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One confirmed dead. 3-7 people injured.



Did the shooter blow his brains out?

This, don't care

Doesn't this happen every other day?

what is the big deal?

How bad a person am I when I get disappointed if the HAPPENINGS' kill-count is too low?

same thing happens to me
when I heard "at least 50 dead in Las Vegas" I almost shit myslef

It is american so you are probably a very good person

>Saudia Arabia
Opinion discarded.

>Another school shooting in USA
I feel as though its just another thing that you get with being born in USA, I bet most Americans just shrug it off and think that its a normal thing, I guess its kind of similar to child sex rings in United Kingdom, you just know that its happening with all those pakis, but instead of it just being one group of people doing it like in UK, its whole of America who does this a common illness as you might say

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Shut up

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Is this really a surprising piece of news?

it seems I was right

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No, camel-fucker.

Go get shot, fatass

I wouldn't say that I 'shrug it off' -- it's just not as shocking as it was when I was growing up.

My dad's an avid hunter. Owns a ton of guns for a variety of game. Even he's sick of the NRA and gun lobbyists trying to tell America that implementing a scarce handful of accessory restrictions is tantamount to scrapping the Second Amendment.

Really fucking amazing how conservatives don't give two shits about the First Amendment ("Keep out the Muslims!", "Teach evolution in schools!", etc) but get all worked up over not being able to shoot quite as many bullets without having to reload.

You first.

>t. the unsoverign state of texas

>wanting more dead muttinos

Nahm you are perfectly sane person

cerdo de las tinieblas...

El chancho detestable...

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I haven't cared in a long time when this happens, especially when its classmate killing classmates.

Fuck bullies.

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