International anime thread


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about what

you're going to gay this thing up aren't you

Log horizon > Overlord

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Anime sucks.

best anime of all ltime

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fuck anime


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Who has seen this movie?

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I really liked that one, not much to talk about though

:) Do you know this one?

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sucked desu

Er, okay. :(
What else you like?

Jarinko Chie
Unico Mahou no Shima e
Tetsuko no Tabi
Ichigo Mashimaro

Any Anime that is set in Albania?

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What's your anime of the season guys?
Its sora yori mo tooi basho for me without a doubt

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mitsoboshi colors or however you spell it


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What new anime would you recommend to me? I havent watched anything in a long time.


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also a decent choice

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I want to kiss Kotoha on the lips!

3-gatsu no lion, probably.
But it's generally a very good season!

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I know this one guy that might know, but to summon him you must post lewd anime faces and say "Cocks..." in 3 different threads

Any particular genre you like?

What anime are you watching this season? I'm watching kokkoku. Watchable. I would rate it "on the lower end of average"/10 (at least it doesn't have fanservice)

koi wa ameagari no you ni

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Albanianon we need you

We don't

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