Why is Spainito allowed to exist?
Why is Spainito allowed to exist?
Spain tried to annex us by force several times but they couldn't.
And then they did it peacefully in 1580 but we kicked them out by force and became independent 60 years later because their king was a cunt
Spaniards fear the towel warrior.
so Spain can have a country friend
t. yank
Portugal was a great nation in it's own right
Why is America-lite allowed to exist?
Tugas were a force to be reckoned back then. Try readying a book chicanito
spain is overextended, they can't physicaly expand anymore without bursting
really makes me think...
that really was the most portuguese thing ever;
>try to conquer by force, 1 to 5-20
nope, fails.
>heyyyy it's meee Manuel the First's grandson, also the legit heir, let me in as your KANG®.
*half the country applauds, instant surrender*
You are not our friend, Italia is
Spain wouldn't have their personal and exclusive towel exporter then.
>t. yank
Pretty pointless when you can see his flag.
why can't we be like this again.
we are
this, unironically
give dominant portuguese qt
Spain has no friends, not even Italy, would sack and pillage Rome again if we could
Because they're rich enough that we can sell things to them.
>Conquest of Ceuta
>8 man killed
the KD of +∞ meme is real
this shit is why people call us niggers,
we spent a thousand years shooting everyone and delivering massive ass woops
who cares?!
>we are
It's called inferiority complex, everybody know's that Portugal were historically the most dangerous white europeans that never needed many numbers to do real damage, because of brutal and top tier tactics
in heart?!
>based Tsuuuman gonna win the WC and start the 5th Empire
What is this joke about Portuguese towels?
stuff we only learn on Sup Forums
It would have been better for both of your empires I think