Why do Sup Forums japanons hate him?
Why do Sup Forums japanons hate him?
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he's using retarded conservatives just for
the constitutional reform which is his ambition
we have too many fucking roaches working for sk, nk or china in japan.
real japanese support him as he's just making things right.
>Why do Sup Forums japanons hate him?
it's koreans
He ordered the “suicide” of someone with evidence of his corruption.
Kino as fuck
this man is cause of Fukushima nuclear reactor explosions
*ruins your economy*
lol y u hate? XD
>hate him
not really
but foreign posters with japanese flag try to expel him (pic related)
Nice try Kim, but his LDP was not the ruling party in 2011
It's these people who keep screaming Abe is a crazy warmonger nationalist.
Some of the guys in the pic were arrested for some little crime and their news reported names shut anti-Abe activists up for a while as they all turned out Korean (also jobless yakuzas)
Naive leftists keep coming up with conspiracy theories. Nice.
Because he is retarded and a far-right leader
According to the latest poll, only 30% Japanese support his cabinet
>it's an autistic jap makes 50 posts about the zainichi boogeyman thread
He ordered that official dead
Bodies cannot speak.
>leftists demonize him so hard
>extream rightists start to support him
americans know this feel
>it's an autistic foreigner shill makes 50 posts about anti-japan propaganda
waito piggu go home reeeeee?
This guy also korean.
Caution, anti Abe is Korean, Abe supporter is also Krean.
Mainly because most people is so neutral towards him they're not autistic enough to post about him on Sup Forums
People that's autistic enough to post include gooks, chinks and dumb shit busayo and netouyo who's even worse due to crappy english
And first 3 will say shit about abe so you see a lot of them saying shit about abe
Abe is korean himself
you and I are korean also
Yes Gooks created universe lol lmao now go back to your cunt
>real Japanese support the puppet of US, North Korean scumbag
fucking kek
Abe's grand father was A-class war criminal but dealt with US and released from prison.
So that his family has been servants of US, they are also suspected to be Korean background for their strong connection with Unification Church and other Zainichi Korean.
>Why do Sup Forums japanons hate him?
Hi,Today's Holiday in Japan.
Today's special so secret my desu,Pls dont get mad.
>wife Korean
>secret Korean lover
>he not Japanese
>granpa CIA argent
>sale our land
>cult religion big-follower through Korea groups who through the part of White groups.
>CSIS dog
>passed "overtime works 0 income law"
>Destroied Countryside
>Recomend embezzle
>Thief with USA
>sales tax up
>Gain a National Pension & missing
>Suicide count hiding
>Anticancer drug lover
>Recombination gene lover
>Immigrant Korean (who's spy) lover
>his hobby is Ethnic cleansing
>Karoshi huge lover
>"anti-elder abuse" lover
> Fake Anti N.korea with USA
>discount Russia with USA
>discount Islam
>increase crimes kover Korean,chinese,other Asians
All Madness depend on Under America.
Hollyday special.
Its good better than hide?
Abe love mass immigration
Have it your way. But leave us out of it.
>its another english teacher thinks hes japanese episode
Not really. He's the majority which mean more than half voted for him. What's so difficult about this? And unlike Trump he's not here because people hate the opposition either.
I assume Japanese people here just got extreme opinions, like literally everyone here.
Abe loves mass immigration
Real Japanese hate Abe
You are not Koean
Only 30% of Japanese support Abe.
This is less than Trump
Trump is supported by 43% of Americans now
because he is liar
Only massive retards support Abe.
>Have it your way. But leave us out of it
You can say that the invisiblers in your country.
because they are not Japanese. Normally most of Japanese are not interested in him
All of them are KOREAN
gaijins in japan hate him because he is doing very well
>he is doing very well
cant read
I don't even support Abe but I think normal Japanese people don't hate him.
He successfully made Japan economically stronger with his abenomics.
He doesn't deal with bullshit of Korea and China.
Yes, he has his flaws. He let those corrupt government officers do as they please but that doesn't change the fact that he's done great for Japan.
Leftist people and anti-Japan people like to treat him unfairly like they do against every member of LDP but he doesn't deserve half of it in my opinion.
He uses Chinese letter...
>I don't even support Abe but I think normal Japanese people don't hate him.
>He successfully made Japan economically stronger with his abenomics.
>He doesn't deal with bullshit of Korea and China.
>Leftist people and anti-Japan people like to treat him unfairly like they do against every member of LDP but he doesn't deserve half of it in my opinion.
He accepts too many immigrants.
Especially Chinese.
Japanese students are so poor enough to give up on enter a college, but he give providing school expenses and living expenses to Chinese students.
>sells land to his friend at discounted price to create school that brainwashes children
>Investigation finds out documents presented as evidence were doctored, man in Finance Ministry commits suicide
Why isn't this idiot impeached yet? He's clearly broken the law and not fit to be lead, his economic policies have failed miserably too
what do you want man?
you made a shitty thread.
Leave us alone anymore. Fuck you.
It's just the same with Trump and other politicians really
Those who like him agree with anything he does even if it's a bad policy
And those who hate him criticize anything he does even if it's a good policy
What will post-Abe Japan look like?
Less bullshit like moritomo, more wage and anti-usa
I'm so confused by this thread
It's about a politician that tried to create a kindergarten where the major education is to teach kids to slaughter chinks and gooks when they grow up and people question why japanese doesn't like him a lot when it's such a heroic act
How can nips and zips pretend they live in democracies when they are LITERALLY ruled by single-party states? You’re China-tier
Pretty much this but at least we had Democrats leading japan at 2011 and more random parties leading back in 80s without any civil war or assassination happening
China will be ruled by one and only person from now so you know the difference
>a-at least we u-used to have democracy
Pathetic. Take you country back, Miyamoto
people still live in Fukushima
Abe does not evacuate people from Fukushima
he is a bad man
come home korean man
come in japinese
so he's japanese trump?
t. Japanese
Not even close. Japanese economy is quickly uprising thanks for Abe, meanwhile Trump...
No. trump is better
Abe is worst
Japanese economy's recent rise, along with much of Asia can be attributed to China's economic rise, not shitty almost Trump-tier Abenomics.
>>wife Korean
>>secret Korean lover
>>he not Japanese
>>granpa CIA argent
>>sale our land
>>cult religion big-follower through Korea groups who through the part of White groups.
>>CSIS dog
>>passed "overtime works 0 income law"
>>Destroied Countryside
>>Recomend embezzle
>>Thief with USA
>>sales tax up
>>Gain a National Pension & missing
>>Suicide count hiding
>>Anticancer drug lover
>>Recombination gene lover
>>Immigrant Korean (who's spy) lover
>>his hobby is Ethnic cleansing
>>Karoshi huge lover
>>"anti-elder abuse" lover
>> Fake Anti N.korea with USA
>>discount Russia with USA
>>discount Islam
>>increase crimes kover Korean,chinese,other Asians
>All Madness depend on Under America.
>Hollyday special.
>Its good better than hide?
Actually the US secretly deported all Japs back to Korea and all K*rean subhumans to Japan that is why your men are soyboys while SK men are alpha disciplined military-grade killing machines.
All I hear is ooga booga
Japan got the best choice out of its complicated position, is either be puppet of China or US
どうも違うぞ 鯉洞察世露死苦
Another reason to hate fucking Subhuman Anglos..why don't you go back to your own country instead of larping as a Japanese, you mongrel cuck
>meanwhile Trump...
meanwhile trump what? the economy is slowly doing better under him, consumer confidence is way up, hence the stock market. the steel tariffs were bad economics, but good for the american people.