How did the Germanic countries become wealthier than Latin Countries?

How did the Germanic countries become wealthier than Latin Countries?

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White genes and good work ethic

Truly a mystery

This, latins are subhumans

muslim shitskin

kill innocent people and keep everyone down

anglos are subhumans

Attached: protestant work ethic.jpg (960x694, 187K)

>How did the Germanic countries become wealth
By exploiting others and stealing from others.

because germanics are servile creatures who are obsessed with their social status and tend to literally work themselves to death.
Latins on the other hand try to enjoy their short life by only working as much as necessary.

History is not lineal, empires fall and peoples rise. For most of history the richest parts in the world where India and China but then suddenly they "became shit" when Europe arose, but eventually they might take over again, especially given the arrogance of some peoples.

industrial revolution happened first in north. everything else is a fucking meme , like this

god sides with the germanic man

das rizte!

blue eyez and blonde hair givme supapowarz of high QI and zuperior work ezic!

ze reazon med contriez fell iz becauze of raze mixzing, befor dat dey were nordick pepolz

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Like the jews they hate so much.

the asspain is real

Physically stronger people tend to produce more and better quality. Look at China for example, they only produce shit because they have tiny bodies with muscles the size of a pen.


A sad coincidence that this fucking country had to be in the north and gave the means to wealth to other germanic subhumans. Look where we are now.

naaaah. It's true we're lazier but I don't think it's bad. In the south we have higher life expectancy than germanic countries, we value a low stress life a lot.
you're literally one of us, nigger. Lunch breaks are fucking long in france too

>Swedish intellectuals

france is part germanic and even the part that isn't is honorary germanic because of their achievements

this but without irony

shut the fuck up


because they are finno-ugric rapebabbies

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t. forced to learn not only one but two germanic languages in school

It depends

For Germany, they sucessfully adapted their feudal system to capitalism production, like Japan.

Serfdom in France and England was virtually non existent way before its legal abolishment. The post HYW France up until Louis XIV was its ''industrial'' golden age: It was not only the most populous countries in Europe, but also a net exporter of manufactured goods. Holland became rich in part due to the fact that they where the ''UPS'' of France and would freight french goods all over the world. But then Louis XIV came and overcentralized the country, and everything went to shit. Ironically it was during Louis XVI that France started to get back on its feet. But like a high pressure cooker as soon as they vented some air it exploded.

England and decentralization and a natural need for commerce, and could import cheap products from india. It was to the detriment of the local workforce however.

Generaly speaking, northen countries are much less centralized, which leads to a higher propensity for commerce. If you overorganize people and want to think in their place, they lose the motivation to do thing, which include industry.

France is above both Germanics and Latins. We have ascended to become a whole new ethnicity that is something new entirely and is the master race.

This but unironically

english and german autism was good at capitalism and science

You became creaturas?

No, you shut the fuck up, cunt.

LA creatura

lick my balls you CUNT from Gaul !!!

Europeans are such a diverse group of tribal niggers. Brown ones, pink ones, yellow ones, white ones, black ones, blue ones. Which tribe will chimp out next and throw the world into another war? Only time will tell. It will happen, though. Their arrogance and empire delusions will never let them have any real lasting peace.

You're very knowledgeable and absolutely right about France. Pretty impressive

>Aux armes citoyenz, pour le maitre race française!

Attached: le nouveau française_.png (534x363, 88K)

You shut up mutt

t. andalus

im cool with being belligerent if that means im blond and blue eyed and white. you abos are the objectively ugliest race on the planet. what good is peace if you look like an abortion had an abortion

Germany is the second poorest EU country. Only Portugal is poorer.

fucking idiotic latrinos

t. lives in a country named after a latrino

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They were closer to the Core areas of the Industrial revolution, one of the reasons why the Triangolo Industriale is in Northern Italy rather than the South. the Count of Cavour brought fresh economic concepts to his farms in Piedmont from England. Also, the trade routes moving outside of the Mediterranean penalized us enormously in the long run, other than of course, Nordic countries weren't razed to the ground in the last century.
Besides, you're an horrible poster that relies on cheap subjects that'll get people heated to get (You)s, hopefully you'll kill yourself soon.

Less negro admixture, higher iq, germanic people actually work

Wealthier materially, but poorer in spirit.

Now all of Europe will become irrelevant thanks to the Chinese century :)

Such is the way history works. Except for negros, everyone gets his good run.



I wish we had siestas here :(

The Netherlands had no choice. We were surrounded by huge enemies. So we went unto the sea and started trading in far away lands.

And that was a huge succes. And due to geografic reasons the big countries started using us as a neutral grounds for trade.

it was protestantism. they cast off the corrupt oppressive hierarchy of catholicism which south europe still hasnt done


And then we became the richest cunt in the world per capita for several centuries.

stupid shitskin

its just because they were breeding like rats and destroyed all other people

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its all about high population density

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because race doesn't matter that much


and now you need to be a taxheaven to keep on with your economy

Not really.

We are the biggest investors in the world, second agricultural exporter in the world, most datacenters in the EU, biggest private oil company in the world and the biggest energy trader in the world, have the biggest gas field of Europe, have the biggest urenium enrichment company in the world (multinational though), biggest harbor of Europe. We literally control all natural resources.

Money, food, IT, oil, gas, uranium. Also lots of chemicals and medicine.

La creatura definitiva

so why are you being a taxheaven?

holland is the king of manlet countries
but nobody cares about them

We aren't really. The taxes are fairly high. Our tax system just works a bit differently. Like no taxes when you move profit between mother and daugher companies. And no taxes on royalties, because its bullshit.

yes you are a tax heaven country, denying it makes it even more cringe

They don't settle here for low taxes. They settle here to move all their profits around the world.

>Like no taxes when you move profit between mother and daugher companies.

And from a Dutch standpoint it makes sense. Because it's the same company. And why would you tax the same company twice?

Latins always have an excuse or someone to blame, despite living in bountiful, near Eden-like conditions and next to one of the most plentiful, traversible oceans on the planet. Just look at what Singapore did with far less. Latins will never improve until they detox themselves.


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evil subhumans in the north
evil subhumans in the south

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>religion doesn't play huge role
>less violence
>colder climate encourages to thinking

They have superior genetics obviously. We can't compete with them so we embraced siesta.

That's Ireland