistic bbc

>So you don't intend to take on a Phd
I am getting burnt out on science

Are you qt?

>mejorar la raza.


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>Presidente Piñera felicita a diputado por su hijo rubio diciéndole "Está mejorando la raza".



Aye she is qt

>I am getting burnt out on science
Your parents should have improved the race. They clearly didn't.

How much does a plane ticket to south belize cost?

Eh, don't really care desu