>Macron says it's time to speak french

>tfw the french*Id language is by far the most arbitrary and difficult to learn romance language, with tenuous "rules" full of exceptions, absolutely incomprenhensible and ilogical pronounciation and conjugations rules, with shit like >quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
>mfw the only fr*Nch language thread on this site is full of pompous, conceited and arrogant assholes who completely ignore foreigners asking for help
>mfw Fr*Nce's shot at winning the language wars is yet again hampered by their own arrogance

Attached: le visage de l'arrogance.jpg (1280x720, 36K)

who the fuck cares about French but France, 1/4 of Canada and subhuman african shitholes?


Are you smart enough to learn it?

Do you think we have to do your French class homework for you ?

Tu n'as pas inventé ta propre langue, Juan.

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Why are Mexicans like this?

t. connard

Attached: vous.jpg (1438x1320, 231K)

t. colombian

I mean, they have nukes right?

you can't suppress those frank*Id savage genes

Attached: savagery.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

je voudrais mourir

He's right though

>Are you smart enough to learn it?
you sounds like americans defending the imperial system btw

Colombia civilizing a European Country.

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c'est faux, /fr/ c'est un fil de weebs pd qui sucent tous les étrangers qui viennent les voir

Solamente soy un ciufadano del pais que ha inventado el sistema métrico decimal.

Attached: french1.jpg (260x228, 8K)

It's easy, mon chéri~

Stfu faggot. Colombia is a francophile country.

this is animal abuse.

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The grammar is fine, it's the fucking disgusting phonology that makes it so awful, it's like you have to be constantly swilling vomit in your mouth to pronounce it correctly.

/fr/ c'est un fil trop stupide, même /lat/ c'est un fil beaucoup mieux pêh


Dude, I have at best a 85 IQ and I could manage to master French.
How retarded are you ?

good post

the problem for me is that every word sounds the same over and over again, like german, I dont have an ear for that.


Attached: vous.jpg (271x243, 46K)

OK that's enough. Where did you get my ID picture in the first place?

Stop speaking like an American.

would be awesome if all non-english speaking countries adopted french and fucked off. finally don't have to read their idiotic opinions as if they mattered

Ummm I may have sold it to him.. Sorry France but I needed to download your ID from your computer, I was running out of funds.

Attached: 48BA6081-D1AE-4257-BD2B-C6A6919885E8.png (500x584, 48K)

*teleports behind you*
Hein ?

Attached: moi.jpg (1083x720, 78K)

>sp*Nish speakers
>talking about language bullshit

One word: conjugations.

Name a single non-shithole where Spanish is the lingua franca. You literally can't.

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Why does this Colombian hate France so much?

How did you pass all the snailcurity and the porn firewalls ?

American is hard.
>Yo mothafucka you need sum cash. I hav sum cash but yo need to suck mah dick and take 9 loans nigga.

>trump supporters are so poor they buy hi-points

Bonjour. Cmon ta apple tu ? Jais ma apple Abdullah. Cmon cava? CAVA bein merci ay vous

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Spanish is easy as fuck, especially the pronounciation. At least you know how to pronounce words without hearing them before, unlike engl*Sh and fr*Nch

their arrogance knows no bounds, they deserve it

Hail Jupiter

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le bump

If they want the whole world to speak French, where is the free French school in my city?

je ne parle que français, nique l'anglais pêh.

/fr/ est le meilleur fil sur ce site, les posters français sont tellement plus intelligents que ceux de n'importe quoi d'autre pays.

i'm not sure about that

>French word for "today"
>Au jour d'hui
>To the day of hui
>hui = today
>To the day of today

>French for "What is that?"
>Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
>What is it that it's that that?

quatre-vingt deez nuts, frogs

Les fagots ne peuvent que rêver

I only know “voulez vou couche avec moi”
I told them to some of my female French friends and they started giggling and poking me

Living in a 3rd world shithole is not an excuse to shitpost the same garbage every day.

Jean-Pierre please
/fr/ is the shittiest thread in the whole board after /lat/

Mais tu peux déjà le parler.

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No, that would be /deutsch/. A cesspit full of self-pity and projected hate onto other euros. That mixed with a genuine Merkel fanbase and you've got some not just the dullest posting going but some of the most pathetic, too.


Are you a nigger , a costeño or what?
Dude I'm learning French and it's not that hard...
No offense, but maybe it has something to do with your IQ (idk)
I already Speak like 3 languages ..I'm B1 in german and that shit is harder AF than French... So don't tell me you can't learn French

Attached: 1508826924514.jpg (288x810, 48K)

>mfw the only fr*Nch language thread on this site is full of pompous, conceited and arrogant assholes who completely ignore foreigners asking for help
ah so this is why you're making all these threads, it was just banter lad

désolé je ne comprends pas l'anglais

Ferme ta gueule vieux trou du cul, le français n'apporte rien à l'humanité

fermla mouloud

shut up faggot, it basically dies within seconds
there are millions of animals that live a shitty life just to suffer a shitty death, think about that the next time you buy cheap meat

If English were to be usurped by another European language it would probably be German. It has the greatest number of native speakers and is the economic engine of Europe. Macron can larp all he likes but everyone knows only niggers speak French in the 21st century

Do French people unironicly think that French in any way would be a practical pan-European lingua franca?
Fucking Esperanto would be a better option.

yes we do lol