What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bri’ish exploitation along with American agitation
>one country is hugely successful
>apparently it is to blame for other country's failures
islam + anglos = middle east
assassination operations around the Middle East.
Supporting and funding rebel groups in Syria to to destabilize Syria more
Israel blamed Egypt for the USS Liberty incident when it was clearly Israels fault
Islam degenerated the region, sykes-picot was the final nail in the coffin. It's so sad to think of how magnificent and admirable their pagan forefathers were, compared to how fucking disgusting they are now-a-days
>Islam degenerated the region
>While Nordcucks suck black dicks daily
Unironically, the eternal anglo. After WW1, the relatively moderate house of Hashim were offered to make their own kingdom in Arabia. The Anglos backed out and the wah habits house of Saud ended 9 centuries of Hashemite rule over Mecca. These guys ended up being forced into irrelevance, but is the ruling family of Jordan. Jordan is more moderate and they don't export wahhabism. So yeah, Anglos caused 9/11 and all the other sunni insurgencies in the region
Should have let the Soviet Union take over and make them atheist at gunpoint instead of funding islamists for half a century
t. brown hairy goatfucker in loose stinky robes
Islam first, Jews later.
How many Somalians have you imported today sweetie?
How does it feel that you can't deport them at any time you want?
In here the UAE could deport every group at once if the government wanted to.
Generations of incest.
PS: Arabia has never been great.
based arab
Not arguing that our politics are fucked and embarrasing, but seriously, your country is a joke. We have industry and innovative thinkers who pioneer in medicine and many other fields, while you are fat fuck inbreds who got rich from natural ressources, while your grandfathers were shepherds.
Superior Turko-Mongol rulers were thrown out.
>saying he pioneering at medicine
>to arab
>Israel blamed Egypt for the USS Liberty incident when it was clearly Israels fault
the rest of what you wrote ism mostly bullshit that a real country should be able to withstand, if its true that is
>We have industry and innovative thinkers who pioneer in medicine and many other fields
> Implying we don't have that
Do you honestly think UAE isn't doing anything with its riches?
Nice argument.
Litreally gave you sources to every claim I wrote and you just spout fallacies
>news articles
>ad hominem
Based Emirati BTFO'ing Sup Forumstards
unironically this
Sykes-Picot and, more importantly, Wahhabism. Without Wahhabism the region might actually be half decent.
Sykes Picot was a meme agreement that never got enacted. If you're going to blame the West, blame the treaties that actually happened.
Ferme la, jean-pierre