How come neither Spain nor Portugal have big anti-immigration parties like the rest of Europe?
I guess, in Portugal's case it might be because they don't have many immigrants but what about Spain?
How come neither Spain nor Portugal have big anti-immigration parties like the rest of Europe?
I guess, in Portugal's case it might be because they don't have many immigrants but what about Spain?
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Arabs blend in seamlessly to Iberian society so no one cares
this, we have been dealing with different pepole from milleniums, it's not fair to compare with northern countries, who have always been lilly-white
Why do Italy and Greece both have parties like that, then?
our past with Fascism is like eastern europe with communism
When I've been there, I saw maybe like 5 arabs the whole time. There does seem to be a lot of Indians and Chinese, though. The only non-ethnic Portuguese person I actually got know there was this Georgian from Caldas.
We don't have many,they are all in Lisbon,they haven't bombed anything yet.
And that's it I guess
Why did some of the anti-secession demonstrations in Catalonia have Francoist salutes/flags/slogans, then? It would seem that they should try to act as far from that as possible.
Also, Spaniards are always complaining about Moroccans and South Americans so Idk
>The only non-ethnic Portuguese person I actually got know there was this Georgian from Caldas.
But you've met indians,chinese and arabs...
What about that time those niggas attacked that turkish guy's kebab place?
Spaniards here*
I didn't meet them, only saw them out and about along with some Africans. My tuga friends are pretty much all white AF.
Arabs never held majority of Italy for hundreds of yeas. Greece was colonized by Turks instead of the noble Arabic people
Italy and Greece aren't in iberia, believe it or not.
A bunch of them went to the kebab place,asked for a meal and the turk called one of them "preto" or a slang similar to nigger.
Not defending any side but the turk was acting like your usual retarded arab.
The blacks here are catholic also
Iberia never had an Arab majority either. The handful of Arabs there were soldiers and an administrative elite (mostly nobility). Most of the iberian muslims were converts or descendants of converts from the local population.
>Also, Spaniards are always complaining about Moroccans and South Americans so Idk
maybe in internet, not in real life.
We vote for economic reasons,not socially.
I thought they were trying to rob it.
People tell me that the blacks in smaller cities and towns tend to be less integrated than the ones in Lisbon. A good friend of mine, from Amadora (the white part of it though) had some interesting stories from high school.
Each berber man impregnated tens if not hundreds of the iberian natives. Queen isabella herself even had an affair with a berber convert.
Both Italy and Greece also had plenty of interactions and occupation by Middle Easterners, which is the reasons those anons gave as to why Iberia doesn't have anti-immigrant parties, yet both Italy and Greece do have them, which is why I mentioned them. I never implied they were both in Iberia. Please, tell me what gave you the impression that I did?
Because lefitists and ultra-liberals are controling our countries since the fall of Salazar and Franco.
>I guess, in Portugal's case it might be because they don't have many immigrants
You have no clue at all.
Arabs usually don´t come here, our biggest communities of shitskins are from africa, india and brazil.
Portugal and Spain were compltley white till the 70's or 80's, afrter that the immigrants started to come.
Fuck off, Terrone.
>el chicano: the post
Bullshit.Also Amadora is full of them so not surprising.
Why would someone steal a kebab place?
>You have no clue at all.
What percentage of your population is of immigrant background or non-White? I thought the largest immigrant group in Portugal were Ukrainians.
here we are, the typical american cuckold post.
3% Immigrants,half of them are pardo(brazillian) or black.
Disregard the tuga you asked though,he is actually a fucking nigger from lisbon who likes to fear-mong and pretend that Lisbon is the whole country
I would say, the % of non portuguese (non whites) it's probably 10-12%. Ukrainians like other europeans were never a problem here, like portuguese in france etc, they are fine,and integrate, the problems are usually with blacks, gypsies or brazilians
Why do you think iberians have brown eyes and dark hair? before the moorish invasion they were blonde and blue eyed
I'm from a town 20-25 km of Porto.
>Amadora is full of them
Place looked weird as fuck. Typical western neighborhoods with well maintained buildings and clean streets literally blocks from third world tier slums.
I've also heard horror stories about gypsies there, like these ones who cheated the welfare system even though they had over a million euros in their bank accounts. Another friend of mine said she knew a gypsy who dropped out because she got knocked up at 15 or 16.
yeah, that chick looks so nordic n sheit :)
Good imagination
>»Phylogeographic analyses show that the haplogroup composition of the ancient Iberians was very similar to that found in modern Iberian Peninsula populations, suggesting a long-term genetic continuity since pre-Roman times.« (...)
>Sampietro et al 2005
The irony is that ancient iberians dressed like Amerindians
Yes,gypsies with no house(only tents)but driving bmws around.
>before the moorish invasion they were blonde and blue eyed
Varg, please.
How come there are no Moroccans?
t. rootless greek-portuguese-spanish shitskin squatting on germanic land
Why would there be?
If anything, the N. African genetic contributions might have been pre-historic.
lmao wtf. I've literally never met a gypsy in the states, but I saw them begging everywhere in Portugal.
Well, it's next to you and there's shittons of them in Spain
Fuck you immigrant scum i'm not from Lisbon, but facts are facts deal with them, és atrasado mental e isso já não te passa, lê caralho:
>"Cerca de 9,1% da população que vive em Portugal é imigrante e 3,7% são filhos de imigrantes. A conclusão surge num estudo publicado esta quarta-feira pelo gabinete de estatísticas da União Europeia (Eurostat) ......
>Perto de 86% da população que vive em Portugal tem apenas raízes portuguesas. Na União Europeia esse número desce para 81%, com 11,8% a serem imigrantes e 6% filhos de imigrantes."
it looks like a prehistoric princess leia and ancient Iberian art is ayy lmao tier.
t. butthurt mestizo who is projecting the aztecan cuckoldry on the land of his conquerors :)
also France is latin actually, even the language is latin.
you are not latin. stop occupying germanic land. get the FUCK out
go back to Tenochtitlan Moctezuma gonzalez :)
Um filho da puta de um site nacionalista...
>>"Cerca de 9,1% da população que vive em Portugal é imigrante e 3,7% são filhos de imigrantes. A conclusão surge num estudo publicado esta quarta-feira pelo gabinete de estatísticas da União Europeia (Eurostat) ......
>Perto de 86% da população que vive em Portugal tem apenas raízes portuguesas. Na União Europeia esse número desce para 81%, com 11,8% a serem imigrantes e 6% filhos de imigrantes."
Eu tirei os meus números do SEF seu retardado do caralho.
Cresce e aparece seu anormal do caralho
Because fascists are against secession
Which one is the true number, desu?
We still have a lot less immigrants than northern Europe, and Iberic peoples are already a mix of cultures: celtic, roman, arabic, gipsy, etc.
Tu és mesmo um atraso de vida sem cérebro não és? a fonte é do eurostat, e não vai ao sef sabes porquê? porque o sef não contabiliza as centenas de milhares de estrangeiros que receberam a nacionalidade portuguesa nas ultimas 2 décadas,seu burro de merda, eles não consideram isso para a estatísticas oficiais, nem eles nem o INE, em França fazem exactamente igual, no RUnido já não. O Eurostat fez isso e cruzou o nº de papeis de nacionalidade dados com a população oficialmente estrangeira, ou seja esses são os números reais. Pelo menos 12% da população que tem um papel e que vive em Portugal não é portuguesa autóctone/europeia.
There are def around 1 million non-portuguese natives living here, the thing is when they are given portuguese citizenship they are counted as portuguese, and if those immigrants have sons they count as portuguese
There is also a shit ton of gypsies all around europe but they are literally counted as the nationality of the country in which they are residing
This oneThis reports come from the portuguese Border and Foreigner services, while his come from a nationalist fearmongering website and a poorly researched website.
isto e agora fazerem o outro burro perceber isto é que é fodido.
O que é que isso tem a ver?Sabes que o SEF continua a contar os que se naturalizaram não sabes?
Explica lá então porque é que Portugal continua a ter uma diminuição de população?Se tantos imigrantes vêm para Portugal e tantos se naturalizam então porque é que a população continua a diminuir?
>Inb4 são os pós-graduados que se põem no caralho
Vê as estatísticas do número de Goeses e Brasileiros que pedem a nacionalidade Portuguesa para se porem no caralho na Alemanha e UK.
We are not as racist and sexist as the memes try to portray us.
>was a Spanish black professor at Granada during the sixteenth century.
>She taught in Latin at the University of Salamanca
>Isabella Losa was known for her knowledge of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. She received the degree of D.D. from the University of Cordova.
>Francisca de Lebrija was a 16th-century lecturer at the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain.
>Beatriz Galindo, sometimes spelled Beatrix, (born 1465? Salamanca – 23 November 1534 in Madrid) was a Spanish Latinist and educator. She was a writer, humanist and a teacher of Queen Isabella of Castile and her children. She was one of the most educated women of her time.
How come the only European countries that keep statics on race/ethnicity are the UK and Ireland? Why does no one else do it?
Mesmo depois de te terem mostrado tudo, com números e te exolicado porque é que não são contabilizados, ainda continuas com as mesmas questões?
A diminuição da população tem sido esbatida por isso, não tem sido acentuada devido a essa traição que sãoas naturalizações, esão a destruir Portugal e vão destruir Portugal para sempre. O saldo natural é negativo e cada vez mais negativo, morrem mais portugueses, e nascem muito menos e emigraram milhares de portugueses também.
O teu gráfico está a dar razão ao que o outro diz, por ano a nacionalidade portuguesa está a ser entregue de bandeja e esses já vão contar como portugueses, ou sejam saiem fora da estatística ofcial (de estrangeiros) como é que não consegues perceber algo tão simples?
We also had women serving as soldiers.
>O teu gráfico está a dar razão ao que o outro diz, por ano a nacionalidade portuguesa está a ser entregue de bandeja e esses já vão contar como portugueses, ou sejam saiem fora da estatística ofcial (de estrangeiros) como é que não consegues perceber algo tão simples?
Mas não saíram?O número de imigrantes em Portugal diminuiu de 2013 até 2017,os que são naturalizados também contam para os dados de imigração.
Dos 3% de imigrantes 80% está naturalizado e o resto ainda não tem permissão para o fazer.
Outra desgraça, qualquer dia a nacionalidade portuguesa vai ser considerada categoria Z ao estilo das sul americanas ou africanas. Mais uma vez quem vai ser prejudicados são os portugueses (os verdadeiros)
anglos are racist as fuck, they are probably the people with more racial slurs while in Spain we barely have them
Another woman that went to university when we were supposed to be the darkest place in Europe
>Juliana Morell (16 February 1594 – 26 June 1653) was a Spanish Dominican nun, and the first woman to receive a Doctor of Laws degree.
Why would Eurostat have such different numbers if the official Portuguese agency tasked with counting immigrants still counts those that have the nationality, though?
Andar a spamar threads com estas merdas e a descarrilar tudo também não sei se ajudo, ó Toni.
I know right! It's so empowering to see things like that
Portugal é dos países da Europa com menos imigrantes
23 DE MARÇO DE 2017 - 09:42
Em França, um terço da população é imigrante ou tem raízes no estrangeiro. Nenhum grande país da Europa Ocidental tem menos estrangeiros que Portugal.
Foto: Paulo Spranger/Global Imagens
Nuno Guedes
Cerca de 9,1% da população que vive em Portugal é imigrante e 3,7% são filhos de imigrantes. A conclusão surge num estudo publicado esta quarta-feira pelo gabinete de estatísticas da União Europeia (Eurostat) que revela que Portugal é dos países da Europa Ocidental com menos imigrantes.
O jornalista Nuno Guedes analisa o estudo do Eurostat
Em média, 11,8% da população dos 28 países da União Europeia nasceu no estrangeiro, sendo que, destes, perto de três em cada quatro chegou de fora do Velho Continente.
No Luxemburgo, um caso extremo na Europa, apenas 32% das pessoas que aí vivem nasceram e têm raízes apenas luxemburguesas. Em França, segundo nesta lista, o número chega aos 68,9%, com 14,3% da população a serem filhos de estrangeiros.
Comparando também com a Áustria (19,5%), Reino Unido (16,8%), Bélgica (16,5%), Alemanha (15,9%), Espanha (15,4%), Itália (12,8%) e França (12,5%), o número de imigrantes em Portugal é bem mais baixo (9,1%).
If you can read portuguese,the news article says portugal has one of the lowest number of immigrans in the EU.
Do you believe this numbers?Do you think that Austria is 20% foreigner?
Because they were about 100 people
And now our colonies are irrelevent dystopian shitholes while theirs are the richest and most prosperous countries on earth. Makes me think...
Well, it doesn't seem that far off
>Statistik Austria estimated in 2011 that 81% or 6.75 million residents had no migration background and more than 19% or 1.6 million inhabitants had at least one or more parents of migration background.
Tira as palas dos olhos, como é que são 3% se:
Australia, Canada and NZ were babysitted till the first third of the 20th century and barely had any native population. America genocided their indians and started existing at the end of the 19th century when the transatlantic journey was much easier, adding the massive amount of unexplored land they had it attracted a massive amount of europeans. Do the maths.
Also, Canada and Australia are big with plenty of resources. NZ was backwards until relatively recently, I've met many kiwis.
>NZ was backwards until relatively recently
Nigger NZ was the richest country in the world until the UK crashed our economy as a condition to joining the proto-EU
Você prefere o que? Que os brasileiros que têm cidadania portuguesa fiquem em Portugal? Se ficam, reclamam, se vão, reclamam também. Eu não entendo vocês, sério.
>attracted a massive amount of europeans
So you are saying countries without Europeans are shitholes and therefore you are as racist as the anglos? Stop larping as whatever progressive shit you are trying to larp.
Nós queremos é que vocês fiquemlonde de nós, isso é aquilo que queremos, longe de Portugal, da nossa cidadania.
Claro que um papel de nada vale, hoje tem-se amanha queima-se
dunno man, that's what these kiwis told me, plus I've met an old couple that were raised in farms, the funny thing is that the oldman hated lamb meat
>Ah sim,faz sentido,o numero de imigrantes diminui e o numero de naturalizados aumenta
Então não reclame que os brasileiros que por acaso têm cidadania não resolvam ficar em Portugal, ora bolas. Fique feliz com isso.
they created you mutts so they need to deal with you
>tfw everyone just started talking in Portuguese and I have to read slowly to try to understand what they're saying
What if I'm as racist as the anglos? I don't represent the 45 million spaniards, m8.
E nós ficamos, ou achas que não, o que esperamos que aconteça e vai acontecer mais tarde ou mais cedo é que lhes seja retirada, e que nunca mais seja permitida tal coisa, sobretudo de qualquer povo de fora da Europa, é apenas uma questão de tempo.
RIP Portugal
alguem vai ter que pagar por isto
>talvez porque eles deixaram de ser contabilizados como imigrantes
Iberians just seem to be too laid back and have a culture where autism just doesn't thrive.
Não é o que parece, quando te mostras putinho pela possibilidade da cidadania portuguesa ser considerada de segunda categoria, uma mera ponte para adentrar em países melhores na Europa, como tu mesmo disseste anteriormente.
Don't bother its just the usual Sup Forums retards trying to outmutt americans
Everybody is naturally racist, here, in England and in China.
oh it seems we have a commie homosexual between us
Tenho de começar a fazer um bingo para fios no Sup Forums sobre a tugalândia. Sempre a mesma merda.
case in point
>talvez porque eles deixaram de ser contabilizados como imigrantes
Não é assim que funciona
Se não fosses um otário do caralho isto não acontecia
foi o primeiro post que fiz neste fio
ata uma pedra à perna e atira-te ao rio