Nanjing edition
/sino/ - 中文
what the japs did was wrong
>tfw gonna be studying at Hopkins Nanjing this year
Feels good man
latino male + gook female = true love.
you couldn't even score an average looking gook like cindy
The power of chinese women
tfw you will never settle in xinjiang with a uyghur qt and eat kabab all day .
arr ruk duh same
she was probably killed and replaced many times for the glory and image of ch*na
holy shit $60 billion tariffs
goodbye chinese economy?
This is only the beginning. Chinks, prepare to eat each other like the good ol' days.
sup f am
I wish I was chinese.
post more cgfs
The upside of this seems to be that they will be opening their markets to western services?
I run a small engineering consulting company with some friends, I would love to do some work in China.
could post an image of my GFs bare ass but it would be too much for y’all to handle
Haven't been much motivated to study gook runes since my teacher changed. The dude is a complete weirdo and his """lectures""" (if you can even call 'em that) suck. Also he speaks Portuguese like a walking stereotype of a Chinese, unable to pronounce R's so using L's instead.
Feels bad.
sino btfo
>thread for chinese posters
>no actual chinese posters in thread
we temporarily identify as chinese
Nanjing more like tiny cocked chinks
The thread is to discuss China and China-related topics afaik
I only come here to ask questions regarding the Chinese language there are too retarded to be asked IRL