That's a solitary confinement cell, which are actually heavily scrutinized for humane reasons, and several prisoners/wardens are trying to either remove, or fix them in some way.
This is an average cell however, and you also have to remember that these people can stay out of their cell for average of like 17 hours a day, as long as their good.
pic related
No, that's not what i'm saying, but his cell isn't much worse than a low-cost dorm room for a college. Someone who killed a shit ton of people doesn't deserve that much.
He should be allowed a toilet, bed, etc. But when it looks that nice, idk it just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe i'm just autistic.
fuck off back to Sup Forums i'm trying to have an actual discussion.
And in the first place he killed more whites than anything, but he's still some reason a hero to you retards.
Someone would never get 20 year solitary sentence in the USA because of weed, only the absolute worst of the worst get solitary if it's not for something they did inside the prison.
When I say worse, I mean literal terrorists, or people that were insanely brutal.
I know a story of one guy, judge literally said he was a "devil" but he was put in general population, before ever being put in segregation.
And I really didn't know Breivik only got 20 years, but regardless, isn't their a kink in Norwegian law that makes that a de facto life sentence? Where a judge can extend it or something?
Zero, but thanks for asking
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